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[WIP] MediEvil in Skyrim


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I loved Medievil as a kid, here's hoping this doesn't get a C&D. (Knowing the gaming industry, it will very likely get one anyways unless you find a way to worm around it)


Also, any chance we could get the Sir Daniel related things (player model, sword and what have you) now? :)

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@EthicalLune Nope, you will have to wait till this mod is finished. :)


Also, I received quite a few questions about voice acting (probably because one of my old posts). I am not looking for VA right now. I realized that it's still to early to think about things like that. I will make an announcement in this topic and in The Voice Actors of Skyrim (Nexus) topic if anything changes.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hope all is well with the progress of this awesome mod if this doesn't make it to the top 10 then the judges are corrupt. meanwhile, I have a few question's if you don't mind? Is the starting menu going to be in-game? cause looking at that skeleton pointing at the grave and the ones in the actual games, you made it look exactly like the ones In the previous games and definitely captured that MediEvil "Feel" to the audience. I'll definitely endorse. Oh and if you're remaking the first four levels, does that mean the mod comes to a stop as soon as we reach the stain glass demon or after the boss battle? As I'm anxious to see how that boss battle would be rendered in Skyrim's engine. Lastly, would this be treated as a separate DLC?(I'm using DLC very loosely.)What I mean is, will it's world(Gallowmere) be separate from the province of Skyrim?


Other than that, thanks for making this old gamer relive his favorite childhood memories in the best RPG 2011. I was 8 by the time the first one came out. never could finish it at that age however, playing through it in my age, right now, was a piece of cake. No sweat.

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Hey @TheRedDread!

Well, I believe there is a little misconception about the "New Game Skeleton" video I did. It does NOT present how Skyrim main menu will look like after installing this mod or anything like that. It's just something like an easter egg. You will find it while playing the mod, but it doesn't have any special mechanics and functions attached to it.

Yes, this mod includes fighting Stain Glass Demon. After the fight you are free to explore the levels and when you are bored with that you can teleport to Skyrim and start official campaign.

And yes, Gallowmere is outside of Skyrim. It's completely new land (but ofc, you are restrained to the "cemetery" section of the land)

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  • 4 weeks later...

I don't think think I have ever been so excited for a mod! :smile: I very much look forward to this, and hope all is going well, not just with the mod, but with yourself! :smile:


Forgive me if wishing you well is too personle, I know for some people it is.

Edited by Quintonjj13
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Big fan of medievil. I'm really excited for this project. Hope everything goes well, I already downloaded the shield mod and it looks nice (though it may need a little more depth as the skull is engraved into the shield.)


Those little easter eggs were clever too, it only makes me more anxious to see what other little tidbits you snuck into this.


Is there any sort of update you can give on this? A lot of time has passed since any other info on the mod has been presented (not that you have to of course, it's just nice to know that the mod is still being worked on.)


I do have a few questions though:


1) Will Dan's arsenal be recreated as well? He has quite a lot of kit for his wizard-slaying quest. I'm talking Magic Sword, Stanyer's Hammer, the Crossbow etc.


2) Are you planning on having any voice-acting for the gargoyles or are they just going to be static props?


3) Will Dan retain some of his quirkier combat abilities? (The spinning slash for example, I've seen it used in Shadow Warrior and I think it could be done here with the right animation know-how)


4) As a modder, how much difficulty/time is put into crafting new materials for this mod? Such as weapons and even Dan himself.



Thanks for putting so much effort into this, many are excited to see this become a reality and it's great to see that MediEvil is still a beloved series in the modding community (even if there aren't any other known mods at this point in time). It's great to see the old knight dust off his armour for another go at some good old fashioned zombie slaying.

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