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Everything posted by mechatech

  1. This is where I got my information on eras. http://oblivion.wikia.com/wiki/Era I'm not knowledgeable on lore myself but I stumbled across this. I also need to know how the change the year. I tried changing the global variable with a mod but it didn't work. Basically I the calender to show 4e1 instead of 3e434.
  2. Is there a way to change the era from 3E to 4E. I read somewhere that the end of the main quest is the start of the forth era and I want my calender to reflect that.
  3. Those are made by colourwheel The link takes you to his profile page, all his mods are listed there. I think the one in the pic is from sexy female npcs
  4. Good point. I was thinking of the number as a measure of user satisfaction. Because of that skewing problem popularity should still be based on endorsements. However it is surprisingly consistent. I calculated the percentages of the top 100 and found that many hover between 1 and 2 percent (average was 1.65%) Ten mods have more than 2.5 percent. Maybe it shouldn't be calculated until a certain number of endorsements and/or DLs is reached. My thinking was I produce a mod. It gets 2300 DLs and 33 endorsements after 2 years. How does my mod rate in the overall scheme of things. It's not that popular but maybe I wasn't looking for that. I see the percentage is 1.43%. That means I'm near average in user satisfaction so I must be doing something right. If it was too low, like 0.04%then I need to improve it and they may result in more DLs. If it's higher, 2.99%, then my mod is fine, its just that what I made is not to the majority of tastes. It's more a quick reference for modders than anything. IMO endorsements alone is a bit abstract.
  5. I was having a discussion about total downloads vs unique downloads and I think there is still some confusion about it. Maybe this thread Unique downloads counter should be pinned for easy reference. While the top 100 shows how popular a mod is based on endorsements it doesn't show how poplar a mod is compared to others. Maybe another stat that is a percentage ratio of endorsemenst to unique downloads could be introduced. For some modders this may be a handy tool. For example mod #1 might have 10000 unique DLs and 100 endorsements giving 1%. Mod #100 has 500 unique downloads and 5 endorsement also giving 1%. While mod #100 is not as popular as mod #1 it at least has the same level of user satisfaction. Or it could be listed in every mod stat page so that the modder of #203 could also see where he stands. Maybe unnecessary but percentage stats did help me make a valid point with another user.
  6. The stats are eye opening :blink: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rXLbdDOFTwQ&feature=player_embedded
  7. I know multiple accounts is illegal here. My questions are - I see a user who gets banned for some reason and the moderator says that the other account that user had is banned as well. How do they know that the same person was behind two different users? And what's to stop that user from creating a new account with a different name?
  8. I have had a strange thing happen twice in two different gameplays. The first time it was Raul, who I told to wait in Goodsprings, suddenly appearing next to me in Vault 34. The other was EDE showing up in Vault 22. I had told him to wait in Primm. Everything still works but it throws me off. Anyone else encounter this?
  9. I would be having fun if the thing didn't CTD every five minutes, originally it was every half hour. Between graphical glitches, missing conversation options, stuck NPCs, and now I can't go 10 feet without a CTD this is virtually unplayable. Not to mention an overall felling of blandness in general. (I am sick of boarded up buildings.) As far as mods go I have a couple of weapon mods, some armor, hair addition, lighting effects, a few interiors for NV city and a map marker. Nothing involving scripts or spawn points. I didn't see any stability with FO3 until I used the unofficial patches. I still get random crashes, but with 200+ mods, I can live with it. I figure it will be a couple of months before developers and modders put together enough patches to get this running nicely. Funny thing if a physical real world product was produced with this many problems, there would be a massive recall or it would sit on shelves until it rotted. It's just tedious. I think I'll put this on the shelf and come back after Xmas.
  10. I don't know if this has been mentioned before but I thought I should add this point. Associations with the pre-order packs should be removed. I tried to load a mod that needed the Mercenary esm and my game CTD. Without that pack I can't even load it in the GECK to remove the association.
  11. My character in FO3 has a tattoo. But to keep the tattoo unique to my character I use a mod called SCRace (8806) . Unfortunately when I use SCRace I loose the face data. That's where Face Exchange comes in. It would be great to see these two mods, or similar, ported over to FNV.
  12. As if 11:00 AM EST I get a reported attack page warning.
  13. While wandering around on White House Plaza the screen suddenly went black then a message popped up saying I had found a well concealed dirt covered entrance to a cramped tunnel that would take me to Hubris comics. I can't find the entrance, there is no map marker either local or global and I don't know of any mod that gives this. Does this tunnel sound familiar to anyone?
  14. I'm using Fallout 1.6 with about 200 mods installed and all DLC content. The problem I'm describing is something I have never experienced before and has only happened in the past couple of days. Some time before this problem my game has been crashing on exit every time. Once I fast-traveled to Megaton and saved there. Reloading the save at another time I noticed a couple of NPCs enclosed by a red box with a white exclamation mark. Selecting a weapon would put a red box on my PCs back. I opened my pipboy only to find that the world screen was now a purple blank with the locations just white boxes. I could select a box but no menu would show. Pressing escape would not bring up my options menu either. The only way to exit the game was to use the qqq command in the console. I loaded an earlier save and reentered Megaton, while everything looked fine, I entered my house and saw red boxed exclamations everywhere. I left the house and selected a weapon but its textures were messed up. I tried rebooting my system, loaded an earlier save and reentered Megaton again. All looked fine and I was able to clear out some unique items and move to a new location (Fort Freeway - a mod) . I saved there and fast traveled to Oasis then walked outside only to see more red boxed in the wasteland. Simply put I'm starting to find corrupted textures and red boxes usually in the same places. Does this mean Fallout's core files have been corrupted? What might have caused it?
  15. Is it possible to transfer the face data and skin tones of my PC to a companion. I want to make a twin. While the Groovatron can make a clone I can't change its name to be different.
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