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Replace appearance but keep stats


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What i'm looking for/requesting is a mod that would allow me to replace the appearance of an item with another item's appearance without losing the original stats OR exactly the other way around.



Equipped weapon looks well on my character, Notice that a looted/purchasable weapon has better stats, Would like to keep currently equipped weapon appearance but replace it's stats with the one that is looted/purchasable.


Equipped armor works well for my character, Notice Notice that a looted/purchasable armor has nicer appearance, Would like to keep currently equipped armor stats but replace it's appearance with the one that is looted/purchasable.


I would try to search for it but have no idea what keywords/tag to apply, Simply giving me advice on how to create a mod for this myself would be appreciate aswell.


Thank you for your time :smile:

Edited by MaanLook
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With that mod, would require me to open ck and add a edited version of the armor as custom for my player everytime i see something i like.

Would be rather tiresome, i just want a simple mod that would allow me to swap appearance/stats.

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Hi Thread.

I'm looking for something very similar. Above mod posted by Nikos only applies to armor, unfortunately. I believe what we're requesting is a mod or other tool, that is simple to use and allows us to make ebony stats look cool. So for example, an item could APPEAR to look like Iron, but have higher stats, pretty much just for A E S T H E T I C s. Or, vice versa.

Edited by Skyramgoat
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