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Dragon Age: Prelude to Chaos

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Lol I had no idea that people even remembered him. XD I ditched the guy for my other Hawke, I think I'll make his character sheet instead cause he's a healer. To clear this up, it's just some guard sharing the same name as my old character. He's a minor character - a city guard. I added him there so that Josh could post something.


Sorry for not mentioning this sooner. :ohdear:

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Name: Thomas Grey


Gender: Male

Race: Human

Age: 30

Class: Mage. Spirit Healer/Force Mage

Occupation: Apostate


Height: 188 cm

Weight: 83 kg

Hair: Short, light grey and usually messy.

Eyes: Blue

Skin: Pale white

Handedness: Left

Scars/Tattoos: None

General Physical Description: Tall and lanky, Thomas is rather clumsy despite of managing to successfully hide from the Templars for most of his life. Optimistic in nature, Thomas almost always wears a smile on his face, which fits his oval shaped face.

Voice: Deep, medium-pitched and at times husky.

Disabilities: None.

Clothing/Armor: Thomas wears simple clothing usually of white or blue colors.

Weapons: A simple dagger and a staff which was made to look like a walking stick.

Visual Appearance: (I'll add a screenshot here later)


General Personality Traits: Thomas is quite sarcastic, almost always cheerful, he loves to crack to jokes and make other people laugh though in the past three years he rarely joked. Generally, Thomas is a good man but he is willing to do almost anything to remain free.

Likes: Sweets, stories, jokes, cats, freedom.

Dislikes: Templars, The Chantry, cheese, evil people.

Fears: To be caught by the Templars and made tranquil.

Attitudes towards friends/strangers: He is kind and loyal to his friends as for the strangers, it all depends on their attitude. He can be both friendly and rude towards strangers.

Opinion of the world: The world would be a much better place if mages always had their freedom.


Past: Thomas was born in a small village in Ferelden near Lake Calenhad. His father was an escaped mage from the Circle, his parents met when Thomas's father stayed for the night in the village's tavern where his mother worked as a serving girl. The two fell in love at first sight and despite the danger, the apostate stayed in the village with the girl he loved. Several weeks later the Templars found him and took him back to the Circle, he never came back and Tristan's mother who was pregnant never found out what happened to him.


Thomas started showing signs of magic at the age of six. They've lived in the same village and Thomas used to go down the docks and stare at the Tower in the distance, growing more and more angry each time he did so. His mother died at 9:30 Dragon and Thomas left to Kirkwall after hearing about the destruction of Lothering and the unrest in the Circle.


In Kirkwall, Thomas was nothing but another poor soul fleeing the Blight, but because he was young, strong and willing to work hard he got a job in The Hanged Man tavern. That's where he met another apostate, Anders. The two became something you could call friends and after some time of discussing the plight of mages, Tristan had decided to help with Anders wit the Mage Underground. His little shack in Lowtown had an access to the sewers which the fleeing mages used to escape.


After the Battle of Kirkwall when Anders was gone, he took over his clinic in Darktown and became the new healer but because of Anders' involvement in the war, many people looked at the new healer with distrust thus Thomas had to take several precautions to hide his magic and only a very small number of people knew that he was a mage.


Birthplace: Ferelden, a small village near Lake Calenhad.

Family/Relationships: None, all deceased.

Friends: Everyone who are friendly to him and helped him to stay free.

Enemies: The Templar order.


Skills and feats: (I'll fill this in later)

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Another guy for my Templar to go up against :blink: this rate he's going to die because he's drowning in a sea of templar-haters, which of course includes whoever I make next XD


Otherwise though, good character. (Though I find myself wondering just where you could possibly have gotten that name from. I'm absolutely sure it wasn't that kinky 'romance' book that seems all too popular these days, I have more faith in you than that XD)

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Well, on the bright side, Fletcher is a Templar-supporter. On the other side, he's a crazy psychotic killer |D

From Tristan and Isolde, of course. Pfff, like anybody reads that thing they call a book.

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It was the "Grey" part of his name I was more concerned about, hypocritical as I may be. Pretty sure the guy I was referring to was named 'Tristan" anyway, but I don't care what it was XD


Also: Semi-Random fights, ho!

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Oh, that.Actually I borrowed the second name from my VtMB character and before that I borrowed the surname from another vampire who's picture I found while browsing DeviantArt. ;D


I wouldn't take that book even if they gave one for free. I usually walk in circles around the teeny tiny fantasy section whenever I'm in a bookstore. ;D

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Sorry bout the crap posts thus far, there's only so many ways I can have a templar not interact with the group. I'll make that new character soon.


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there ain't no crap posts ... or they are all crap posts :p one or the other BUT hey, we're all just getting started and try to get a feel for everything. I am already enjoying myself though! you guys are all great and fun RPers :biggrin:

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