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Let's Play Skyrim mod choice


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I don't see many female gamer Let's play videos, so I decided I am going to start making a Let's Play of skyrim and was wondering what mods do you think will be a good start for the series? My computer is good, but it isn't a beast. So please don't recommend any ENBs.


I will be running the format a lot like Gopher does his videos, assuming the most of you have seen them. I will also be taking name suggestions for my youtube channel. So any ideas for that? I am trying to go for something that can be used for all game type videos. Example: It should still work and make sense if I decide to start making review videos of games or mods.


Depending on how this goes, I may start doing other Let's play videos of other games. If I do, I will ask what everyone would like to see my play, but for now, just want to start simple and will only be doing skyrim.


Besides all that, any other recommendations on things I should or shouldn't do?

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After some quick scanning I have a list of mods that I feel would be great for this Let's Play. However, I have a few mods I am unsure of and need some other opinions on them, they are marked under evaluation. I also am still looking for more mods recommendations.


Unofficial Skyrim Patch
Unofficial Hearthfire Patch
Unofficial Dawnguard Patch
Unofficial Dragonborn Patch
Skyrim -Community- Uncapper
Realistic Ragdolls and Force
Deadly Dragons
Wet and Cold
Realistic Needs
The Dance of Death
T3nd0s Skyrim Redone
Convenient Horses
Predator Vision
Achieve That
Imersive HUD
Less Intrusive HUD
A Quality World Map - With Roads
Immersive Armors
Imersive Weapons
Superior Lore-Friendly Hair (Under Evaluation)
XCE - Xenius Character Enhancement
The Eyes of Beauty
Feminine Running and New Dash Animation
Pure Waters
Climates of Tamriel
Realistic Lighting Overhaul (Under Evaluation)
Enhanced Night Skyrim
Better Dynamic Snow
Lanterns of Skyrim
Heart of the Beast
Moonlight Tales (Under Evaluation)
ASIS (Under Evaluation)
Sound Propagation Overhaul (Under Evaluation)
ERSO: 06 Wait more time before next dragon encounter (Under Evaluation)
09.2 Radience (Under Evaluation)
10 Travellers and Adventurers (Under Evaluation)


Now my other concerns that need to be addressed is what difficulty level should I play on, and what time scale should I use?

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I am wondering...

Since you say you are interested in doing mods review as a female gamer, have you considered spotlighting mods made by females and/or mods that enhance female character roleplay?


Personally (as a female) I think gopher does a great job in his reviews and I don't feel the need to see reviews of common mods just with a female voice. However, a series that supports not just female gamers but female mod authors might fill a niche.


Just to be clear, this is not some kind of plug to be included-- since my mod was started by a guy and I just expanded it, I would not meet my own criterion.


In any case, good luck to you and I am looking forward to seeing your reviews.

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I am wondering...

Since you say you are interested in doing mods review as a female gamer, have you considered spotlighting mods made by females and/or mods that enhance female character roleplay?


Personally (as a female) I think gopher does a great job in his reviews and I don't feel the need to see reviews of common mods just with a female voice. However, a series that supports not just female gamers but female mod authors might fill a niche.


Just to be clear, this is not some kind of plug to be included-- since my mod was started by a guy and I just expanded it, I would not meet my own criterion.


In any case, good luck to you and I am looking forward to seeing your reviews.


Hmm ...


You know that sounds like a pretty good idea. I will do that. Thanks for the suggestion.

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So, you'll be highlighting Hearthfire? (Sorry, I can't help myself.)


The one annoying thing most people do is they just record everything and post without editing. I know editing is a lot of work, but to really stand out I think you really have to. I'd honestly rather see one well-edited five minute video than a good one hour of unedited video.

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For your under-evals, I say definitely use ASIS. I can't imagine playing without it ^^; It's the only one of them I have experience with, unless that's the Radiance mod I sort of went away from because it looked abandoned.


Highlighting mods for and/or by females is a good idea, too. ^--^

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Thanks for all your comments thus far. Yes, I will certainly be making sure my videos are well edited, I can't even imagine releasing unedited videos.


@AnkhAscendant: I have used ASIS, and I love it. The issue I found is, you can sometimes end up dieing a lot depending on the difficulty you are playing on and the mods that you have installed. In other words, sometimes I found it was very hard to play on normal difficulty, but then when I set the difficulty lower, it was then too easy. I just don't want to have to cut out so many deaths XD. I find sometimes the dungeons spawn way to many NPC with ASIS. Could never get different settings to work either.

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