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I'm overpowered and looking for a fix - Help me!


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Hey guys,


I've been playing vanilla Skyrim for about 100 hours, I've nearly completed the main quest and the Dark brotherhood.


My problem is that I maxed smithing early, I can just go around one shotting most enemies. It's making the game boring but I don't want to start again, because I've got some levels that took quite a while to get.


Is there any way to perhaps remove my smithing level, dump my gear and carry on?


Or perhaps some of you guys have encountered this problem and dealt with it another way?




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I'm guessing you're on consoles?


Well the first thing I did, b4 I got into modding was completely ignore enchanting, smithing, and alchemy.


Maxed smithing without enchanting/alchemy already increases the damage of a dragonbone sword from 15 to 25, which is huge.

Add enchanting/alchemy ontop of that and you can easily double, trouble, quadruple, your damage, or even more depending on your level of exploitation.

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Only use non-perked weapons. Once your Smithing hits a certain point the base weapon type becomes irrelevant. Smithing adds a straight number to whatever you improve and the perk doubles that, so a padded stick with base damage 0 with a Smithing perk that adds 100x2 makes the padded stick do 200. If the Mighty Incisor of Akatosh does 75 and your Smithing without the perk adds 100 that makes 175, not as good as the padded stick.


Of the "never perked" weapons I believe the Wooden Sword may just be the nerf-stick you're looking for. The Long Bow is the archery equivalent.


If you want something with a little more bite Falmer weapons are also never perked, unless there's some Dwemer Lexicon of Entomology I missed somewhere. Yes, that's right, you use bug guts to improve Falmer gear. Sexy!


If your non-perked weapons are still too powerful and you're not using "Fortify Smithing" in any way you need to up the difficulty to Master or Legendary.

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Download combat enhancers like Deadly Combat, Enhanced Enemy AI and Deadly Dragons. And as the guys above me said, make your Smithing skill Legendary (it'll reset the skill to level 15).

Skyrim Redone does a good job at balancing extremely overpowered skills like Sneak and Smithing, although it's a complete overhaul of the game.

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Ummm, there's a few things you can do to make it more interesting; run around in only a tunic on Legendary difficulty, only take perks in Speech from now on, use only dual-wielded poaching axes as weapons, get a belly full of Mead just before a battle, contract as many diseases as you can, bare fist only with Briarhearts, use only Runes as weapons when fighting giants, punch your thrall three times before engaging a Dragon Priest, and make sure you are always overburdened.


Other than that, just don't use your OP armor or weapons.



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I use deadly monster plugin from deadly dragon and I boosted every mobs hp and armor by 130%. I have to say, even with my 500 damage bow I have some hard time killing some bandits on expert level... But it's fun tho =D
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