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Dragon Age: Prelude to Chaos

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Name: Virag


Gender: Female

Race: Human

Age: 27

Class: Rogue (Archer)/Bard

Occupation: Wandering Bard, Archer and the occasional thief.


Height: 5’11.5 “

Weight: 130lbs.

Hair: Golden Blonde, long and voluminous it is usually worn in buns or a messy plait.

Eyes: Turquoise.

Skin: Lightly sunkissed.

Handedness: Right.

Scars/Tattoos: Nothing of note, just a couple of small scars here and there- from falls and traps mostly, she never lets her opponents get close enough to cut her.

General Physical Description: Virag has sharp features and an enviable figure, her face square yet soft, her nose a rather prominent feature, being long and rather hawk-like, it adds to her character and fits her other features, expressive eyes and large, full lips. Her musculature is lean and tight, well suited to pursuit, escape and combat as need be.

Voice: Her voice is of a medium pitch, definitely feminine and always soft, silken and clear, when angered she tends to go one of two ways, either deeper and threateningly low, or high and screamingly loud.

Clothing/Armor: While attire is often changed with the seasons, her current outfit is simple, practical and lightly protective. She wears a simple, fine white blouse beneath a leather bustier, embroidered with fine golden patterns. She usually dons a fur-trimmed coat in the cold. Her legs are covered with skin-tight brown leather, and her feet a rather unique pair of boots. They reach her thighs and are made primarily from leather, laced at the front, the vamp is covered in deep blue material, and the platform embroiled with golden patterns.

Weapons: A reinforced red-cedar bow, the limb tip and limb notch adorned with golden ornamentation, as is the grip./ a simple steel dagger for close encounters.

Visual Appearance:



General Personality Traits: A kind, caring and openly benevolent individual, Virag is a cheerful extrovert who enjoys the thrill of adventure. She is sensitive to the plight of others, and does what she can to aid those in need, having a strong dislike of ‘Evil’. However, beneath the angelic surface she can be selfish and manipulative, with a penchant for kleptomania when it so strikes her. As a bard she is skilled in singing and playing her favoured instrument, the lyre, coming in handy when weaving a bards tale or singing a song in a tavern or camp. She strives for the company of others who will treat her well, and despises being used or hurt by others for their own gain.

Likes: Adventure, thrills, art, song, dance, archery, conversation, people, animals.

Dislikes: Cruelty, poverty, suffering.

Fears: Being buried alive.

Attitudes towards friends/strangers: She is initially reserved when first entering an area, initially using her time to survey those around her to determine who seems like good company, and when it strikes her, whom is a good mark for theft. Once her initial observations are over she is jovial and open, enjoying nothing more than a good chat, and to friends she is a loyal and devoted companion, whatever their trouble may be.

Opinion of the world: She isn’t quite sure what to think yet, but she knows that it is a land of opportunity.


Past: Born to a noble family in Ferelden, her ilk were faced with hard times, and needed a male heir more than ever, ‘cursed’ with a brood of females, Virag was abandoned and left to the elements outside of Kirkwall, unknown to her that as tragedy struck (Her elder sisters either killed by an illness, or lost to war; either metaphorically or truthfully), she was the sole heir to her family’s last drop of remaining fortune and prestige; And still is to this day, should her other siblings truly be dead.


She was found by an unnamed woman who cared for her until she was old enough to make her own fare in life, and travelled to the city. She joined a street gang and travelled with them for many years, but as their activities crossed from stealing from the rich to assist the poor, to raiding caravans outside the city walls, she left them with barely her life.


Her skill with the bow has saved her life many times, and her affinity for song assisted her in many a situation, she roams the world seeking adventure and riches, taking them when she can to make a living.

Birthplace: Unknown.

Family/Relationships: None that she knows of.

Friends: She has no true friends, as of yet.

Enemies: A gang she once ran with in her youth.


Skills and feats: (I’ll get to these later.)

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Look forward to RPin with her... Wind will that is. I have a second character I want to throw in.


Name: Ven


Gender: Male

Race: Qunari

Age: Unknown

Class: Warrior (two handed)

Occupation: Sailor and Pirate, First Mate aboard the Ilana


Height: 6'5"

Weight: 320

Hair: Bald, he keeps his head shaved.

Eyes: Black

Skin: Dark Grey


Handedness: Ambidextrous

Scars/Tattoos: Countless scars across his body, large tattoos that run from the base of his spin up to his neck and across his shoulders down the length of his arms to the back of his hands. It is written in an old Qunari script that he does not remember where it came from.

General Physical Description: He is large, massive arms from his many years as a warrior and as a sailor. His body is thick with muscles and the towering horns on his head have been cut down to just above his head and scolded with flame to force them to never regrow. A mark of shame amongst his people.


Voice: Deep and grumbly like gravel is being stirred in a pot, but to members of his crew it is either stern or caring in it's tone.


Clothing/Armor: Wears the bottom half of a set of Qunari armored robes, leaving his torso and arms bare, a massive stomach plate adorns his abdomen to protect it from all but the strongest hits. A spine-Guard runs along his back to protect his spine from attack that also ends in a collar lined with spikes, the lock that once held it tight remains in place but loosely hanging. Around his thick wrists remain a pair of strong Dwarf-Make manacles with a good length of chain around them.

Visual Appearance: http://images2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20111022221838/dragonage/images/b/b4/Maraas_wiki_picture1.jpg






General Personality Traits: Strong minded, wisdom gained by many years of hardship and battle. Respects those that give respect. Hates slavery in all it's forms, does not tolerate betrayers. Has a soft spot for honest pirates and equally despises pirates that target innocent vessels.

Likes: The ocean, his crew and Captain. Good food and drink.


Dislikes: Slavery, Betrayal and Dishonest Pirates.

Fears: Being taken alive by the Qunari, being enslaved.

Attitudes towards friends/strangers: That depends on the stranger or the friend.


Opinion of the world: That is for him to know and for everyone else to not find out.

HISTORY: Was a Marine with the rank of Ven. He fought loyally for the Qun for many, many years. He learned the trade of a sailor their but as he saw his Captain attacking innocent ships and falling from the Path he spoke out, only to find himself in manacles and sold to Antivan slavers. It was then that Wind and his crew aboard the Ilana saved him, he vowed to stay by Wind's side and act as his First Mate (to replace the one lost in the battle that freed him) so long as he lived.


Wind accepted the offer and he became the First Mate and Bo'sun aboard the Ilana. He keeps the collar and manacles he was fitted for on to remind him and the crew that he does not tolerate slavery and both he and Captain Wind actively seek to remove it from the world.


Birthplace: Unknown.


Friends: The crew of the Ilana

Enemies: Tevinter slavers, Antivan Crows and The Qunari.


Skills and feats: (I’ll get to these later.)

Edited by Macman253
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If the plan is still to drop Lianna, I and Wind will not manage to save her from the Bounty Hunter. Just mention in your next post then that perhaps they came too late, only to watch her drop to the ground or something. Then if you want I and Wind can battle the Bounty Hunter and either get rid of her, too, OR just let her charge off to collect her prize. And then maybe we can figure out why there was a bounty on Lianna in the first place? For interest's sake? If not that's fine, too. Just figured we could to with some action while we wait for some of the others to return from their vacations and all ;)

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