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Being a complete newbie in terms of modding (only started two days ago, having purchasing Skyrim), I've a question - two, actually - about mod stability:

1. Which would you all say is currently the most stable magic-related mod? (Midas, Apocalypse etc.) That is, in terms of not interfering with other mods or negatively affecting performance. (FPS drops, freaky graphics, crashes etc.)

2. Just how stable is SkyUI? I've been to the official page, and - in spite of the impressive number of downloads and endorsements - I've found several complaints from users regarding gameplay post-installation.


...Sorry, I lied - 3rd question: should I install SkyUI, just how X360-friendly is it? Yes, I know it supports said controllers, but would the new layout be more convenient for a controller-user to navigate through, compared to the Vanilla layout?


Just for reference, the mods currently installed on my PC (all updated to latest versions) are:

The Unofficial Skyrim Patch


Duel Combat Realism


Dragon Combat Overhaul


Thanks in advance! :biggrin:

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As a completely neutral and unbiased third party I can tell you Apocalypse is the best. :biggrin:





Spell mods don't interfere with anything; however sometimes other mods with perk changes don't support added spells.


You should also get some sort of magic scaling mod as well (there are plenty and they are mostly the same) otherwise magic will remain unviable in the endgame. Most magic scaling mods are compatible with spell mods; avoid the ones that micromanage tweaks to individual spells because those rarely extend to added spells.


Ignore complaints in mod comment threads; unless EVERYONE is having the same problem, there is a good chance the problem is caused by the user. Being the #1 or #2 most popular mod on the Nexus, SkyUI is a retard magnet.


I don't think anyone cares about the 360-friendliness of SkyUI, seeing as the entire default interface of Skyrim was designed for console kids. :P

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Alright, straight to the point - I like that! :thumbsup:

Now, about the "magic scaling mods" - exactly what are those? Is there an explanation in the main Nexus website or should someone explain it here for clarification?

Secondly, I didn't really get the gist of what you were trying to tell me about the UI; in the end, would I be better off with or without it? (if I did install it, I'd be also able to install a great deal of other mods, so that's also something to be taken into account)

Finally, about the compatibility: I should've been much more specific in asking about it, since ACE is the only mod that's actually relevant to the topic. (basically, the compatibility of ACE with the Apocalypse mod you've suggested, seeing as how they both affect skill trees)

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Now, about the "magic scaling mods" - exactly what are those? Is there an explanation in the main Nexus website or should someone explain it here for clarification?



Those are the mods who scale your magic magnitude and sometimes also the time your spell last based on the level of your magic skills. Like... the higher is your destruction skill the bigger is the damadge dealt by your spells... etc Just type "scal" in the nexus seach option and see what will pop out.




I play on the PC... so I have no idea how SkyUI works on a X360 but for me it is a must have. Never noticed ant type of problems with it and it makes the usage of the spellbook and inventory a lot easier and time consuming... plus it looks better then the vanilla one.



ACE doesn't modify magic skill trees. It modifies some skill trees but not magical ones. ACE magic module adds several magical buffs based on the skills you have but doesn't modify the skills directly. It is tots compatybile with Apocalypse.

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Now, about the "magic scaling mods" - exactly what are those? Is there an explanation in the main Nexus website or should someone explain it here for clarification?



Those are the mods who scale your magic magnitude and sometimes also the time your spell last based on the level of your magic skills. Like... the higher is your destruction skill the bigger is the damadge dealt by your spells... etc Just type "scal" in the nexus seach option and see what will pop out.




I play on the PC... so I have no idea how SkyUI works on a X360 but for me it is a must have. Never noticed ant type of problems with it and it makes the usage of the spellbook and inventory a lot easier and time consuming... plus it looks better then the vanilla one.



ACE doesn't modify magic skill trees. It modifies some skill trees but not magical ones. ACE magic module adds several magical buffs based on the skills you have but doesn't modify the skills directly. It is tots compatybile with Apocalypse.



Nice, another detailed answer - very much appreciated! :biggrin:

Anyway, about the UI? I was actually referring to playing the PC version of Skyrim, while USING an X360 controller; I just wanna know whether they (the controller and the UI) compliment one another or not, seeing as how SkyUI is a prerequisite for installing many other great mods.

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I play with a 360 controller, and SkyUI works absolutely perfect with it, feels totally organic. It's a hundred times more instinctive and convenient to use with the controller than vanilla UI. No surprise, considering SkyUI was designed by an incredibly smart person, while Skyrim's vanilla UI was clearly designed by a room full of retarded monkeys.

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I play with a 360 controller, and SkyUI works absolutely perfect with it, feels totally organic. It's a hundred times more instinctive and convenient to use with the controller than vanilla UI. No surprise, considering SkyUI was designed by an incredibly smart person, while Skyrim's vanilla UI was clearly designed by a room full of retarded monkeys.

Awesome, I'll download it ASAP! :woot:

As for the magic issue, I eventually settled on the Balanced Magic and Apocalypse mods, so this topic's as good as done.


Thank you all for your help - you guys are lifesavers!

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