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Mods that give the most brutal and exciting combat experience?


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Hi there!

I want to get a really new and intresting Skyrim experience and , well, as for combat, i don't know any mods that change the swordfights in the game to an epic clash.


By epic, i mean realistic, exciting, and brutal combat, which gets more intense with every blow.


i'm kinda thinking about enhanced AI, timed blocks, intresting features if you are dual wielding or if you go with a shield, and most importantly location based damage, mostly for arrows. By that i mean if you shoot someone in the leg, they either fall over or crumble in pain, get staggered, whatever, for a few seconds. It would really hurt if someone would shoot you in the leg(or the knee, to be particular...) wouldn't it?



So yeah, i'm lookint for more intense combat situations. Can you list some great mods that you know that feature some, or all of these features?

Oh, and have a nice day!

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Skyrim Redone (complete game overhaul, perks, magic, one/two hand overhaul, blocking tweaks, stamina consumption, etc, etc... wonderful thing) + http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/36478/ - Enemy AI (loaded after) makes opponents a LOT harder, faster and much more reactive. Instead of best representing a practice dummy.

Another good tool on top of that would be SkyTweak which lets you edit various aspects of the game as well (sneaking, combat, etc) to your own desire.


And of course when you make opponent tough as nails, you need a killmove mod as well to end it in fashion :smile:

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I have skyrim redone(I don't use the ai or combat modules), ASIS(I don't use the enemy ai), Duel Combat Realism, ERSO enhanced enemy ai, and Ultimate combat will really, really punish you. Basically if you're not paying attention, you will get sliced, and die. Oh, and for those duel wielders, mods like duel wield parrying are a must.

Edited by Lakan
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I apalogise for shameless elfadvertising but I think you could try my mod Nature of the beast 2 and download the green bane encounter beta version. I believe I have made the encounter with the kind of entertainment you seek. It allows you to be attacked by a green bane - a monstrous reptile. Basically the reptile has numerous custom abilities like camouflage that makes it very difficult to be spotted, slow but long and sophisticated poison that will slowly kill you but first obscure your vision, blind you and then paralyze you. It also has custom attacks that can knock you down, disarm you or stunn you for 10 sec. The beast also has a huge bonus to attacks from behind or side. It also has custom AI that compells it to attack you from behind and to retreat to recover once seriously wounded. I tried to make the encounter very brutal, dynamic and intereresting and I think I have succeded. Read all the readmes in the archive for details.

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3 Great Mods for combat seriously don't play without


Skyrim Redone: great gameplay overhaul



Duel - Combat Realism: Compatible with skyrim redone



Enhanced Enemy AI: Doesn't use scripts!


Kyu, you should consider giving Ultimate Combat a try in addition to these four, and Asis if you want the enemy ai to be able to learn new modded spells.

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I recommend you Duke Patrick's Mod for combat. It gives a very realistic feeling of battle and is the best real combat mod out there (I believe). Here some links:

Nexus: http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/3646/?


Steam: http://forums.bethsoft.com/topic/1351757-relz-duke-patricks-heavy-weapons-combat-mod/


Other: http://tesalliance.org/forums/index.php?/files/file/1139-duke-patricks-archery-and-heavy-weapons-combat/


IMPORTANT: Check this comparison with the other combat MODS:


Have fun :biggrin:

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Duel - Combat Realism : It makes combat more risky, blocking is more important (learn to block), arrows one shot you (learn to dodge), managing stamina is more important

Enhanced Enemy AI : The enemy react better and work better in group instead of derping

Ace - Combat Modules : This a modular one. 2h and 1h are more distincts, 1h focus on speed and versatily and 2h focus on pure damage and powerattacks. Bows are divided into light and long bows. Light and Heavy armor are now very different. And with the Realistic fighting module, add a lot of new buffs/debuffs that are applied based on your armor/current state/etc...

Dual Wield Parrying : Necessary if you wish to survive as a spellsword/dual wielder

Locationnal Damage : Add various debuffs that are applied based on where you hit (and they work on you too)

Deadly Dragons : Harder dragons

Skytweak : Allows you to tweak EVERYTHING.

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