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Dragon Age: Prelude to Chaos

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Name: Ash


Gender: Male

Race: Kossith

Age: Unknown

Class: Blood Mage

Occupation: Ex-Saarebas


Height: 6'1

Weight: 230lbs

Hair: Long white hair kept tied back with red string in a ponytail

Eyes: Vivid yellow

Skin: Dark grey

Handedness: Left

Scars/Tattoos: Small 'dots' around his lips, scars from having his mouth sewn shut. Small cuts on the palms.

General Physical Description: Unlike many mages he is by no means helpless without his magic. Like many Kossith he has a very strong frame when compared to most people, though he by no means has an extraordinary physique when compared to other Kossith. He has the rare genetic trait of hornlessness.

Voice: Deep pitched and monotonous, lifeless.

Disabilities: Very little social skills from life as Saarebas.

Clothing/Armor: Tattered black pants, all that is left of his old Saarebas vestments.

Weapons: None, relies heavily on Spirit Strike.

Visual Appearance:


General Personality Traits: [i'll be developing his personality during the RP due to the psychological complexities that has likely developed from his situation.]

Likes: The fade, it's mysteries.

Dislikes: A great many things, including the Qun, the Templars, and the state of the world as a whole.

Fears: Very little, apart from his desire eventually being his downfall.

Attitudes towards friends/strangers: He is largely indifferent toward many people, and disattached from society completely.

Opinion of the world: A glorious mystery.


Past: His past is rather shaded, from all including himself. The earliest his path can be followed is during his days as a living tool, as Saarebas. In the Qun Saarebas hold a special place, completely mistrusted due to their power, and often looked upon with disgust, respect (due to their shouldering of such a great burden), or fear depending on the person (both the Saarebas himself and the beholder). From an early age he has been put down by the Qun, though he is far from broken. He has a very unique connection to the Fade, capable of consciously interacting during sleep rather than just dreaming, which offered an escape and alternative the harsh reality he lived in. He learned a great many things here, including blood magic, which he is rather reluctant to use but finds it a necessity in his search for knowledge. His days as Saarebas ended when his Arvaarad, or handler, was killed during the Qunari assault on Kirkwall. He subsequently fled to Darktown and has been there since.

Birthplace: Unknown, likely within the holdings of the Qun

Family/Relationships: None

Friends: Several spirits and a few demons

Enemies: All Qunari, many racist non-Kossith


Skills and feats:

Spirit Strike

Walking Bomb

Death Hex



Shackling Hex

Blood Magic


Blood Boil

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Ahhhhh! I am so sorry for popping up so late once again! My sister's been here for a week and I was hardly on the PC at all even though our dear Nighty told me about it like ... a week ago as one of the first ... :psyduck: ANYWAYS! Here I am now, finally and I'll get my character sheet posted in just a second!

I am really looking forward to this and I am also happy to see some familiar faces in the RP again :thumbsup:

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So - here we go! :P


Name: Ruthalia, short - Ruth


Gender: Female

Race: Human


Age: 30


Class: Warrior/Weapon and Shield/Berserker


Occupation: Occasional pirate, traveler, adventurer – just herself


Height: 5'4 (164cm)

Weight: 165lbs (74 kilo)

Hair: long, reddish-brown and lightly curly, sometimes in a ponytail for convenience

Eyes: light, crystal blue

Skin: creamy pale

Handedness: right

Scars/Tattoos: both arms are tattooed with various things, meaningful to Ruth

General Physical Description: her small height but somewhat heavier weight are not to be mistaken for laziness and too much ale and pork chops (well maybe some..), Ruth has spent most of her life training her body to support her in battle and make her strong and independent. Whilst she is not a muscle packet she is toned nevertheless and her voluptuous, feminine figure never lacks attention from others.

Voice: somewhat casual but in the deeper area, especially when she's getting furious

Disabilities: /

Clothing/Armor: she tries to keep the weight of her clothing light, whilst at the same time wears light chain mail and occasional plating to protect herself. Usually she will be dressed in comfortable but still sultry and inviting leather outfits usually in darker colors.

Weapons: her trustworthy sword (named 'Queen'), a couple of daggers hidden away and sometimes she'll be found carrying a shield or another, second sword

Visual Appearance: http://i1137.photobucket.com/albums/n519/SteffiSyndrom/ruth_zpsb9969497.jpg


General Personality Traits: Ruth enjoys the simple life – having fun and doing whatever the heck she just feels like doing. She's mostly uninhibited, wild and outgoing. She gets along with most people whilst at the same time has a very short-temper and little sympathy for idiocy and oppresion. She likes to have a good time wherever she can but sometimes ends up revealing too much about her to people who turn out to be not as trustworthy as she first thought they were. She tends to be a little naïve and ever so often finds herself dwelling in self-doubt but manages to pull out of it quickly.

Likes: good food, good drinks, good company – good times

Dislikes: liars, bullies, stupidity, ignorance and oppression

Fears: spiders … well, bugs in general, demons and the fear of failing herself and others, being disapproved of or judged

Attitudes towards friends/strangers: once in her heart, she'll do anything for her friends and loved ones; with strangers on the other hand she is cautious and suspicious but not unfriendly either

Opinion of the world: It's what you make it


Past: Ruthalia has been born in a small village, in Ferelden, close to Redcliffe. Her childhood had been pleasant and simple, the only problem were here parents who were not necessarily fond of her but didn't hate her either. Too wrapped up in their own problems and drama with each other and life, they never payed much attention to her. Whilst Ruth didn't live bad – she had a nice house to live in, food, shelter, warmth and toys to play with – she has never felt the love of her parents, never been embraced or appreciated or taught anything. Multiple times she had heard how she had been an accident, a mistake. All day she would hear how she would fail and never be anything in life, they blamed her for their unhappiness and failed marriage and relationship. Her sister was Ruth's only support but yet not even her could keep her from running away one day, when travelers and fishers brought in more food and supplies. Looking for adventure and something bigger and better than this life, she had snuck on board on one of the ships and hid in a small cabin waiting for it to set sail.

And that was when her real life began.

Sooner rather than later, of course, one of the people on the ship found her and took her to the captain who turned out to be a pirate – as did the rest of the crew as well. Amused by her wit and cheeky attitude they took her as one of their own in a heartbeat and taught her everything she knew. From gambling and drinking, to fighting and surviving (a much more suitable life-style than life with her parents had been, so Ruth thought). One of the crew members turned out to be a former warrior, a soldier. He taught her how to use a sword and shield and turned her into a skilled fighter after years of practice and patience.

Along their travels through the Waking Sea and the Amaranthine Ocean, rummaging through towns and villages, stocking up on booze and food and gambling their way through life, Ruth also met Isabela; who challenged her to a duel one night. Of course she stood hardly a chance against the pirate queen but managed to keep her on her toes and watch for several long, sweaty minutes. Afterward they did end up getting to know each other in yet another, more intimate way – to Ruth's utter joy and excitement who had lost a piece of her heart to the beautiful duelist; and Isabela ended up enchanted by the young fighter herself, therefor presented her with a beautiful, sleek sword that Isabela herself had no use for, but would turn out to be the world to Ruth. Isabela also inspired her to go out and do her own thing. And that – along with a stormy ship battle that they lost – was how she ended up in Kirkwall after all, looking for her own little pirate crew.

Birthplace: small town in Ferelden, close to Redcliffe

Enemies: besides her parents several angry villagers who have been robbed of their coin, drink and food


Skills and feats:

master stealing, master survival, improved poison-making, master combat training, expert combat-tactics


shield wall as well as shield bash (when carrying shield around), pummel, assault, scatter, perception, safeguard, berserk, adrenaline rage, barrage and death blow

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