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Best Bow in The Game


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There are 4 bows Worth considering I would have posted this in my other topic on Answering Q's but some vulkhead locked it


A: Auriels bow doing 2-50 damage 16 wieght 1000/1000 condition 7 enchantment points


not really worth getting as Weight doesnt matter as an archer as youll boost your Strength anway

as It does Allot more damage than Marksman Skill


B: Deadric Longbow 2-50 damage 24 wieght 1000/1000 condition 10 enchantment points


Very good get as It holds more enchantment points than Auriels and looks sicker


C: Bow of shadows 4-40 damage 10 wight 3000/3000 condition Invis 30 for 30 secs, Fortify Speed 20-30 for 20 secs I


I would Also very much consider getting this bow as being a good marksman requires Strength causing faster weapon breakage meaning you do less with each hit


D: Bound longbow CE: 2-50 weight 0 condition 800/800 Fortify Marksman 10


I Already Stated Strength does allot more than Marksman and the Fact that this bow only hold 800 condition I would seriously consider this one of my least preffered

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First of all, please keep posts which could be one - as one. You could have easily added your arrows information to the end of your bows information without starting a new post.


Second of all, don't insult moderators.


Third of all, don't ignore what moderators tell you. Malchik told you how the forums work and then you bone-idly ignored him and started this thread. Thats how people get strikes around here. If you're bored...go read the forum rules and regulations.

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I apologise for seperating 2 posts as I forgot 2 mention It in the first it came 2 me after what can I tell you


2ndly what can I tell U mwsource I suppose was created for Helping ppl I created a posted for general chit chat and Q's The sites main Purpose to Answer Questions no???


3nd I dont mean to brag but I know Basicly everything there is to no about whats decent in morrowind just trying to help


4rthly I didnt Ignore Malchicks thread A guy before Malchick Intervened a guy asked me a question on bows and I gave him an answer in a new thread as the last was blocked


5th I wouldnt bother with strikes It doesnt take long to create a new email account

im talking in general mates of mine have more than one already you dont think people will just create another and rejoin the site?

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Strike one for general idiocy and ignoring forum rules against double posting.



1) Apologize? Right after you "apologize", you do it agian! Somehow I doubt you're that sorry about it.


2) I suppose you know more about the purpose of MWSource and what threads are appropriate for it than the SITE ADMIN WHO CREATED THE SITE.


3) Yes, just like everyone else in the world, you know everything about the game. Sorry, but you don't get a personal thread just for that.


4) A moderator locked the thread. Therefore the discussion is over. You do NOT make a new thread to continue it, especially without asking a moderator for permission.


5) Congratulations, you can make a new account. Doesn't help you much when you're IP banned.


6) LEARN TO USE PROPER ENGLISH. If you can't take the time to do so, you obviously don't care about your posts. And if YOU don't care about them, why should anyone else?

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You're welcome to help people - but this isn't a shop front. The forums work in the complete opposite way to how you've begun...


People ask for help, and you give it if you know how to help. Its not the other way around - you don't advertise your services.


I'm willing to give you the benefit of the doubt that this was all due to arrogance of this forums ettiquette. I've already received a strike request on your name and will issue it if you start stepping out of line again.


Oh, and watch out for Peregrine...

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I'd like to add something. Marksman, as a skill, is actually important. And as for a weapons' durability, the lower the better! Then you can improve your armourer skill. The bow of Sul Selipund(sp) is a good beginner's bow. IMO A bound longbow is the best of the lot for the simple fact that it weighs absolutely nothing. Therefore you may carry it around with you whilst you also have another bow "just in case." You might want to add crossbows to this thread, they are also bows in their own right and deserve the proper attention.

By the way, friendly advice: Try not to argue with the Moderators or Administrators, they're here to keep order and to give advice. Causing strife just gains strikes!

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Try using a bound longbow with 500str u will see the difference as for damage boosting strength does somewhat double than what marksman does


And who cares bout armourer really why break weapons so you can fix them very pointless

also if you got the pc version you can add the master amourer with a mod.

Marksman seems to mainly boost your chance to hit as Agility is its governing skill and with a high Agility you never miss anyway. Alot of the time attributes are the best thing to add I believe for damage, except maybe you spell chance with willpower compared to some of the Magic class skills, there are also a few other skills worth boosting over attributes but not allot.

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Outa Curiosity as you can get strikes 3 I would believe are these cancelled out with balls 1,2,3,4

Im a baseball gun you know I could even be done for a homerun.

Billyd, are you illiterate, or just a troll? You have been warned multiple times, by two moderators and the site admin, to stop double posting. Are you honestly to stupid to avoid doing it, or are you just trying to cause trouble?

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Apologies for the double, but some things dont come to you all at once, and you need to create new posts in which to explain things. Which is why I have posted things seperatly in 2 different posts also as for the doubles sometimes it says that it didn't go through when it did, im not doing it delibrately you know
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