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Everything posted by Teabone3

  1. Yes my mistake, I am using Update.esm as master as well as all other DLC+Skyrim.esm. Its the only error related to body parts and armor within a race. How would I know if I'm using old body records or not? I can tell this is related to the Reaper creature and when I preview it there are no issues with it. So I'm guessing the error is pretty harmless?
  2. Moved it up to slot 34 and now receive the same error pointing to 34 now. So odd I'll have to check what the vanilla settings for it are. Although I previously didn't edit the reaperbraces so this is odd lol EDIT: I opened it in vanilla and the error still appears (with all DLC and update loaded) so I guess its just an error that always prompts that I will have to ignore. Wonder if anyone else has seen this error before?
  3. It does show as a Parent Master on the list to the right when I click my mod before launching. If that helps? EDIT: Yep I'm using Updates as a master as well.
  4. Bethesda dropped develop on the Fallout MMO. Its pretty clear that FO4 is getting a mention at E3. Considering the time at work they went full throttle with their entire staff body to develop "something". Since they hired that 3 Dog voice actor during that period of time in 2013-2014.
  5. Hey everyone I came across a new error when editing my mod today. Related to an object I have not moved or modified. Does anyone know what the cause of this error may be and how to resolve it? Its in the attachment a screenshot of it the prompt that comes up in relation to "DLC01ReaperBraces". The item does not have an asterisk beside it suggesting anything about it has been modified. So I'm unsure what the error is about.
  6. If fallout4 is referencing Skyrim in anyway... expect to see duel wielding weapons and even weapon bashing (pistol whip).
  7. Oh Okay that makes sense. So basically the in-game MAP is just a very high up position looking down at all the LOD objects (terrain, mountains, water, etc)?
  8. When you create a new worldspace in skyrim, how do you make the overworld map not appear the same as Tamriel? I do not have my new worldspace referencing Tamriel in any way. Basically when you press M during gameplay how do you make it use your custom worldspace overworld and not the tamriel?
  9. oh in game time lol that is quite odd. Does it still crash when you have no Mods running?
  10. What firewall do you use? Sounds random but if you have any anti-virus that doesn't any routine cleans while your playing it can crash Skyrim.
  11. That sounds like a hard task but a great way to keep organized. I never touched on heightmaps before. Can you plot out cells on it? I would assume youd have to draw the height map first and try your best to get your cells to look similar?
  12. Hey everyone I've been modding with Skyrim for some time now, but only recently started getting into quest lines and dialogue. Was curious, if anyone out there is well familiar with the dialogue aspect of the Creation kit - how would you go about changing the hierarchy of topics? Like for instance I added new locations you can travel to via boat / ferry but all my new entries appear at the bottom of the dialogue box. Basically the list of things the player would ask an NPC appears at the bottom of what was in the vanilla. How do I change this up?
  13. That would be a big task though an interesting one. I may consider after I finish my "becoming an Afflicted" quest. I've updated my first post a bit to show the new features added. I will continue to do this as i add new features. I have some very big plans for this mod and I've already started implimenting these big changes. More information to come!
  14. I'm totally down for this project.
  15. I understand this is an old thread to resurrect, but I'd like to know how to fix this issue. I have created a new WorldSpace and NPC's just stand there. Their AI is not modified in any way, the only thing that has happened differently is they have been placed in a new WorldSpace. EDIT: Just realized this is infact a Creation Kit Bug. No need to reply.
  16. I'm very curious where the next Elder Scrolls may take us. So many uncharted locations with little recorded history.
  17. Very good points. For now I'm just touching on a bit of The Sea of Ghosts and Fang Lair. I am strongly hoping that the guys over in Beyond Skyrim don't touch Fang Lair lol Which is located in Hammerfell. Also considering re-doing the Dragon Gate village. I may need to go back any play Arena to get a better idea of how to design it however. My primarily interest is creating new areas though, as its much more fun creatively. Just found this awesomely expansive map showing all of Nirn http://fc01.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2013/220/b/b/planet_nirn___political__v1__by_hori873-d6h6lwd.png Gives a few ideas of some places I could possibly touch on. Mostly unnamed islands. I think that's what a few modders did when they worked on Falskaar.
  18. While trying to stay lore-friendly, time-line friendly, geographically friendly, other mods friendly... its always a challenging allowing the player to step outside of Skyrim. I jumped on the forums for the groups working on Skywind and Beyond Skywind. Although I have highly considered helping them out, I at the same time like to work at a faster pace. I'm assuming when those two are released everyone will jump on them so I'd like my mods to work with them as well. But it seems like they are both covering such large areas i may not have any room left to build :p Perhaps I should make some areas in Atmora, Akvir, Lyg and Yokuda?
  19. Thanks! These are very helpful. I've been working on new locations outside of skyrim that connect to each boundary province. I'm going to have to double check with Skywind and Behind Skyrim to make sure there arn't any compatibility issues. I may have to just contact each team as I'm not sure if those two projects are done yet?
  20. Does anyone know of where I could locate a complete map of all the elder scrolls maps? For instance I'd like to know where Skyrim is in relation to Morrowind and how far. Also Arena and Daggerfall.
  21. Actually that's a cool concept to have a Gray Beard as a follower. I will for sure consider adding this to my current mod. Though at what point would the gray beard consider joining you is the question.
  22. I made the air spells but thats about as close to this as what I'm working on relates to.
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