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I'm sorry, but i'm not going to trust something that maxes out at 7 damage to give me a one hit kill, and a one hit kill is what an assassin needs.

thats right. why is it assassins that are portrayed as bow carriers for 'swift kills' when arrows only do a miniscule ammount of damage and still its extremely hard to hit someone, especially from far away. did anyone notice that when shooting an arrow or launching a fireball directly at someone from far away, the npc usually detects it midway through the air and starts running right for you? i think bows and arrows were added just for people that like that kinda thing and i think that they would have more massive damage ratings on them and that npc's shouldnt be able to just detect and dodge them like that. of course if anyone feels the same way they could just get a mod or something but xbox players cant so im stuck with sucky arrows. w/e...

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I personally prefer crossbows, I like having 20-20 damage instead of 1-30 or something. My assassin character uses short blades and marksman, equipped with a steel crossbow and daedric wakizashi (sp?). Quick kills are no problem...I wish I could find a better crossbow though, as I have never seen any besides the steel crossbow.
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The darts are in the Tribunal ruins you go to as part of the main quest. They're found on the remains of the sphere archers you find there. Since the archers respawn, you can always go back to collect more.



The crossbow is found in lots of places... ruins, on NPCs, probably even in a shop somewhere.

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