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About "Is Full LOD"

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LOD is short for Level Of Detail. Basically as you get farther away from an object it is rendered with less and less polygons, making it blur then vanish.


"Is Full LOD" tells the game to always render that object at full detail, meaning you can see it from far away clearly. It's mostly for things like landmark buildings, some billboards, and the Prydwen. Stand on top off the Vault 111 mountain on a clear day. If you look closely you can see the Mass Fusion building. That building "Is Full LOD". Same thing for the Prydwen, you can see it from pretty much anywhere if there is nothing in the way.


It's not something you normally want to use because it can create a LOT of lag as the engine is forced to render objects that are nowhere near you.

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To elaborate this is not about LOD but rather scripts and persistence.


Also Full Lod doesn't have to drastically increase lag as you can use it on lights, as well as other non-poly objects

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  On 6/8/2021 at 5:37 PM, Zorkaz said:

To elaborate this is not about LOD but rather scripts and persistence.


Also Full Lod doesn't have to drastically increase lag as you can use it on lights, as well as other non-poly objects


I got that. What I'm saying is that LOD is a rendering issue and shouldn't have an effect on persistence. If it does something is really screwy in Bethesda's definition of "persistent"... ok, which is entirely possible.


And no, full LOD doesn't have to drastically increase lag, but overuse of it will because you are forcing the engine to always render objects instead of only when it needs too. More polygons, and their associated textures, equals more lag. How much you notice it depends on how powerful your computer is. Most people have 4 to 5 year old computers which do not have the latest and greatest video card, even for the time when they were purchased. Optimization is important.

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  On 6/8/2021 at 2:44 PM, Zorkaz said:

Does "Is Full LOD" just make things persistent or is there more to it?


Open the console and click on the reference to see its flags. As far as I know, [PP] and [EP] are used for persistent objects.

Edited by LarannKiar
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Well, if you think about it logically for a moment:


Once you're out of uGridsToLoad range, non-persistent stuff unloads completely (disregard the cell buffers for sake of simplicity).

Now, if you want some reference to be visible from very much afar by setting IsFullLOD, how could the engine render the 3d of a reference that has unloaded completely (or never got loaded in the first place)?


Tip: It can't.

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