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Everything posted by sagittarius22

  1. You can see how I made my companion and remake it from scratch if you want
  2. So people, do you think it would be possible to re-make the Supermutant meshes to make them more expressive? In Fallout 3 and NV, when a SM is talking he just opens and closes his mouth, while in Fallout 1 and 2 theu really move their lips... Some video comparaison:
  3. I think I fixed your mod, check your PM
  4. This tutorial does not show you how to make a companion, it only shows you how to create a new character who looks exactly like in F3. As for the companion wheel, insert SetPlayerTeamMate 1 as result script in a dialogue and it should work: the wheel will appear when you'll talk to him.
  5. This short tutorial will show you how to convert faces of F3'characters into New Vegas. This is the method I used to make my Jericho companion mod. What you will need: * Fallout 3 * Fallout New Vegas * GECK New Vegas * FNVedit 1. Open Fallout3.esm in the GECK (both GECK can open Fallout3.esm) 2. Look for your character. 3. Rename him; for example: "Jericho Vegas". 4. Save your mod. 5. Be sure your mod is in Fallout New Vegas\Data 6. Open it with FNVedit 7. Go to "file header" and change the master Fallout3.esm with FalloutNV.esm 8. Open your new mod in GECK New Vegas 9. Look for your new imported character and go ahead.
  6. Maybe I will need a voice actor for all my next companion mods, it will add companions from Fallout 3 to New Vegas...
  7. What do you guys think about my Jericho companion mod?
    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. ZombieUK


      Excellent Work. Too bad sound files not uincluded. I can get em myself from my fo3 bsa but its like finding a needle in a Haystack
    3. sagittarius22


      I would include them if I could but it's not legal :/
    4. sagittarius22


      (btw, check out the file named "voiced" on the dl page!)
  8. Fallout, Fallout never changes...
  9. Yep I have New Vegas! How are you?
  10. Unfortunately my GECK crashes when I try to load Fallout3.esm with FNV but maybe a merged patch could work...!
  11. Wouldn't it be easier to use Fallout3.esm and all the resources from Fallout 3 in New Vegas? But it would be illegal to redistribute :confused:
  12. I'm interested by this file, I would like to see if I can figure how to make it work...
  13. Dudes I need motivation to complete my quest mod!
    1. CARTlike


      Motivation: New Vegas is coming out soon :))
    2. sagittarius22


      Yeah but a lot of people will begin to play FNV instead of Fallout 3 :/
    3. BlueDanube


      i'm still here,not planning to go to vegas :p.
  14. I hope someone will kick his infected a** >:( WE WANT NEXUS
  15. Hi, you are welcome ;)
  16. I ban the next member who bans me.
  17. brokenergy was banned for not banning me. Sagittarius22
  18. I ban all the Nexurs members, I lock all threads and I hack your paypal account. Sagittarius22
  19. All members of this thread have been banned. Topic locked. Sagittarius22
  20. Mh, no I don't know...
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