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[WIP] MediEvil in Skyrim


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Very excited for this. Are the puzzles going to be remotely similar? Like the mouse and elephant one and the village level. Also how about bosses and ways to beat them? The glass boss would be so sweet in the Skyrim engine. Lastly how about the hall of heroes?


I found out about this here : http://kotaku.com/one-of-the-playstations-greatest-heroes-reborn-again-1618693577


I would donate to you because how big a fan of ME I am.

Thanks for doing this!

Edited by CW1CK5
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This looks great man, here is *hoping* you DON'T get a cease and desist letter.


Sony doesn't have a problem sending those out. I hope the project holds and doesn't get stopped before it's done.


Remember they were going to make Lord of the Rings mod for Skyrim, and that got shut down. You honestly should of waited before announcing it. :/



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Yea, I'm fully aware that I can receive not-so-pleasant email from Sony any minute now. I don't think announcing it later would change anything. If they wanna stop me, they will do it no matter the stage this project is in. And honestly it would be better if they do it now, than when it's fully completed and ready for release.


@CW1CK5 Sorry, I'm planning to do only first four levels, so no mouse and elephant puzzle. But there will be Stained Glass Demon boss. I'm still not sure how to create him. He is not just a boss in the game. He is like the final boss in my quest to completion of this project. A real challenge for my modding skills ;D

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I don't believe Sony will say anything. If Medievil was a bigger franchise then they probably would, but considering the trading of PS games online is pretty much free and unregulated I would stand by the assumption that they are probably busier protecting other things.

That aside, my friends and I are very enthusiastic about this mod. It is heartwarming to find people reminiscing over the original game, but to see somebody trying to work with it and bring it back to life is awesome. It is one of my favorite PS games and the only one in the series I play. I even have it on my PSVita so I can whip up some nostalgia on the go. I look forward to seeing it come to life in the best open world RPG series in existence.

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I know you say you're only going to be doing the first four levels of the game but, once this is done and if any other modders did come to you in the future to finish it off, would you work with them or allow them to continue? I know that seems like an odd question probably but I'm purely curious in case some guy(s) did want to, for whatever their reasons may be, or would you ever consider updating it even if the updates were really separated apart?

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@M04B To be honest, this whole project became so popular that I started to consider many options. Don't get me wrong, first four levels are still the main goal. There are simply too many unknown factors to say what will happen in the future.


@Stjan I know at least one or two ME fan projects that got canceled by Sony not so long ago.

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I just want to say to the author of this mod, thank you thank you thank you. I too always loved these games and this game specifially was the first that really grabbed me, I have been longing for Sony to do something with the license. The amount of passion, attention to detail, and hard work really show. Fantastic job so far.

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