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Everything posted by GeneralJohn

  1. Chiming in to say the site has been running awful all day for some reason, there has to be a fault somewhere? It took about half hour to download vortex when it usually takes about 30 seconds, downloads through vortex are going so slow there's no point doing them at the moment.
  2. It got off to a bit of a rocky start but I really enjoy using Vortex now, it works incredibly well for me.
  3. In response to post #64235396. #64235941 is also a reply to the same post. If you're seeing loads of ads in Vortex then I'd be more worried about the state of your PC, since something is injecting ads into your programs.
  4. This has me alot more excited than FO76.....
  5. In response to post #63210111. #63212446, #63214811, #63215036, #63215366, #63224841 are all replies on the same post. Someone recently made a good point on Reddit about Fallout 76 being an experiment that could ruin SP Bethesda games for good. If it's successful then we can kiss goodbye to future SP focused Bethesda games, they'll pretend they never said single player is their primary focus and FO5 and TES6 will require you to play with other people for a majority of the games content. I can see it now, you stumble upon a large & impressive looking building that looks ripe for the plunder, you activate the door only for a message to unimmersively plaster itself onto your screen. "This instance requires the XYZ PACK for only £2.99! and at least 5 players or more to visit, purchase this pack and join matchmaking now?".
  6. I s#*! posted once back when the unofficial FO4 patch was new but I realised I was being silly, we need more people like Arthmoor, the kind of commitment he puts in is absolutely legendary and it's definitely added many hours of playtime onto people's games.
  7. In response to post #61021667. #61024992 is also a reply to the same post. Thanks.
  8. Why is there a 3 month wait until authors actually get the points? Is there a security reason for it?
  9. In response to post #57589691. #57598431, #57599596, #57600696, #57607326, #57607936 are all replies on the same post. I don't understand what people find hard about using it - I mean if you just sit there and look at it for a minute or two, it's all very self explanatory, I understood how to use it within a few minutes...
  10. Damn! Good job! Really liking the UI and the little things like the simple login, I'm finding it really easy to use so far. RIP NMM
  11. To the people shitting on this, I have a question for you. Have you tried it? Oh, you can't because it's not released yet! Which means you know nothing and have no idea what it's actually going to be like... Honestly, the amount of armchair developers and know-it-alls in these comments is enough to make me moonwalk off a cliff.
  12. I wasn't keen at first but now I've been using it, I've started to enjoy it more than the old design.
  13. Not really keen on these giveaways that are only done in the hopes more money will be made from views/sales.
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