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TESVEdit is not hard, people.


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I've just gone through and replaced a whole bunch of mods thanks to a hard drive loss here. My issue, but what shouldn't be my problem, is having to go through and fix a whole slew of them for dirty edits.

And by dirty edits, I mean incomplete mods that do nothing like what they're meant to do.

Show some pride in your work, please people! If the mod isn't finished, don't put it up as if it were! It does waste people's money, and site bandwidth, and it makes us all feel bad. It also has been proven in 100% of the cases surveyed to cause fights and aggression on the forums.


If you want to post an incomplete mod, list it as being incomplete. People will always be happy to give advice, criticism, or testing for you.

For the record;

http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/25859/? is where you can find TES5Edit.

http://www.creationkit.com/TES5Edit_Cleaning_Guide_-_TES5Edit is how you can clean your mods and find conflicts, broken meshes, etc.
http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/6/? This is BoSS - it's also a great tool for all modders.


If you load up TES5Edit, one thing you can do that also helps things along is to right-click the list of your current mods and then "Apply Filter for Cleaning". Then, when it's finished, the same right-click menu allows you to then "Remove Identical To Master Records" and "Undelete and Remove References". They're quick, and automated, solutions to help you trim any edits that you missed. In the right window, it will then tell you if anything needs to be manually cleaned.


Alternatively, please at least give allowance for others to clean them for you if you don't want to do the final edit yourself.


Edit: Original post was badly written, and alienated authors who do work hard.

Edited by Khormin
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As for those of you who are cleaning your mods, congratulations! I'll be next testing them for function. If they work, you'll get an endorsement. You deserved it!

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So far you have not paid for a 100's, if not 1000's of hours of work modders put in, you have just relied on a query in a program to find 'dirty edits' and had them cleaned automatically.


Please dont downgrade modders who put many hours of their own time into creating and after that supporting, updating their mods. FOR FREE.


Sorry but to say congratulations to people who can follow a video guide how to automatically clean some dirty edits (which are 99.99% of the time harmless) and downgrade modders to a bunch of not knowing monkeys, that's just ridiculous.



After all, I'm going to be doing work towards the mod, after all.

..........right. Maybe you should try and create a complex mod and find out how much work it is to make one, not to mention the amount of bugs and problem the CK creates while you're making your mod.

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While I find your post well written and understand your frustration, I also find it quite ignorant. People have varying degrees of skill levels when it comes to this thing and your post is pretty much insulting those of us that aren't skilled enough to clean our own mods using TES5Edit.


Just because something is easy to you, doesn't mean that it is easy for everyone and it certainly doesn't mean that for those it isn't easy for that they are lazy and or stupid in anyway.


I take pride in my modest mods, and I did try to clean one of them but I still don't fully understand how to do so and there are dirty edits that are necessary and since I am unsure and actually ruined the mod and messed something else up trying to clean it, I left it alone.


Now I am not saying that I am intelligent, but I am certainly no idiot and I certainly care about what I release. (hence most of the mods I make I don't release) but don't make ASSumptions about people. There are mods I love that have dirty edits so I prefer to encourage the community to show and share their creativity even if they don't want to clean their own mods and or can't as I can't imagine how many excellent mods we wouldn't have otherwise.


Help the community. Encourage the community. Teach the community.


Your post had the potential to do any of the above three things or even all of them, but instead you were just insulting and made your well spoken post useless to the community instead.


Also, I may be wrong, but I am pretty sure it is frowned upon and or forbidden for you to post someone else's mod without their permission even if it was because you cleaned it. I could be wrong, but I could have sworn it even said that on one of the TES5Edit tutorials I watched.

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Yea, not to mention that when you use another version of tes5edit than the mod author used, you'll get different results.


"I'm going to start posting my own cleaned versions of mods that I routinely use"



Goodluck with that, you'll probably get insta banned from Nexus posting other people's work under your own name.

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So far you have paid to support a site that others are also making use of for a 100's, if not 1000's of hours of work modders put in, you have just relied on a query in a program to find 'dirty edits' and had them cleaned automatically.


Please dont downgrade modders who put many hours of their own time into creating and after that supporting, updating their mods. FOR FREE.


Sorry but to say congratulations to people who can follow a video guide how to automatically clean some dirty edits (which are often a primary cause of CTDs, which is the form of "dirty edits" that are being complained about and downgrade lazy modders to a bunch of not knowing monkeys,lazy modders that's just ridiculous.



After all, I'm going to be doing work towards the mod, after all.

..........right. Maybe you should try and create a complex mod and find out how much work it is to make one, not to mention the amount of bugs and problem the CK creates while you're making your mod.


Corrected a few points for you, but I'm going to withhold comment that perhaps, if you're that aggressive about it, you're likely to find a post from me at some point in the future. I'm going to play nice, and assume that you're stepping in on behalf of people you don't even know.


1) I'm not spending a few minutes to fix up these mods. Most of the time, deleted navmeshes need manual fixing. That's not a "simple" fix. I also know full well how long programming takes. I'm calling the lazy portion, when mods aren't complete (yet, released), and aren't quality controlled. I don't care if there's a few identical-to-master records or whatever. I'm talking the full, broken, dirty edits. So next time, qualify before blowing off. Thank you.


While I find your post well written and understand your frustration, I also find it quite poingnant. People have varying degrees of skill levels when it comes to this thing and your post is pretty much insulting those of us that aren't skilled enough to actually finish the damn work before posting it


Just because something is unfinished doesn't mean that it is ready for use by everyone and it certainly doesn't mean that they aren't lazy and justified for being called on half-assed work.


I take pride in my modest mods, and I did try to clean one of them but I still don't fully understand how to do so and there are dirty edits that are necessary and since I am unsure and actually ruined the mod and messed something else up trying to clean it, I left it alone.


Now I am not saying that I am intelligent, but I am certainly no idiot and I certainly care about what I release. (hence most of the mods I make I don't release) but don't make ASSumptions about people. There are mods I love that have dirty edits so I prefer to encourage the community to show and share their creativity even if they don't want to clean their own mods and or can't as I can't imagine how many excellent mods we wouldn't have otherwise.


Help the community. Encourage the community. Teach the community.


Your post had the potential to do any of the above three things or even all of them, but instead you were just insulting and made your well spoken post useless to the community instead.


Also, I may be wrong, but I am pretty sure it is frowned upon and or forbidden for you to post someone else's mod without their permission even if it was because you cleaned it. I could be wrong, but I could have sworn it even said that on one of the TES5Edit tutorials I watched.


First, I haven't called anyone stupid. I call lazy people for what they are - lazy. Again, I'm not talking about the code being 'optimized' or such. I mean, pure and simple, errors that could be fixed very quickly and cleanly. TES5Edit doesn't just tell you when you have simple, automatic fixes. It'll point you out to other issues that are in place after you've finished editing. If you need the hand, I'll give it. If you're just posting because you want your name up there in lights, then I'll most happily shout at you for not doing what you said it would do.


Yea, not to mention that when you use another version of tes5edit than the mod author used, you'll still find the same errors, and be able to find what went wrong, regardless, just as you could have back in the early modding days


"I'm going to start posting my own cleaned versions of mods that I routinely use"



Goodluck with that, you'll probably not get insta banned from Nexus posting other people's half finished work, now completed, with a full changelog listed.


And again you leap to the attack. I'm hoping you're just a white knight, buddy.



Alright. Now, since there's been some response saying that it's "insulting", I'll rephrase that. I apologise if I've shot wider than expected in my frustration.


If you do not know how to use TES5Edit to "clean" them, this is not about you.

If you have stray edits, or bulk code, this is not about you.

If you've finished your mod, and made sure that it runs as intended, even with some bugs, this is not about you.

If you haven't finished the damn mod

If you post it, and don't bother testing

If you haven't even asked others to test it

If you have a huge portion of the mod broken, in a fashion that any edition of TES5Edit could find

Then I will yell at you.

Because you deserve it.

Because you have just given modders a bad name by association.

Because you are lazy enough to not check what you've done.


Hundreds, thousands of hours doesn't matter. Commercial projects or not, you're giving out something that you want something back for. In commercial projects, it's money. In community ones like this, you want recognition. I'll give you recognition if you've done well by the community. I won't however encourage someone who's not doing the community any favors.


There's a difference between saying "hey, at least they've put something out there" and my call of "at least finish the damn job, instead of relying on others to do it". I'm not their supervisor, but if they leave it to me to oversee their bug fixing by offering me a broken mod, I will let them know my thoughts on it.


Hope that helps soothe unintentionally ruffled feathers, and aims better.

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As for those who aren't covered above

For those who are doing the job they say they've done

For those who do hours of unthanked work on mods that help the game to thrive still, years after release

Thank you.

It wasn't my intention to sound like I'm angry at you. It's far from the truth.

If you're in this category, and need help, ask for it. I'm not the only one in here experienced with editing. I'm sure that any of us would be happy to help fix bugs, smooth textures, optimize code, etc.

In fact, because I seem to have unintentionally stepped on toes, I'll be sending people their mods cleaned with the newer TES5Edit, in the fashion described above - ITM/UDR cleaning, etc. I hope that helps put out fires.

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You're even more ignorant than I thought. Now, not only are you so ignorant and disrespectful as to take someone else's post and change their words, you're also so arrogant as to refer to it as "correcting" them.


Absolutely absurd.


I wish your post violated rules to where this filth would be removed and or locked because it isn't meant to help the community only to show off your arrogance, ignorance, and lack of respect towards others and the time they put in to share their creativity.


And yes, you may not have come out and called someone flat out stupid, but when you have the audacity to "correct" someone else's expression of their own viewpoints rather than simply state counter points (I mean to "quote" someone and keep it as a quote when you are changing their words, wow), you are in fact treating them as though they are morons.


Your tone, your actions, etc all show your unbelievable amount of disrespect and it would surprise me if you could b of any help to anyone and even if you could, I'd wonder who would want help from someone so ignorant.

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And instead of whining about dirty edits and throwing a tantrum about that, look in the mirror and happily yell at yourself for not having decency and common courtesy.


When you're done doing that, go read a book or two about effective communication and how to use it. It's simple enough to say things without talking down to people and speaking as though you're so great and yet apparently you're struggling to do so here.


Honestly, did you think people were going to read your posts and say to themselves, "I'm going to clean my mods now!"


If so, stick to the IT/PC stuff for now, because your people skills could use a lot of TES5Editing it seems.......


That's the tone you use. Tell me, did reading that encourage you to apologize for being a jerk or did it make you want to b an even bigger jerk?

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Nexus mods is a free site, anyone can upload a mod, finished or not. If you don't like their works, find errors that break your game (doesn't mean it break theirs) sure go ahead and change it for yourself. There is no point to contact them, writing them what you wrote here. Even simple works, broken mods, can be an inspiration for others. People learn and develop. Some people modding here now can be 12 year old - who knows what they are capable off later - if you discourage new starters, you make it no fun for them which mean less fun for everyone later.


I can tell you for sure they are not waiting to be approached by someone in the tone you use. If you want to help the mods you apparently LIKE AND USE, do it in a constructive way. If you know that much more about how to build a mod then point them to the problem, and why its causes a problem for you (eg. Deleted Navmesh - which doesn't always cause a problem btw, but apparently for you it did). Let them solve the problem themselves and just offer your help if they need. When you do your job, and I step into the room yelling at you "YOUR WORK IS S***" you'd also not like it. And it certainly doesn't encourage you to do a better job.


Im pretty sure in the way you approach people (if your forum post is any indication) you wont be welcomed with open arms. Being a bit more subtle in your words and expressions would be advised. This is not a good way to help and support people.


PS. And don't go about and change my words into yours when quoting, thanks.



So far you have paid to support a site that others are also making use of for a 100's, if not 1000's of hours of work modders put in


Exactly - you paid to support Nexus, there absolutely no part of that payment going to the modders, who still deliver their work for free. Be it buggy or perfect, 1 hour job or 5000 hours. It's done for fun, learning, the game they like, the community of Nexus.

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