I think with enough effort, an interest, and determination, anyone can make a good mod. You could basically start from the absolute zero, and make a great mod two months after. Especially when there are sites like these. Being good at the technical aspect is what anyone can do, again, with enough effort. http://cs.elderscrolls.com/constwiki/index.php/Main_Page Quentin Tarantino once said, "When people ask me if I went to film school I tell them, "No, I went to films.'" On the artistic/creative aspect however, there's no college or school for that. You want to be good at making mods (which basically mean adding/changing sometime to a game), you should play more games or game mods. You need to find what make those games/mods great, what makes it a great experience. Whether it's the pacing, difficulty, atmosphere, even it's soundtrack. If you want to make a quest/story driven mod, you'd have to watch a lot of movies. The IMDb top 250 is a good reference for good movies, something absolutely vital if you want to make a story driven mod. But even if you don't, you probably still get some creative ideas. http://www.imdb.com/chart/top The Extra Credits series is a good reference about making a good game experience. But I can't seem to find their old videos with Escapist anywhere now. Too bad. And tvtropes is a good site for, well, everything related to art. Check everything you ever watched (movies, live action television, animations) or played (video games). The ones that you liked of course. You should get interesting read. http://tvtropes.org/ http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/RolePlayingGame