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Oblivion: Windows 7 vs Windows 10


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The same sort of micro pauses that happen only right after startup in stock Oblivion keep occurring continually in Morroblivion. On Solstheim is the worst at roughly every 6 seconds when moving outside at a steady good speed. On the win10 computer this looks exactly the same as the win7 computer. This test gave me the idea to give OSR another try with this particular problem unique to Morroblivion. It was fixed completely on the win7 game computer by OSR. On the win10 work computer I saw no difference with OSR and within less than a minute it froze. Alt-Tab didn't work. Ctrl-Alt-Delete gave me the option to power off but the task master didn't work.

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Quote: " I absolutely hate the mandatory updates and spying. It's like you don't really own your computer, you are only leasing it from MS when they retain the right to install anything they want anytime"


That is EXACTLY how I feel.... If I buy something, I should be able to do what I want with it! :verymad:. Windows is going down the same controlling path as Apple, which is why for mobile devices, I always use Android and never Apple.


Thank you for posting the results of your OSR, comparing Win7 to Win10, I appreciate it. :thumbsup:. Your results seem to confirm then, that OSR only works on Windows 7, thus providing extra stability for this older game compared to Windows 10. For this reason (plus the telemetry issue) I won't worry about upgrading to Windows 10.


Quote: "I'm currently playing Morroblivion"


Can I ask which version, v064 or v065? I played v064 a while back.

In the v064 I had the following plug-ins :




Morrowind_ob - Chargen and Transport Mod.esp

Morrowind_ob - Conversation.esp

Morrowind_ob - MorroblivionMaps.esp

Morrowind_ob - MorroblivionTreeReplacer.esp

Morrowind_ob - UCWUS.esp



I am guessing you are probably playing v065, is there much difference in the base ESPs that come with v065, compared to what came with v064 above? Any other ESPs or mods that are essential for v065? I would of asked on the Morroblivion.com site, but it looks like it is abandoned.


Chase6> I feel your pain, like Pellape, I miss the retro computers from the 80s-90s too.... :unsure:

Edited by AllisterHenderson
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I am using the latest and it is the same file names. I do not know the diff between 064 and 065 and I do not play with it activated as I completed it as it does take up space in the save file. Maybe it should be played separately really with a dedicated MorroOblivion char? I did use my main char, which made it too easy as Morrowind and also MorroOblivion do not have level scaling.

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I guess so as I do not remember but what I can say is that it really feels like playing Morrowind. Backside with it is that there are so many damn nice mods for Morrowind so it is a choice of course. Morrowind with the Graphic Extender and LODs and stuff are very nice + Giants and Vibrant Retexture: Just look at this compare I made outside Vivec and I guess it is obvious which is which?



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I'm using V065 and this is the first time I've played it so I don't know about V064. I have:



Morrowind_ob - Chargen and Transport Mod.esp

Morrowind_ob - Conversation.esp

and New Map v1_1-40283-1-1 is the map I liked the best after trying a couple.

I don't remember why but I chose to not add your last three items.


It seems an incredible piece of work to me. If those guys had to do all the modeling from scratch they are some real troopers! And, if you look in the CS you might notice there must be a million NPC's. How did they do it?


It was working perfect for a long time but I've almost completed everything and I started getting crashes so I added Engine Bug Fixes and that is working good. There's almost no traffic at Morroblivion.com but you can still get an answer if you have a serious problem. I'm not sure why I keep plugging along with these quests that are mostly step and fetch and kill somebody (that can be worked around) but there is a comical element to a lot of it and it's a good lore refresher course. I'm reluctant to leave because once I uninstall it I probably won't ever be back. I had a number of quest bugs but those are easy to work around.

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They did a lot by hand but they use a script to port most stuff with, but it still requires some manual work and that script is free to be used. Many was involved to make the creatures from scratch but the world it self is made from a script and you will be able to make your own from the same script, if you own Morrowind that is. I did had an idea of porting my Caldera Ancient Mine but I used a couple of resources for it, like the armored skeleton and an armor that NeilV made to me so I do not know how to port them and I do have other projects but I might had succeeded I guess but we all have to prioritize really.


In the other hand, if anyone wanna port it or try to port it... Feel free. :D

Edited by Pellape
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Okay, so that would partially explain it but still the number of really smart people modding these old games is something I really appreciate. It seems like you would almost have to be a Bethesda or Gamebryo software engineer to write the port script.


Yeah, so many projects and so little time. I was thinking what would be cool in Oblivion is the Silt Strider and do it so it's a horse mount hack with a complete set of animations so you can ride it just like a Mech Warrior.


Since I had to install the complete Morrwind GOTY, to extract the morroblivion.esm, I fired it up with an old save game from way back and in ways it might be better to replay the original. I don't remember seeing any sparks falling out of the ceiling in Sotha Sil in Morroblivion.

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I guess so as I do not remember but what I can say is that it really feels like playing Morrowind. Backside with it is that there are so many damn nice mods for Morrowind so it is a choice of course. Morrowind with the Graphic Extender and LODs and stuff are very nice + Giants and Vibrant Retexture: Just look at this compare I made outside Vivec and I guess it is obvious which is which?





I confirm the mods can bring very nice graphic improvements. I suppose you took your upper picture using Morroblivion, did you?

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