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suspicious.cloud.9 pop-up whenever i use NNM

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hey guys, mm not to sure if i've posted this in the right forum location.


but ive recently been getting a norton internet security pop up whenever i use/open up the skyrim nexus mod manager...

telling me it blocked "suspicious.cloud.9"


altho norton manages to block and quarantine/remove it its starting to do my head in

does anyone know whats causing it and how / if possible to stop whatever it is that its doing


altho it prob doesn't matter, the taskbar logos from left to right are

Steam, GPU Tweak (Nivia Geforce GT630 app), Norton Internet Security and ofcourse internet connection, sound and time

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<p>Yeah the same thing is happening to me too. I unstalled NMM and when I reinstalled it to see if it would work my Norton security won't let me saying that its a unsafe file.</p> Edited by rocketPug
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altho it sucks to say that ""its nice to see its not just me having problems""... least now i dont have to worry about my pc feeling the need to s**t on me.... but does suck all the same that this craps happening...


by the looks of it, we can use NMM but we have to keep reopening it after it crushes =/

altho its starting to crash more and more, the more i try to deal with the the norton pop up=/


hopefully the black tree team see's this post and knows of a way to fix this...

i int got a clue how long i can handle being stuck inbetween ""forced crashes to get a chance to try some of the new mods and being bored to death""



does any of the admins of the forums or the NMM check the hardware and software parts of the forum ? or do they just handle the bugs section more?

Edited by 1stReaper
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This is a recent Norton update freakin out on new NMM versions, you need to go in the Norton program settings -> computer -> Antivirus and SONAR exclusions -> Configure (besides Item to exclude from Auto-protect/sonar, bla bla bla) and add the whole Nexus Mod Manager program folder (this at least is what to do in the version I'm using).

(it prevents NMM from using the temp folder to create files needed for xml parsing)

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This is a recent Norton update freakin out on new NMM versions, you need to go in the Norton program settings -> computer -> Antivirus and SONAR exclusions -> Configure (besides Item to exclude from Auto-protect/sonar, bla bla bla) and add the whole Nexus Mod Manager program folder (this at least is what to do in the version I'm using).

(it prevents NMM from using the temp folder to create files needed for xml parsing)


But why does it pop up in the first place? I did some brief research on it (as I'm getting it too), and from what I can gather, this 'Suspicious.Cloud.9' is quite a harmful virus. Surely there must be a reason for that specific threat to be found by everyone.

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i dont know if im getting the pop or not (sooner or later?),
just spam open and closed NMM just to test out if i get a pop up or not

was just about to say tried it 4 times..... on the 5th the pop up come on =/...

this is starting to suck :(,,, i dont know if i should just not use nmm, and not play skyrim for a bit...
or just try and deal with it...(long as norton continues to block whatever it is thats causing it to happen....)

what you guys/girls think i should do?
also what are you all doing ? not useing/playing it or ignoring it and dealing ?

IF... worse comes to it that i have to format my pc back to factory settings........ so be it.......... i've already post ALL my work =/ thanks to something making user profiles duplicate.... temp.user.pc.001 ...002 ....003 and so on =/.... 15 years of work... gone :'(


also @DuskDweller :- guess you replying in this answered my question about do the staff/admin of NMM come to this part of the forum :p

Edited by 1stReaper
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Norton released a new heuristic search that flags NMM as a false positive now. The release was made 2 days ago so I assume you've received this virus alert over the past 2 days as your own copy of Norton has updated itself.

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