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Everything posted by Aarkon

  1. yes thats what i ment since its the only skill that would logically apply to a disguise probably a % based on rank in the skill 10 rank = 10% chance of the disguise working with modifiers for quality of the disguise cheap disguise = no bonus common disguise = 5% bonus quality disguise = 10% bonus fine disguise = 15% bonus grandmaster disguise = 20% bonus ( could make getting this a quest radiant off the DB or thieves guild or both )
  2. the new animations will be key IMO BTW anyone rember that awesom argonian spear and armor from morrowind? the one with the foot gards since they had the animal style leggs that was my fav mod from morrowind
  3. not a fan of the thalmor but i agree this should be for high elf players only the thalmor are elitists to the extreme they would NEVER allow a non Altimer to join them
  4. disguises in general would be neat link the effectiveness of the disguise to the speech skill
  5. was playing around going unarmed with a khajiit and the hands are rather bland for this was thinking of having a changed hand model that had the claws exstended when unarmed adding some better claw type strikes ( maybe the werewolf ones?) for the khajiit unarmed animations would be good too
  6. yeah and the full plate that boramir wears in some of the clips http://www.compleatseanbean.com/lotr-ttt-ext-dvd13.jpg there is a shield that goes with this too a rectangular shaped tower shield with the tree on the front
  7. oh no doubt it would take a while to do this i wasent suggesting it would be easy but it would be worth it IMO as it would ass to the immersion and "alive" feeling of the world
  8. thought it would be boss to have some flaming style hair think DBZ sayan powerup hair or the vegan hair from scott pilgrim vs the world where its flowing up away from the head not static tho animated
  9. this would be a great questline addition to rebuild Helgan after the dragon attack suggested stages 1. Clear out the bandits that have take up residence in the ruins ( this is practicly done already just need a quest entry and quest giver Jarl Balgruf of whiterun would be best ) 2. Gathering workers 2.1 Get an Architect and Engineer ( add some new NPCs that you have to recruit ) 3. gathering supplys and materials ( option of setting up a stone quary? ) 3,1 Hijacked supply wagon - recover the stolen supplys 4. Finishing construction - getting some final odds and ends 5. Bringing merchants back to Helgan - find and convince NPC merchants to come to Helgan and set up shop ( new NPCs for this aswell from various towns and settlements in the whiterun hold area ) IDK why bethesda didnt think of this it would be a great questline IMO
  10. anything like this? i tried putting the line in the ini to remove rain snow ect but it doesent work other settings in it do however so maybe the line i have is wrong idk basicly i want mostly clear skys and no rain or snow
  11. Another request Split Transmute spell into 2 types Transmute iron to silver and Transmute silver to gold rather annoying to have to drop silver ore each time to avoid making it gold
  12. just some mods id like to see done Black and White Unicorn mounts .. who doesent want a nice unicorn to ride white for the good guys and black for the baddies Dwemer race .. lore sais they vanished mysteriously not died out .. suggested abilitys +10 enchanting +5 smithing, heavy armor, alteration, block, and one handed or lockpicking ( the latter goes with their engenering abilitys ) racial power - summon dwemer sphere or extra ore and gems from mining ( agian the latter seems better IMO ) Brighter/ slightly glowing gems the rubys ect in game seem dark and dull adding a bit of glow to them would be sweet More ranged weapons like crossbows throwing axes daggers and shuriken maybe even a boomerang if it can be done right ( returning flightpath ect ) Quickslot hotkeys for diffrent setups each one having a diffrent set of 8 quickkeys first set all weapons& shields for ex second set magic powers ect More Factions to join just ran into the Stendar followers today but you cant join them as far as i can tell making them a actual faction along with the other 7 divines orders would be great same for the Daedric lords. Other Factions could be added like the Thalmor ( even tho i dont like them ) Some race specific Factions would be neat aswell "The Brenton Consortium" "The Shadowscales" (Argonian assassins ) Sand Striders (kajhit traders/skooma bootleggers) just some ideas that would be nice to see
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