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Who did you marry?


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Which time? I've been married 7 times and I'm about to get married again. I decided to create the perfect spouse and I'm still working on it. I'm trying out the newest one today. Hopefully I'll be posting two potential spouse mods soon after some more work and fine tuning.

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Working on marrying Vilja, as my current character is Nord. My first TESV marriage was a bit rocky as Ysolda didn't work that well with a Khajiit husband, and the second one was to that miner lady near Riften. She really couldn't keep up with my cosmopolitan character.



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Married Camilla Valerius first time, she's very attractive and kind of fun to snatch her from the middle of a love triangle but tries too hard to be a good little wife. She's not the sharpest tool in the box either. I found it quite tiresome arfter a while. Second time around married Faralda from the mages college (mod), she's tall and greenish yet somehow still attractive. She's not subservient nor tries to be a good little wife, even threatens to kill me if I ask more than once a day for a meal, lol. But its always tongue in cheek. She's affectionate without being cloying. Woman is smart and she's one hell of a mage. I think I'm in love, lol.

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For my 1st charater I made a modified version of Belrand (younger basically)


2nd another my modifed version of Vorstag (total overhall of his face not listed on nexus)


Third main character I still play mostly is married to... Cicero (thanks to a mod) :B Yes Cicero!!! XD

After you get him as a follower he calms down ALOT and I only find him annoying when we're in Windhelm with the Butcher line. The STAB-STAB-STAB part. -.- He's been my fav for a looong time because of his deatiled backstory, comedy value and the man really knows how to kill the crap out of things.


4th character with plans to marry Erandur or Drelas (Again thanks to mods. Erandur I made and Drelas thanks to insect1)


5th character married Faendal. (Also a mod I made-suck it Camilla!)


Future character I want to go through the Dark Brotherhood Questline and marry Raanan (my mod overhalling the generic Dark Brotherhood Initiate)


Blushes... Oh dear I'm senseing a theme.

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  On 7/28/2013 at 7:14 PM, nylonkex said:

I have played several different characters on the Xbox360 game, I don't remember any more the pairings precisely, but I recall marrying the Wolf twins Farkas and Vilkas in many incarnations. I was a Breton, and as a Khajiit married Balimund. Finally I tried Benor and that's when I started playing on the PC. My first incarnation was a High Elf called Galathil and I married Sorex Vinius, he was such a whinebag if he lived anywhere other than Solitude!! Finally, I created a Nord character which I am currently investing all my time in. His name's Bormir Grey-Mane, and I have created a backstory for him including losing both his parents in the final battle of the Great War. I have downloaded a truckload of mods, including a Marriageable-Follower of Ralof, the Nord I felt would be the perfect husband. Can't wait to increase the guest list enough to have full pews in the Temple of Mara when we wed. Trouble is I haven't found the mod that gives men red and white wedding clothing....


Further to my post in July, I have found the mod that I wanted that overhauls the marriage system and introduces extras like thrones to sit in after the ceremony, red and white wedding clothes courtesy of Radiant Rainment, if you've completed the College of Winterhold questline you get a couple of mages in attendance plus light decorations; if you've completed the Companions questline a couple of Companions attend, same with the Thieves Guild, a couple of thieves stand in the shadows on protection duty. So I am very pleased to be fulfilling the criteria right now so I can wed my modded Ralof follower. The mod is called "To have and To Hold" by joeThinkStudios on the Steam Workshop as it is not available currently on the Nexus.

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I've never been able to make up my mind about who i wanted to marry, at one point i wanted to marry Sarana but i later found out you can't, then i wanted to marry Vilya on one playthrough and saw you couldn't lol, so i never bothered to marry anybody and just have female companions follow me into battle and wander around my houses lol.


So yea...never married yet

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  On 9/30/2013 at 5:28 PM, PsYchotic666Joker said:

I've never been able to make up my mind about who i wanted to marry, at one point i wanted to marry Sarana but i later found out you can't, then i wanted to marry Vilya on one playthrough and saw you couldn't lol, so i never bothered to marry anybody and just have female companions follow me into battle and wander around my houses lol.


So yea...never married yet


If you play on PC, there is a Marry Serana Mod that does what the name implies:




It's very well done because the author used and edited samples from Lara Bailey's other voice work (in other games) to complete similar marriage dialogues Bethesda never recorded for Serana because they never intended her to be married during, or after Dawnguard.

Edited by MidevalGuy
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  On 10/3/2013 at 12:01 AM, Phillipsc45968 said:

I married Aela the huntress and we where happy for the first couple of months then I just got tired of her saying "oh my love your back", so I finally decided to kill her and throw her in the river.


How could you get tired of Claudia Christian a.k.a. Commander Susan Ivanova of "Babylon 5" calling you her love? :wink:


*Runs and hides nerdy knowledge of arcane pop-culture in shame*

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