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[LE] Which way is better?

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I've found 2 ways to make displays of ingredient and misc items that are fixed in place, takeable, seen to disappear when taken, and respawns after 1 day.


1. Using nifskope make static versions of items in meshes then make custom activators using those meshes and add script to activator.


2. Just using Ck in Statics make a new static and edit the mesh to point to the ingredient. Using Triggerboxes make a new activator, add the script to it and set it as the enable parent of the static.


The first way makes for a large mod BSA because of the meshes, the second doubles the items in the cell though the activator has no visible mesh to draw in game. Both methods work. But which is better? I tried adding defaultblock havokonload to a misc item and threw a fireball at it and it went flying so that didn't work. They both take about the same time to do.

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Depends upon what you want.

If you want full control over the appearance of the items on display, go with the first option and be sure to use your desired meshes and textures in a mod specific sub-folder.

If you want the appearance of the items to match whatever may be in the user's game, go with the second option.


Cause if you go with the first option and use the appearance of the stock item, your mesh will be in a custom location but using stock texture. If another mod changes the mesh and the texture UV changes as a result, your version will look weird as it is now using a texture not designed for the mesh you created.

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IsharaMeradin - "Cause if you go with the first option and use the appearance of the stock item, your mesh will be in a custom location but using stock texture. If another mod changes the mesh and the texture UV changes as a result, your version will look weird as it is now using a texture not designed for the mesh you created."


This right here is why you end up with a big BSA creating mods. Especially with higher res textures.

Edited by NexusComa2
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