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Ye ole Classics of Yor


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I dont wear pepsi shirts and i never plug a product, unless i really REALLY like it.


So i am plugging dosbox.


If you are old enough like you know, remebr 85 when yah got your first nintendo, or can only remeber the first playstation......

DOSbox is for the hardcore gamer in all of us. I was bored looking for games online cause my vid card crashed.....

I did a search on the Ultima series, Found a place where i could Download 1-8 ( cant get 8 anymore ) Dled em all, Found out i needed DOSbox.......

The damn thing took me 6 months to figure out how to make a game run right......


So easy to make it run........


Edit the config file!


There is SOOOOOOOOO many awsome games out there its sick..........


Just remeber to read the Readme!

And remeber the diffrence between FREEware, SHAREware, and ABANDONware!

Anyway, i found a nvidia 9500 for 115 bucks, so ill be back to playing newer games soon.


Just remeber this if yah get bored! PM if you get confused running DOSbox i can easily help you so simply its rediculuos.!!!! I am not 100% sure about this as i run them in DOS mode but Elderscrolls 1 and 2 are dos games!!! ( daggerfall is largest of elderscrolls, 15000 dungeons towns villages ect ect ect! )


Later peeps!

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There are a few of the older DOS games I run on my laptop that run fine in XP, though I have occasionally used Turbo (a freeware program that restricts processor to emulate 286 and 386 computers) to reduce game speed to managable levels.


Haven't played with DOSBOX yet... will need to check that out.

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DOSBox is AWESOME. I use it to play Theme Hospital :P


As for getting games to run... you dont need to edit any config file. Just put the game somewhere (I use /home/alex/DOSGAMES - I run it on linux), run dosbox, type 'mount c /home/alex/DOSGAMES' (just use C:\ etc instead of \home\), cd to the games directory, and run it.


Just remember the hotkeys for switching between fullscreen/windowed, and for controlling frameskip and cpu cycles, and you're sorted. Great program!

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I generally just use dosbox for any dos game I play without even seeing if it runs in xp or not...


It has perfect soundblaster emulation and has worked with every single game I've tried without the bloody faffing about with boot disks like back in the day... God that was a nightmare.


<3 it.





For the record, for Ultima 7 I can highly recommend "Exult" which is an xp compatible version which allows you to do some neat stuff like having the "dressable" inventory screens in Black Gate and general interface things that make the game easier to control... And naturally "ScummVM" for the lucasarts point and click games... And I think they've added support for a couple of others

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With editing the config file, you can bypass 80-90% of the commands.


Example, You dont have to type Mount C ( ect ect ect ) all you have to do is type cd "gamefolder" and then the name of the exe file that runs the game.

So it can actually be way easier than running any emulator out there.

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  • 6 months later...

Im 15, and i remember last year i spent weeks playing TES: Arena which you can now get for free :D


I also found doom somewhere and had fun on this, i owuld still be playing now, but my PC which has XP on it decided to cook its own guts and DOS Box dosent like vista XD


Retro gaming = The BEST !

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Im 15, and i remember last year i spent weeks playing TES: Arena which you can now get for free :D


I also found doom somewhere and had fun on this, i owuld still be playing now, but my PC which has XP on it decided to cook its own guts and DOS Box dosent like vista XD


Retro gaming = The BEST !


Dosbox works great on my home computer & my gaming laptop (both Vista) & have yet to find a Dos game it can't handle though some do need custom settings to work & that's where a front-end like >D-fend reloaded< can be invaluable.

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  • 3 weeks later...
The Ultimate Doom and Duke Nukem 3D were probably my favourite of really old games that I have played. However, they run pretty well without any special programs or such on XP (at least for me).
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