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Everything posted by PlagueHush

  1. Much appreciated, and yep, I figured bottom of the page was the most logical place for it :D Thanks Robin!
  2. Hi there! I was hoping to ask for a clarification on the Nexus' stance on linking to other sites from mod pages. This seems like the best place to ask, but if not please feel free to direct me to the correct place! I currently run a Discord server where I accept questions, suggestions and provide support for my mods, and a Twitch channel where I stream development and updates to my mods. I'd like to link to both of these on my mod pages to provide venues for mod users to get involved in the mod development and as another means to seek support. I've looked through the ToS and can see nothing that speaks specifically against doing this, and I have seen it done on other mod pages, but as we know "other people are doing it" is not an excuse! So I thought it best to ask rather than guess/assume - could someone provide some direction for me please? Many thanks! Plague
  3. I think the original mod you were looking for might have been 'Knight of Molag Bal'? http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/58191/?
  4. In response to post #37618235. This :D
  5. It confirms what I figured was implied by the Terms and Conditions, but really wanted to make sure my interpretation matched the site's. Thanks so much for the confirmation Dave! :D
  6. I may just be having a search fail as I can't seem to find a record of this being asked anywhere before, but I have spent the last half an hour trying to find a "nexus ruling" on a specific issue that doesn't appear to be covered by the Terms and Conditions. Could a moderator (or Dark0ne) let me know the Nexus position on off-Nexus person-to-person sharing of edited mods? For instance, if I were to download a copy of a popular Skyrim weapon mod, and edit it to work with SkyRealism Shiny to fit in with all of the vanilla weapons I have, and then pass that mod to a friend, would the Nexus take a stance or any action on this? To be clear, I'm not talking about uploading the resulting mod to a site, or providing an easily shareable link, but a person to person transfer. Any thoughts and guidance would be very gratefully received, as I can see the Terms of Service don't explicitly prohibit this, but I also haven't been able to find it addressed directly anywhere else. Many thanks!
  7. it does up to a certain setting, but taking sgtm up to around 30 will see it overcome even that sadly - and in any case the moveable statics will still be flying around. I saw MXPF released and it seems it might be able to help with this. I'll add it to my project list and give it a go later! :)
  8. Hey there! Thanks guys for such an immense and powerful tools as xEdit, and most of all for not being entirely distracted by other interesting projects! I've been looking for something to assist with timelapse video in Skyrim and wondered if I'm looking at an issue someone else may have already found a solution to. The problem I am attempting to solve is that, when using the 'sgtm' command to increase the speed time passes in game in order to more easily record timelapse video of landscapes, physics gets a little funky. You can get an awful lot of noise from moveable statics clonking around, and NPCs will dance on the physics so hard that they die, and will end up floating off into the air (usually across the landscape you're trying to record!) What I was trying to find is something a bit like the Virtual Broom tool, but for Worldspaces that looped through and copied all NPCs and moveable statics into a new esp, and disabled them. That way it can be run once against a setup and the esp just ticked on prior to recording timelapse video. I'm willing to add this to my list of projects and try my hand at solving this later, but it has been about 20 years since I last touched Pascal and I have much to learn about the way xEdit reads/accesses skyrim records. I just wanted to check to make sure I wasn't reinventing the wheel, or launching into something that someone else might be able to do in minutes before I go invest days in trying to get this to work! >.< Thanks again guys!
  9. In response to post #31656575. #31662045 is also a reply to the same post. These are both correct and incorrect for different reasons. There are only two driving factors for password security - length and alphabet depth. Providing it has at least one Capital, lowercase, number, and special character and is of decent length it will prove very difficult to crack. Passwords aren't cracked like a combination, one character at a time, they have to be guessed in their entirety, and "Human unreadable" does not mean "Machine unreadable". A password that's as long and simple enough to remember yet sufficiently difficult enough to resist cracking would be something like " D0g,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,". Estimated time to crack this with a distributed botnet? About four months... long enough for an attacker to lose interest or run out of money I think ;)
  10. In response to post #31635470. #31635895, #31636295, #31639400, #31641690, #31641935, #31642435, #31659140, #31662135 are all replies on the same post. The use of Google Authenticator also means moving login details to a non-EU headquartered company, which can cause some problems for EU companies with the recent move to abolish the US Safe Harbor provisions. Not a decision to be taken lightly, but alternatives are available. I'd be happy to discuss some other potential pitfalls, and provide advice Dark0ne, as per the PM I sent you (which I know must be well buried! lol).
  11. As things stand these are untested best guesses from what Bethesda have assigned to the various armor items available in Fallout4.esm. Equally some of the slots that are used for, say, the backpack on an eyebot may have weird effects when used on the human skeleton. These kinds of feedback about removing heads and the pipboy are essential to making the list more correct :) From your experience it sounds like slot 32 might actually be what slot 50 or 51 were used for in Skyrim: decapitating the human model. If the observation that the slot assignment seems to run from head to toe holds true this would actually fit quite well. I'll add a note to the list about the head removal from slot 32 :D
  12. If you don't tick 33 your pipboy is invisible. So you wouldn't be able to see your map, inventory, etc. That's an interesting find... are your hands still visible, or the whole arm disappears?
  13. Howdy all! It looks like Bethesda have thrown the body slot usage completely up in the air again this time around, and they no longer bear *any* resemblance to Gamebryo's original mapping, or how they were laid out in Skyrim. We went through all this once for Skyrim way later than we should have done, so it's time to do it again for Fallout 4 before the armor and equipment mods start pouring in! I've laid out below the slot usage from looking through all of the armors and worn equipment in the game. It's taken quite a lot to whittle it down to this layout, but I'm confident what I have is now as accurate as I can make it. Time to turn it over to you guys for discussion, and to get some consensus early on so we don't have backpacks removing hats or people having to choose between back-slung rifles and shoes in six months! :wink: Bethesda's vanilla allocations are as follows. I'll update this list if needed depending on how the conversation shakes out. I've given examples of the unique places these are used if you want to go look at them in FO4Edit. SLOT NAME USED FOR EXAMPLE 30 - Head - Head Primary (Hats/Helmets) 31 - Hair - Hair (Pompador Wig) 32 - Body - Decapitate? Used for Eyebot Back Radio And Feral Ghoul Withered Head - removes the head of the human model when used. 33 - Hands - Torso Primary 34 - Forearms - Left Hand Primary (Used only in outfits that have gloves) 35 - Amulet - Right Hand Primary (Used only in outfits that have gloves) 36 - Ring - Pelvis (Super Mutant Chains and Feral Ghoul Pants) 37 - Feet - Left Arm Primary (Feral Ghoul Armwraps) 38 - Calves - Right Arm Primary (Feral Ghoul Armwraps) 39 - Shield - Left Foot Primary (Feral Ghoul Footwraps) 40 - Tail - Right Foot Primary (Feral Ghoul Footwraps) 41 - LongHair - Torso Secondary (Chest Armor) 42 - Circlet - Left Arm Secondary (Power Armor Left Arm, Super Mutant Bracers) 43 - Ears - Right Arm Secondary (Power Armor Right Arm, Super Mutant Bracers, Chain Dog Collar) 44 - Unnamed - Left Leg Secondary (Power Armor Left Leg, Super Mutant Leg Armor) 45 - Unnamed - Right Leg Secondary (Power Armor Right Leg, Super Mutant Leg Armor) 46 - Unnamed - Head Secondary (Visor, Super Mutant Helmet/Hat, Synth Heads, Dog Muzzle/Helmet) 47 - Unnamed - Eyewear (Blindfold, Eyeglasses/Goggles or Synth's Robotic Bits) 48 - Unnamed - Nose (Surgical Mask, Bandanas, Sack Hoods, Hazmat Suit, Synth Helmet) 49 - Unnamed - Mouth (Surgical Mask, Bandanas, Sack Hoods, Hazmat Suit, Synth Helmet) 50 - DecapitateHead - Neck (Dog Collar) 51 - Decapitate - Left Hand Secondary (Wedding Rings and Feral Ghoul Bloody Hands) 52 - Unnamed - Right Hand Secondary (Unused, but assumed based on the use of slot 51) 59 - Unnamed - Shield (Behemoth Shield) 60 - Unnamed - Misc attachments (Pipboy/Carried Baby/Mirelurk Shield) 61 - Unnamed - FX01 (Used for attaching effects)
  14. I'm not familiar with any mods that do this, but I do like the idea though! Money lending seems more of an Altmer/Thalmor practice to me, but I can certainly see it being of interest to the Thieves Guild too - especially wanting to know where the gold is stored!
  15. You also have to regenerate the SEQ file every time you touch the quest in any way. Even opening and closing it again the the CK can sometimes cause the previously generated SEQ to become invalid and stop working. Should have included that in my last post >.<
  16. It sounds like you're looking for Summonable Ethereal Chest. Straight forward, no gimmicks, and even adds a logic-friendly way for you to get the spell (spellbooks as loot from magic-wielding foes) :)
  17. This sounds like a well-known bug introduced in 1.6, which stops quest dialogue appearing. The issue can be fixed by generating a SEQ file for the mod using one of the processes available here. Alternatively, installing the mod, waiting five minutes and saving, then exit to desktop and restart, reload the save, and wait another five minutes *should* make the dialogue available. This same problem can stop MCM menus from registering too.
  18. What you're looking for is Empty Skyrim. Combine with Zombie Apocalypse if you really want to feel alone and under pressure!
  19. This is already achievable. Take a look at my mods Children Fight Back and Armor and Clothing for Kids for more info! :)
  20. SkyRadio is the mod you're looking for: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/15024/?
  21. There's already a mod that adds a Greybeard exile as a follower: Murkain
  22. The only pre-prepared one I can see is included in a Steam Workshop mod called Tailoring. Unfortunately, the mod author doesn't appear to be answering permission requests. As for free meshes that you'd have to convert, you should be able to download Collada models from the SketchUp repository, import them into Blender, and export them as a NIF. As an example, the SketchUp site has a number of different loom models to choose from, including some very simple ones in a more ancient design, but search and see what you can find! :)
  23. Automatic Variants actually has the capability to handle armor and weapon textures, but so far no AV pack authors have made use of it. Seeing meshes added as well would be interesting, but more often than not meshes go hand in hand with the textures they use. This means that whatever application is doing the meshes will also need to do the textures. Perhaps getting in touch with Leviathan (the author of Automatic Variants) would be the best way to start exploring this?
  24. Glass UI for SkyUI would have made the panes transparent enough to see clearly through, but it it looks like it's currently under moderation: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/62447/?
  25. It's my understanding that the Riekling and the boar are actually the same model and skeleton (the Riekling can't dismount, and when they "fall off" at death, it's just part of the dismemberment animation), and the Cavalry mod makes use of this but swaps out the model for a horse + human. This would allow you to have a follower that was a mounted human, but they wouldn't be able to dismount and actually follow... The closest it might get you though, is to be able to design matching "custom follower" and "horse + custom follower" models and instead of them mounting up, one model gets disabled in favour of another, but this would seem to have an initial potential to cause all sorts of bugs with the follower not matching the mounted version if you give them different gear, not being able to use the standard follower scripts, and not being compatible with the normal riding system (that gets tacked on to by mods such as Conventient Horses).
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