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Dragon Age support for NMM, DA2 support incoming, site splits and top


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In response to post #8353691. #8353933 is also a reply to the same post.

A hotfix for the Dragon Age support is almost ready.



Holy smokes that was quick. It seems to have fixed most of them but some mods still have the same problem. I think there must be a work around on my end, so I wouldn't stress. Good job guys!

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It's nice to see all this but what is with the absolute essential internal search function without it it isn't possible anymore in any usable way to manage the sheer amount of mods anymore efficiently.

Also categories only help partially if you have a lot of mods in 1 category it can take a lot of time finding a specific one as well.

Search function should get the highest priority on the roadmap and that even already since the first versions of NMM.

Edited by Gratus
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Nice to see NMM support more games, but I have some serious issues with NMM and Oblivion, OMOD's not working correctly, mods overall not installing correctly etc. Can you please work a bit on the Oblivion support, as I'm currently forced to use OBMM as well which supposedly overwrites different files and generally messes up my game, NMM and OBMM. Thanks in advance, and keep up the good work!
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Is it possible to move the Witcher (1) images, which were uploaded long ago, from TheWitcher2Nexus to Witchernexus without loosing the endorsements? Like the mods were moved from one Witchernexus to the other (split). Edited by Vannar
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There was no way we could split TW2 and TW1 images (same with Neverwinter and M&B) because we don't ask what game your image is for. Ergo all the images stayed on the original Nexus site and the split site (TW2, NWN2, Warband, WFAS Nexus) have started again with blank databases.

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I am trying to get these modifications for my x box 360, not on my computer..I have a air stick for my internet. will this work. I really want to have access to the differnt hair styles and costumes and make up of the characters..


Xbox modding is NOT supported and can get you banned. Even attempting to post about it can get a ban. If you wish to debate this policy, please contact the Microsoft Legal department as they are the ones who ultimately enforce it.

Link to the policy: http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/369524-console-modding-is-not-supported-here/


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I am trying to get these modifications for my x box 360, not on my computer..I have a air stick for my internet. will this work. I really want to have access to the differnt hair styles and costumes and make up of the characters..



Console modding is not supported here.


See Dark0ne's policy statement: Console modding is not supported here. :armscrossed:

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