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Announcing Beyond Skyrim: Cyrodiil


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i just don't see this coming to light at all it is too ambitious with too many self impossed rules like not using meshes from oblivion and having most all of the dungeons and little areas redone. is voice acting planned? i mean if it is then have you even considered how it could be implemented? there is a lack of voice actors available as it is and if you can pull some then there would surely be problems with the voices not sounding the same as the vanilla voices. and if you guys do stick to this then what happens when the next game comes out? do you stick with skyrim? what about the game after that? if this project is really to be seen to the end i would estimate it taking more than 3 years and by then skyrim will surely be out dated by the newer titles in the series. this game came out 3 years ago and with your mod not having a release date in sight it just isn't plausible

Edited by Az0Z
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i just don't see this coming to light at all it is too ambitious with too many self impossed rules like not using meshes from oblivion and having most all of the dungeons and little areas redone. is voice acting planned? i mean if it is then have you even considered how it could be implemented? there is a lack of voice actors available as it is and if you can pull some then there would surely be problems with the voices not sounding the same as the vanilla voices. and if you guys do stick to this then what happens when the next game comes out? do you stick with skyrim? what about the game after that? if this project is really to be seen to the end i would estimate it taking more than 3 years and by then skyrim will surely be out dated by the newer titles in the series. this game came out 3 years ago and with your mod not having a release date in sight it just isn't plausible

Yeah, lets all just stop creating lengthy quality modding projects. After all, whats the point?

If your concerned with the progress of a mod, you should consider helping out, instead of twisting everything to knots over the possibility of it being abandoned.


Nobody likes to get their hopes up to only wind up disappointed in the end, and while there are many quality mods out there that are short and not too overwhelming in terms of content; That should not dissuade modders from going for something big. Modding takes time, you don't actually appreciate the content you get in mods, before you actually try it out for yourself, it takes time to create something that not only looks good, but also works flawlessly. Luckily the majority of the large content projects are being worked on in groups, meaning that if one person abandoned it, there will always be others interested in finishing it.


The reason projects have rules banning the use of meshes and textures from previous Elder Scrolls is really because of Bethesda, who doesn't want us using meshes and textures from Oblivion/Morrowind in Skyrim. It doesn't really make much sense to me personally, but Bethesda obviously feels very strongly about this, so.. that's that.


There has as of yet not been announced any new Elder Scrolls, while it is not unlikely that we might be getting one in three years time (hopefully), that is still a pretty thin argument for why people shouldn't take a leap and work on something of this magnitude. There are people who are fear mongering over the Witcher 3 game, or the Dragon Age Inquisition game, there are no guarantee's that these games will be as enjoyable as Skyrim, and even if they are, I doubt people who've put X number of hours into a project will simply abandon it completely because of newer games set in a completely different title. Even if they do, there is always a good chance they will release what they've made thus far. I have doubts myself that anyone would be able to create all of Tamriel and make it full of fun content before moving on to new games, but hey! at least we might get what they manage to create before moving on.


Either way I would suggest that if your not comfortable with the progress that you try and help out. Cast yourself as a voice actor if you got a voice for it, learn how to use the creation kit if you don't do already and offer to help? Maybe your a good writer and could help write dialogues, quests or maybe even books? After all, being negative and listing reasons for why a project won't finish, while simultaneously worrying that it won't come out is a really bad combination.

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with too many self impossed rules like not using meshes from oblivion


1) These are not self imposed rules, but rules made by Bethesda.

2) The quality of Oblivions models are horrible. Why on earth would they be used?


is voice acting planned? i mean if it is then have you even considered how it could be implemented?


Everything is taken into consideration, and yes -- there are plenty of voice actors and there are plenty of recorded lines done.


and if you guys do stick to this then what happens when the next game comes out? do you stick with skyrim? what about the game after that?



Morrowind was released 2002

Oblivion was released 2006

Skyrim was released 2011


Now, the production time doesn't lessen over the years, it increases so I expect a Fallout announcement about next year, then a TES announcement in 2 years. Which means we'd end up with a TES title release at, perhaps, 2017.

Even then, there is the possibility of adding the mod to a new TES title, given the story/timeline isn't changed drastic. All the asset are custom created, which means they can be added to another engine. There is also the fact that Morrowind, today, is not dead. Skyrim won't be either.


what about the game after that? if this project is really to be seen to the end i would estimate it taking more than 3 years and by then skyrim will surely be out dated by the newer titles in the series. this game came out 3 years ago and with your mod not having a release date in sight it just isn't plausible


What about them?

It doesn't hurt anybody that the mod is being produced for Skyrim. Nobody is getting paid, there is no marketing involved and no profit made. Skill building are the end goal. And i can assure you: By the end of the 3 years, plenty of the people involved with Beyond Skyrim will be professional-quality game developers, and can head over to create their own indie game, or pursue a career.


You seem to be rather pessimistic for no apparent reason, my friend. Be optimistic! If everything goes as planned, this mod is released right before a new TES title is released. If everything misses, it is released after. Either way -- everybody wins.

I can tell you this; This project is top notch organized, and has been planned since the CK was released. I don't think anybody can stop this from reaching its goal.


Matth, 3d modeller/Weapon modeller for Beyond Skyrim

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This is actually more cool than being able to Re-Play Oblivion in Skyrim! this is Cyrodiil 200 years after Oblivion! so awesome! can´t wait wait for Beyond Skyrim - Cyrodiil!

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2) The quality of Oblivions models are horrible.


Bethesda forbade their use in Skyrim, that's all you needed to say. It's wholly unnecessary to slander Bethesda's work, not to mention foolish since Beyond Skyrim is obviously trying to imitate Oblivion's "horrible" models.

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Great, Ambitious and overall EPIC project you have here! I look forward to seeing this come to light, especially since it covers Oblivion related material (Pssh...Never played Oblivion guys...). All jokes aside I really think this could be a outstanding work if finished.


Also for Az0Z who thinks that this is in plausible, why not say that to the guys who are making Skywind. (Morrowind/Skyrim).


WARNING: Motivational speech ahead. Recieve a free internet cookie if you read it all...



I really think that this can in fact be pulled off with the right amount of effort. Sure there will be rough spots and may be some bugs along the way. But as a modder do we care what happens, yes. Will we try to get pass this and work toward going further, of course! I believe to be a modder of Skyrim or any game takes dedication ESPECIALLY if it's a huge project like this one. I am the creator of the Work-In-Progress mod "Skyrim: Windfall Expansion". My goal is to make a new land to travel to with new items, people, stories and more...


...A bit ambitious is it not?


I will work my hardest to release no matter what. If my voice actors quit (darkrouge21, I know you won't do that hehe) fine. If I can't find fellow modders, fine. If I can't get a single person to even look at my mod, welp fine by me. I will push forward and have high hopes for it, even when in my mind says

"Just give up!". *sigh* What I'm saying here is that you must have the right motivation and dedication to be the best dang modder possible, you can't let things get in your way. You saying that makes me feel angry and frustrated beyond skyrim belief, because having to see that one comment would just impact me in a way I can't describe.
Just seeing people say you can't do something in real life hurts me and just seeing that comment on a thread like this would hurt me even more....


*takes a sip of water* I can't type too much anymore, but I will finish with this.


Please don't discourage the mod creator m'kay? Would you like it if they said you couldn't do something, you really wanted to do?

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Nothing's too ambitious. After all, I'm making good progress on a massive mod that reimagines and overhauls the College of Winterhold questline. So if that's possible, then this project isn't too ambitious. Don't give up, and use your fire and passion for Skyrim to make this project a reality!

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Bethesda forbade their use in Skyrim, that's all you needed to say. It's wholly unnecessary to slander Bethesda's work, not to mention foolish since Beyond Skyrim is obviously trying to imitate Oblivion's "horrible" models.[/ quote]


Actually, I got all the rights to say wht I want. Perhap I should have worded myself a bit better.

Bethesds does not make top quality models, simply because of the size of the game. While the models of Skyrim are OK for a 2011 game, the models of Oblivion were more experimental, because they were among the first to use normal maps. That said: the topology is messy, the topology is not optimized, the UVW were probablu auto generated, and among the worst I've seen, the textures sre direct photos with little editting. I can go on.

Now, 3d is also an extremely fast moving industry. The quality of a 2006 game is ancient. Even the Skyrim quality is getting old now.


And nobody is imitate the 2006 quality models, only the look/concept of them. so, yes. The quality of the models of Oblivion are both ancient and horrible. Nobody is slander ing bethesda for that. Neither did I call the models themself horrible.

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