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Followers Won't Block doorways!


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Man, My followers really love to block me at every single doorway or narrow pathway they possibly can, if only someone made a modification to the game that allowed me to just walk through them in situations like that! That would be so awesome!


I'd would love to either be directed to an already existing mod (that will make my followers not block me in doorways and narrow hallways etc.), or for a super-rad mod maker to create one! Please! Please?


-Thank you!



Edited by nebulous235
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On 6/14/2021 at 8:39 PM, nebulous235 said:

I'll check this out, thank you!

That link is outdated, by the way.  NFF is now here.

(Also, this should help when a follower is blocking YOU from passing through a doorway, but I doubt it helps much when a follower is blocking ANOTHER FOLLOWER from passing through a doorway or up/down a narrow staircase.)

Edited by Skavan
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I'm using AFT.  I forgot about the "Get thee behind me, Follower!" menu option...  It irritates me that they just stare at me while I'm trying to push them out of my way, and it grates at me when they get mad at me for pushing at them.  "Oh!"  "Hey!"

As far as getting shoved off of mountain, cliff side passes - with me falling to my death, I think they're doing it for the inheritance.  Well, I've learned to take a step to the left or right, so that they end up running off the edge of the mountain!  Serves them right for trying to kill me!

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