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Coming Very Soon: Civil War Overhaul


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a trailer.


Mod coming this week. It will knock your socks off.



Also I moved this topic here from somewhere else and now I don't know how to delete the old thread :(. *awkward*. I hope I at least got the right thread this time.


What does CWO do?

Restores: Dialogue, scenes, and battles cut from vanilla release of skyrim. Restores battles for winterhold, dawnstar, morthal, falkreath, markarth, riften, and fort greymoor.

Enhances: Soldier capabilities and diversity

Dynamisizes: Makes Civil War quests possible to fail, with ramifications. Makes the entire civil war questline dynamic, at least on a very basic level.

Ramifisizes: Makes your choices matter. All guards in holds owned by the opposing faction are hostile to you.


What does CWO not do?

CWO will only be restoring content that the developers originally intended to place in vanilla skyrim, and as such relies 99% on vanilla assets. Any assets added by CWO are only to patch up places that developers did not finish(which is remarkably little), or to further flesh out things that are obviously incorrect(levelled lists of soldiers, for example). No new voice assets will be used. CWO will also not be restoring the Civil War campaign that developers originally intended, at least not in the near future(the current build of CWO has already taken ~350 hours of my time - I estimate that it would take 1000 hours to restore the campaign in its entirety).


When will CWO be released?

Very soon. Like, in the next couple days. I keep running across things that I want to/need to change, but all the most difficult, game-breaking issues have been worked out. I think. Once I am happy with the product, it will take me 6 hours to fill out the levelled lists, create a bsa, and create a mod page. Sooooo....Saturday at the latest?

Edited by Apollodown
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I must say, this looks really epic. I'm looking forward to this mod, now the civil war will atleast mean

something... Maybe after releasing this version you can get enough attention to perhaps assemble

a small team to expand to the entire campaign.

Only time will tell, although I can imagine you can be quite fed up with it.


But that's for another time. For now, keep up the good work!

I will keep an eye out on the Nexus :)

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1) I don't know and 2) I don't know.


CWO directly edits nearly every aspect of the Civil War, from objects to quests to scripts. I personally do not test it or build it on anything but a new game. This is a very big mod(compared to what I'm used to).


I suspect that it won't conflict with anything, because nobody has done anything similar yet(except for possibly warzones). But we'll all find out very soon.

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You've have actually brought the REAL civil war into Skyrim. You've enabled the cut content, the sieges of ALL the cities! And there's new dialogue between the commanders and the Jarls too! Dialogue we may never have heard if not for you! Consider my socks COMPLETELY knocked off. I couldn't be more impressed right now. I NEVER thought we would see this content. BRAVO sir, BRAVO!

Edited by Kraeten
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Looks awesome, looking forward to it. It kinda sucks that they cut so much content.


Btw, When messing around in the CK I noticed some scripts, objects and stuff related to sabotage missions. There's also a quest called WISabotage. Think you will add this in some future update?

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1) I don't know and 2) I don't know.


CWO directly edits nearly every aspect of the Civil War, from objects to quests to scripts. I personally do not test it or build it on anything but a new game. This is a very big mod(compared to what I'm used to).


I suspect that it won't conflict with anything, because nobody has done anything similar yet(except for possibly warzones). But we'll all find out very soon.

That's sort of what I figured too. Will it need SKSE? Again, this looks really cool, good work.

Edited by heyiforgot
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@Surjamte You've stumbled across a Campaign quest! It's a good'n, but it's not getting restored in this run-around. :(


@heyiforgot I don't think I've done anything to require SKSE.


The dev cycle has been so long and convoluted(~60 hours to create the basic concept, 300 hours to kill all the bugs, essentially) that I've forgotten quite a bit of what I've done. Hopefully that doesn't come back to haunt me later :)

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Wow, I wish I had known this was coming! It looks fantastic!

We're a ways away from releasing anything playable, but my mod team has been working an overhaul for Skyrim's main quest, and it includes some significant changes the role of Whiterun and Fort Greymoor play in the civil war. I had hoped to keep the specifics a secret until the release of Act 1, but I also want to SMQO to be compatible with other major overhauls like this one. I can tell this is going to be a popular one!

Any chance you'd be interested in talking about what we can do to make our mod more compatible with yours?

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