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DICE & EA Announce Star Wars Battlefront 3


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I'm glad they're making a sequel since BF1, BF2, and Elite Squadron were some of my favorite games at one point, but I think they're 3 years too late. Unless they introduce several heavy improvements, both engine-side as well as to the complexity of the game, it'll be a critical flop.


It's in good hands with DICE, but I don't even think a Battlefield 3-esque Star Wars game would be enough. SWBF generally had advantages over DICE games at the time of release, such as massive vehicles that required team coordination to take down (AT-AT, AT-TE). In addition, although timed hero characters worked in 2005, they wouldn't work any longer. Gamers hate playing under a time limit.


I'd like to see the ability to create a character like in Elite Squadron. However, Jedi or Sith characters would have to have an extremely high entry requirement, such as getting 100% completion with any other class. Just my thoughts.

Edited by Rennn
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What I really want is new Jedi Academy. Do you hear EA? New Jedi Academy!


That would be epic, especially if there was an option for a first person camera while using a lightsaber. Third person is good too though.

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i loved BF3, but idk how itll go. Its been so long since BF2, i almost think that I only want BF3 for nostalgia reasons. a game like this, that takes so long to finally come out, will never be good, its too overhyped at this point. Look at Duke Nukum and Diablo 3. Half-Life 3 will probably follow suit.


that said, i do look forward to it. honestly a Star Wars game, with the scale and graphics of a Battlefield game, would be epic. you might actually be able to have land and space battles occurring simultaneously on the same map. if not space, then at least low orbit or something lol. i can see AT-ATs being a monstrosity on the battlefield, something everyone is going to target (cause its so big) as long as they make it at least a challenge to take down (so more then 1 or 2 rockets) itll be fun. i can picture them being almost like a riad boss in an FPS :P


but again, im doing what i mentioned, which is hyping up my expectations.

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Hate to rain on the parade, as I'm really excited about Battlefront as well,....but Battefront is being developed by the medal of honor warfighter crew....so careful with your anticipation.

Edited by Kraeten
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