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Vortex is not deploying mods on for F:NV after install


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before asking: I want to say thank you for the new great Mod Manager, Vortex is a really cool experience and the overall install-proecess was working fine, also the download & install for some mods.


BUT: As i start Fallout: New Vegas and use the deploy-function, there are no errors or something, but ingame, the mods are not 'active' for some reason.


The game is installed in: D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Fallout New Vegas

The modfolder is in: D:\Vortex Mods\falloutnv


But clicking at the game, and then on 'open' and 'open mod folder' as well as 'open game folder' there opens other folders.

I'am bit confused now. :huh:


When the mods are active in vortex, and i start the game, they're not active. And the modfolder (D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Fallout New Vegas\Data) is holding not more files as the standard-game.

So, i seems that the mods are not active, and even not in the modfolder itself.




As i show in the attached files.

I think something's wrong with the mod- and gamefolder setup. It seems, that the

But i dont exactly know how vortex is working and i thought i set it up right.


I hope you can help me to solve this problem.




best regards,


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No, your Mod staging folder is correct, it should NEVER go inside the Game directory.

In Vortex, Go to SETTINGS---->MODS....what does your Deployment Method" say?
If it says something other than HARDLINK, change it to HARDLINK

Next, did you

1. install
2. enable
3. Deploy

The mods?
Go to MODS----> and in the top menu, click DEPLOY MODS

Last, to make sure that mods get installed and enabled and deployed automatically....


Turn On
Deploy Mods when Enabled
Enable Mods when installed (in current profile)

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thanks for your quick response and the help.

So, lets begin:


In Vortex, Go to SETTINGS---->MODS....what does your Deployment Method" say?


--> It's HARDLINK, as default, i did not changed that




Next, did you

1. install
2. enable
3. Deploy

The mods?
Go to MODS----> and in the top menu, click DEPLOY MODS


--> I've go the NM-Website, pick a mod, select 'Vortex' to download it (it works, Vortex shows me the active download in the GUI) and then, on the notifications menu, i click on "enable", and it's enabled in the mod-list

--> I've done it manually now, means going to MODS - installing all three mods, and then click on "deploy" at the top menu as you said




Turn On
Deploy Mods when Enabled

Enable Mods when installed (in current profile)


--> okay, deploy mods when Enabled was active, i activated now 'Enable Mods when installed (in current profile)'



I've try so launch the game now and look if the mods are ingame-active

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Okay, thanks!

Deploying it was the solution.


So, i thought the mods were deployed after install because when i started the game via Vortex, a notification appeared and said, that i need to deploy the changes (mods) to correctly run it in the game, but this windows gave me the direct option to deploy. By clicking this button, the game just starts, but the mods were obviously not deployed.


The "manual" step by deploying it on the menu was it.

Thanks for the quick help!

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