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So TESO now claims to be the next chapter in the elder scrolls saga th

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First, it is going to be another page in the history of the Tamriel, not the next chapter. Second, I don't see why not, as long as Bethesda's story writers have a part in it. Although, the problem I see is that before we would just write history, like, "and then the Dragonborn saved the world from Alduin Bane of Kings". The same with Oblivion's champion and Morrowind's Nerevarine and their respective adventures.


"And then ... then ... it was a PvP mess dude ... like ... every adventurer wanted to be the Emperor of Tamriel!"

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Online games require an obsessive focus on "balance", this class versus that class, one class with one technique finding a way the designers didn't anticipate to dominate most situations, etc.


In single-player games everyone eventually finds some way to do this, and I don't know that there's ever been a Bethesda game where the player couldn't find some way to become ridiculously OP.


It seems like Bethesda is going into completely new and unfamiliar territory here. They're a good company with good ideas, but they're babes in the woods in this genre. It's like going from being a college professor to becoming warden at a prison, in the sense that there are some things the professor is going to need to unlearn about human nature in order to succeed in the new environment.


The game itself will look awesome and have fun things to do. Bethesda always gets that part right. On the group dynamics front ... we'll see.

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Its being developed by Zenimax not Bethesda, Bethesda has little to do with it... Bethesda softworks only publishes games. Not that Bethesda game studios is not really new to online everyone forgets about Battlespire witch had multiplayer to tes. Been following this game close because I do like mmos so far it looks pretty mind blowing cant think of an mmo I rather be playing if it was out now.

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Im extremely disappointed that there making a MMO to begin with. I think they could take there other games, or the areas of Morrowwind and Oblivion and add them as DLC expand on what the world is and i think the company would make money off of it. Instead they want to jump the bandwagon of make a mmo hype it up then lose all the customers after 5 months. I played these 3 games Morrowwind, Oblivion, and Skyrim like a fiend because they were large open worlds to explore. If one day i was feeling funny and the shop keeper looked at me wrong id zap him like a sith and take his goods. The point is the game is open you can do whatever you want, you cant do that in a mmo. This new mmo should be a side project in my opinion, and sticking to making large explorable worlds there main point. (sorry for the very bad typing skills, english is my only language so i should have no excuse, but im just a dumby.)

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