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Everything posted by mechatech

  1. If that person was irritating, demanding or nasty but not enough to be banned, shutting them out is the next best thing.
  2. http://www.nexusmods.com/oblivion/images/111348/? Anyone know the armor in this picture?
  3. Only thing I can figure is to open up the mesh and texture bsa files and look for them the old fashioned way.
  4. I installed this mod . I have a hand to hand skill of 85, yet I can not get my character to kick. I have the animations in the folder for all characters but I also have a mod that assigns special animations to my character. What might I be doing wrong?
  5. I tried the code you offered. The video shows up in the mod comments page but all I get for the forum comments is the video code.
  6. For this mod I added a video from youtube. It doesn't show up for me in the mod comments section but it does show up in the forum comments section. I'm also having a problem viewing the video for this mod. It says problem loading video. I have the same issue with Firefox and Chrome. I won't use IE as it was hijacked. Anyone else with this problem?
  7. I do have AA turned on, so FRAPS it is then. Thanks,
  8. I have this mod vipcxj High Heels installed and it works. But I am getting this error in console since I first started using it. Error in script ab005a06 Operator := failed to evalutate to a valid result File: VipCxj_HighHeels.esp Offset: 0x02AB Command: LetWhat does it mean? Can I fix it? Should I fix it? edit - doing a clean save and reinstalling the mod removed the error, at least for now but I would still like to know what happened.
  9. I'm having two very strange problems 1. Screenshots. I can't take any. I have ballowscreenshot set to 1 in both oblivion_default.ini and oblivion.ini and the latter set to read only. The printscreen key does nothing. There is no notification. No screenshot. 2 TESedit rearranges files before loading despite the load order set by FOMM. If I have three mods A,B,C where B is dependent on A the this load order is retained when I open TESedit and select these files to load. However lately some files swap, so in TESedit it shows a load order of B,A,C giving a loading error. Yet in FOMM it still is A,B,C. To fix the problem I have to arrange the files in FOMM to A,C,B. Despite this the game itself loads and runs fine.
  10. I visited two member pages, one is supposed to be deceased by two years and the other banned (by request) by over a year. Both have added friends within the last three months. What is happening here? edit - never mind, I think I understand what is happening. I believe that when someone adds a friend it shows up in their news section and the opposite happens in the friends news section. X added Y as a friend on X's page also shows as Y added X on Y's page. Just confusion on my part that's all.
  11. Nothing but E errors and slow loading today and now everything is gone down for maintenance 'again'. :mad:
  12. Sites gone down for maintenance now. Was slow and giving 'E' errors for the past hour.
  13. I enjoyed NVB 1 and 2 and never had problems with either. In the end it's just a game, nothing more. There comes a time that letting go and moving on is the best course .You did what you did as a hobby to share with others and you don't owe anyone anything. To those that demand and complain (I've had the experience of a couple of asshats) They can take a flying f***. If you do return, I look forward to further adventures and if not thanks for all the work. :thumbsup:
  14. I recently looked at a very popular mod, Midas Spells for Oblivion, and saw the date stamp in the description page at Oct 2013. My first thought was what new features the mod author added. It turns out that the latest actions in the log were user added images, the authors last action was in 2010. Time and again I've been confused by this. I check if there are new files added and if not, wonder what the author has changed in their description. My suggestion is to have a date stamp for the image page so that the for the description page remains unchanged. I know I can check the logs but it would make quick scans easier.
  15. Ksenya - That's what I get. Your picture is loading as I type and is still not finished. Risibisi - Unsure. I remember reading about someone in the UK unable to access the site. The cause seemed to be their service provider. My ISP hasn't done anything that I know of. Ac3s - I haven't had connection issues.... yet. I log on usually after 9 or 10 pm GMT and out an hour or two later. It may be a peak hours issue. My new job prevents me from logging in at odd hours like I used to. jim_uk - Looks just like that. So it's happening both sides of the pond. Despite that I can download large files quickly. Anyone from the US with this problem?
  16. Risibisi - where do you live? I live on the east coast of Canada.
  17. Message shows up at various locations. The top of a mod page. When loading tabs at the top of description or files or comments. Sometimes it appears on the popup when I download a file. Yet I can still download the file. Sometimes I'll get the non premium popup and if I select a premium server I'm taken to a signup for premium membership page. Reloading the popup fixes that.
  18. For the past ten days I've found Oblivion, FO3 and FNV sites to be very slow with images. I can load a page, I can download a file but to expand an image in a mod or image share page takes forever. It doesn't matter what time of the day. I'm also getting many "database is struggling errors" It's strange as the message is inserted as text in the page yet the page loads anyway. Is there still work being done? I use the latest Firefox with AdBlocker and Script Blocker both disabled for Nexus sites. I never had this problem before.
  19. Why would someone close their account? Why not just move on and leave it open?
  20. I just paid for premium and the confirm and pay page is stuck at step 2 saying there's a problem with my payment. I just got the email receipt from paypal.
  21. I'm looking at a weapon that shoots high in nifskope now. What exactly do I change under sighting node? edit - figured it out. Here's how. Open the weapon in nifskope, right click sighting node, select transform then edit. You want the change the x,y,z variables. x is forward, backward, z is side to side and y is up and down. Use small increments like 0.10 or 0.25. You'll need to experiment. The great thing about this is that you can check in game right away. Start your game then alt-tab out to nifskope. Make a change, save, return to the game, unequip then equip your weapon, don't just holster it, you want it to disappear off your character. This makes the game swap the old mesh for the altered one. My G36 was shooting high making head shots frustrating. I tweaked the y variable down by .25 and now it shoots on target to a little low. Works for me. :thumbsup:
  22. Try Microsoft Security Essentials. Despite what people think of M$ that AV has served me well. Two others that have proved their worth are Malwarebytes Anti-Malware and Spybot Search and Destroy.
  23. I just finished playing Crimson Caravan by Azar and I have a missing object problem. The mod is installed correctly and the objects are just vanilla assets. Here's a screenshot. There are supposed to be three docks and a the turret is supposted be on an old camper trailer. If I toggle wireframe the elements are not even being drawn, there's simply nothing there. They do show up in the geck however. What could be happening here? http://fallout3.nexusmods.com/images/935726-1367256883.jpg
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