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Defense of Bruma quest issue


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Hi, everybody.

I am posting this because I am facing a more or less serious but undoubtedly obnoxious case of wanton freezing in my game.

Explanation: Each and every damn time I go near -distance varies- the Gate to Oblivion that opened in front of Bruma, my game will stop short, freezing my screen and the PC becomes unoperable; I can't even Alt+Tab or Ctrl+Alt+Del to kill the program. Only cure left: wild reboot of my PC!

I am playing with Enhanced Daedric Invasion mod; might this be the cause at this stage of the storyline? Here's my full Load Order.



00 oblivion.esm
01 All Natural Base.esm [Version 1.34]
02 Cobl Main.esm [Version 1.72]
03 Qarls_Harvest.esm
04 Mart's Monster Mod.esm
05 Enhanced Daedric Invasion.esm
06 Kvatch Rebuilt.esm
07 Better Cities Resources.esm [Version 5.3.3]
08 Lovers with PK.esm
09 BreakUndies.esm
0A TamagoClub.esm
0B BUDungeon.esm
0C LoversCreature.esm
0D CM Partners.esm
0E Toaster Says Share v3.esm
0F TrueBankingSystem.esm
10 HorseCombatMaster.esm
11 MAO - Animation Resource.esp
12 Unofficial Oblivion Patch.esp [Version 3.4.3]
13 UOPS Additional Changes.esp
14 UOP Vampire Aging & Face Fix.esp [Version 1.0.0]
15 Oblivion Citadel Door Fix.esp
16 DLCShiveringIsles.esp
17 Unofficial Shivering Isles Patch.esp [Version 1.5.0]
18 Better Cities .esp [Version 5.3.0]
19 NaturalWeather.esp
1A NaturalHabitat.esp
1B All Natural.esp [Version 1.34]
++ All Natural - MMM Patch.esp [Version 1.3]
1C Immersive Interiors.esp [Version 0.8.1]
1D NaturalWater.esp
1E Better Bell Sounds.esp
1F Atmospheric Oblivion.esp
20 Storms & Sound.esp
21 All Natural - Real Lights.esp [Version 1.34]
22 ClocksOfCyrodiil_BC_OBC_OC_OCLR_Vanilla.esp [Version 5.3.0]
23 MidasSpells.esp
24 CLS-CMHotKeys-OBSE.esp
25 Days&Months.esp
26 Hot Coffee and Tea-Cobl.esp
27 More_Vegetables.esp
28 personality_idles4_C.esp
29 Q - More and Moldy Ingredients v1.1.esp
2A Qarls_Harvest.esp
2B Crowded Cities 30.esp
2C Crowded Roads 15.esp
2D FF_Real_Thirst.esp
2E Choices and Consequences.esp [Version 2.02]
2F DropLitTorchOBSE.esp [Version 2.4]
30 Duke Patricks - Friendship Ring For Companion Detection.esp [Version 1.8]
31 Clock Hotkey.esp
32 DLCHorseArmor.esp
33 DLCHorseArmor - Unofficial Patch.esp [Version 1.0.8]
34 DLCOrrery.esp
35 DLCOrrery - Unofficial Patch.esp [Version 1.0.5]
36 DLCVileLair.esp
37 DLCVileLair - Unofficial Patch.esp [Version 1.0.9]
38 DLCMehrunesRazor.esp
39 DLCMehrunesRazor - Unofficial Patch.esp [Version 1.0.6]
3A DLCSpellTomes.esp
++ DLCSpellTomes - Unofficial Patch.esp [Version 1.0.1]
3B VipCxj_HighHeels.esp
3C RealSwords - Argonian HI-NPC.esp
3D RealSwords - Bosmer HI-NPC.esp
3E RealSwords - Breton HI-NPC.esp
3F RealSwords - Dunmer HI-NPC.esp
40 RealSwords - Goblin.esp
41 RealSwords - Khajiit HI-NPC v1.3.esp
42 RealSwords - Nord HI-NPC SI.esp
43 RealSwords - Orc HI_NPC v1.0.esp
44 RealSwords - Redguard HI-NPC.esp
45 00 shield rings.esp
46 Dalls_SkyrimNords.esp
47 DMCWeapons.esp [Version 1.3]
48 FSN Equipments.esp
49 Caliburn.esp
++ Kit Rae Daedric Sword Replacer.esp
4A ProdigyRingCheat.esp
4B Legend of Zelda Equipment (placed).esp
4C FF7AC Tsurugi.esp
4D Ring of Grace.esp
4E Strider's Sword.esp
4F CL-Excalibur.esp
50 Conan Swords - Atlantean 2Hand Leather Scabbard.esp
51 Damascended.esp
52 Day Walker Sword.esp
53 devsmods dragonsheart.esp
54 Glypha_Eregail.esp
55 Excalibur2.esp
56 Highlander Sword.esp
57 LegendaryWeapons&Armor_2ch.esp
58 Merong - Brisingr.esp
59 Merong_Zarroc_EV.esp
5A EragonSwordsTest.esp
5B Tempo Jewellery.esp
5C yuewangjian.esp
5D LOTR Hadhafang v1.2.esp
5E Neo's Kasumi and Tina.esp
5F Neo's LandCH.esp
60 Neo's Jedi Knights.esp
61 Neo-Aayla.esp
62 AyaneDOA402.esp
63 HitomiDress.esp
64 Takidress.esp
65 BOAdress02.esp
66 Templerruestung_light_EV.esp
67 Templerruestung_heavy_EV.esp
68 k1_R18PN.esp
69 OffhandSheathKatana.esp
6A MBJTemplar2.esp
6B MArmingSword.esp
6C Cross Sword.esp
6D Dragon Sword.esp
6E RainbowSword.esp
6F TriXigTs Serpent Sword.esp
70 StoltiesZeldaWeaponsEV.esp
71 Bride.esp
72 SC4 Flambert V1.esp
73 Ibelin Knight Armor.esp
74 MH Khezu Armor.esp
75 Ghogiel's Jian.esp
76 JBladesVol2.esp
77 Jedi LightSabers with Sound.esp
78 KatanasMod.esp
79 MandBSwords.esp
7A Medieval Shields.esp
7B NollemastersCrusaderArmor.esp
7C rdweaponpack1.esp
7D RippleBlade.esp
7E SpeedBuster Collection.esp
7F Throne Armor.esp
80 Tizona_And_Colada_Sword_of_El_Cid.esp
81 Vin Swords.esp
82 KAIHIME.esp
83 Gloria Armor.esp
84 Glamdring.esp
85 MODArnTemplar.esp [Version 2]
86 MODRoadRogue.esp
87 Gondorian Ranger Gear.esp
88 Slof's Horses Base.esp
++ Slof's Horses Essential.esp
89 Mounted_Spellcasting.esp
8A Mounted_Trampling.esp
8B DLCThievesDen.esp
** DLCThievesDen - Unofficial Patch.esp [Version 1.0.11]
8C DLCThievesDen - Unofficial Patch - SSSB.esp [Version 1.0.11]
8D Cobl Glue.esp [Version 1.72]
8E Cobl Si.esp [Version 1.63]
8F FF_Real_Thirst, Cobl.esp
++ Cobl Tweaks.esp [Version 1.44]
** OMOBS_SI.esp [Version 2.0]
90 Mart's Monster Mod.esp
91 BladesSmithySTANDARD.esp
++ MMM-Cobl.esp [Version 1.69]
92 Anduril Reforged.esp
93 Chinese Weapons.esp
94 Abriael_Human.esp
95 Kvatch Rebuilt.esp
96 Lycanthrope.esp
97 Templar Fighters Guild.esp
98 Valley_View_Estate.esp
99 DLCBattlehornCastle.esp
9A DLCBattlehornCastle - Unofficial Patch.esp [Version 1.0.8]
9B DLCFrostcrag.esp
** DLCFrostcrag - Unofficial Patch.esp [Version 1.0.8]
9C Knights.esp
9D Knights - Unofficial Patch.esp [Version 1.1.3]
9E KnightlyArmory.esp
9F The Lost Spires.esp
A0 Enhanced Daedric Invasion.esp
A1 Salmo the Baker, Cobl.esp [Version 3.08]
A2 NaturalVegetation.esp
A3 Glowing Wonders.esp
A4 ElvenGardensLoft.esp
A5 DivinesChapels.esp
A6 SecretOfTheGlyphs.esp [Version 1.2]
A7 Glowing Respawning Varla & Welkynd Stones 7-14 Days.esp
A8 CloudRulerTrainingRoom.esp
A9 CompanionHorseSupportFIX forCMPartners.esp
AA DynamicFootPosition.esp
++ DynamicFootPosition_RHH_patch.esp
AB PersuasionOverhaul.esp
AC BUDungeonCore.esp
AD BUDequipmentNA.esp
AE BUDungeonAppend.esp
AF BUDSercen.esp
B0 RealisticEncumbranceAndBurden(Debug).esp
B1 TamagoPlayerHUDkil.esp
B2 TamagoBreak.esp
B3 TamagoNews.esp
B4 LoversTamagoClub.esp
B5 LoversAdultYield.esp
B6 LoversSetScale.esp
B7 LoversSoundCreature.esp [Version 0.1.0]
B8 LoversFSE.esp
B9 LoversRaperSGalgat.esp
BA Lovers with PK.esp [Version 94]
BB LoversCreature.esp
++ LoversCreature_SexualOrgans.esp
++ LoversCreature_SexualOrgans_Scale.esp
BC LoversStopKillRaper.esp
BD 666_Modified_Contraception_esp_1_0.esp
++ ScriptIcon_Replacer.esp
BE Testing Hall Door.esp
++ Colorful Potions.esp
BF Slof's Dogs.esp
C0 SSS.esp
C1 RealHungerEx.esp
C2 RealSleep.esp
C3 Gather Ye Rosebuds.esp
C4 PJs Spell Compendium - Spell Requirements.esp
C5 TeachSpell.esp
C6 RefScope.esp [Version 2.1.2]
C7 SpellSinger.esp
C8 SetBody.esp
C9 Caster Buffs_01.esp
++ MagicSkills Lvl-Up On Cast.esp
++ Improved Athletics Leveling X5.esp
CA Magicka Regen x2.esp
CB Marksman and Blade Realism.esp
CC Oss133FrameRateOptimizer.esp
CD CombatWarning.esp
CE Duke Patricks - Near Miss Magic And Arrows Alert The Target.esp [Version 7.1]
CF Duke Patricks - Actors Can Miss Now.esp
D0 Duke Patricks - Fresh Kills Now Alert The NPCs.esp [Version 4]
** SWalk.esp
D1 DMC Stylish - Specialanims.esp
D2 SP1stPLegs.esp
D3 KamiCAS.esp [Version 2.2]
++ Item interchange - Extraction.esp [Version 0.76]
++ Item interchange - Placement.esp [Version 0.76]
++ Item interchange - Placement for Frostcrag.esp [Version 0.76]
++ Item interchange - Option, Ingredients in Bulk.esp [Version 0.76]
D4 Fate Stay Night Saber Companion.esp
D5 Fate Stay Night Saber Companion_Alter Dark Saber Plugin.esp
D6 CM Partners.esp
D7 X.Races.Comp.esp
D8 CM Partners Special NPCs.esp
D9 CM Partners NPC NE.esp
DA CM Partners More NPCs NE.esp
DB CM Partners Marker NPCs.esp
DC CM Partners Extra NPCs.esp
DD CM Partner Cherise Darkdae.esp
DE CompanionMaster.esp
DF Companion_Ab_Human.esp
E0 Companion_Ab_Human_3.esp
E1 Saerileth.esp
E2 Cobl Races.esp [Version 1.52]
++ Cobl Races - Balanced.esp [Version 1.52]
E3 Oblivion_Character_Overhaul.esp [Version 1.0]
E4 Better Cities Full.esp [Version 5.3.0]
E5 Better Imperial City.esp [Version 5.3.0]
E6 Better Cities - All Natural.esp
E7 Better Cities - Knightly Armory.esp
E8 Better Cities - Knights of the Nine.esp
E9 Better Cities - Skyrim Nords.esp
EA Better Cities - Valley View Estate.esp
EB Better Imperial City FPS Patch.esp
EC Better Cities - The Lost Spires.esp
++ Better Cities - COBL.esp [Version 5.3.0]
ED Better Cities - No LEYAWIIN Flooding.esp [Version 5.3.0]
++ Better Cities - Storms & Sound.esp [Version 5.3.0]
++ Better Cities - Open Better Cities.esp [Version 5.3.0]
++ Duke Patricks - BASIC Script Effect Silencer.esp
++ Cobl Filter Late MERGE ONLY.esp [Version 1.53]
F0 Cobl Silent Equip Misc.esp [Version 01]
** All Natural - Indoor Weather Filter For Mods.esp [Version 1.34]
F1 Bashed Patch, 0.esp
F2 LoversIdleAnimsPriority.esp
F3 LoversAnimObjectsPriority.esp
F4 Guardswords.esp
F5 Quest Locations Book.esp
F6 NR500.esp
F7 fenrirbyxilver.esp
F8 Deadly Reflex 5 - Timed block and 150% damage.esp
F9 DeadlyReflex 5 - Combat Moves.esp
FA Deadly Reflex 5 MAO Compatible patch.esp
The whole thing is, of course, BOSS reordered, safe a few plugins not taken by the Masterlist.
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You have 279 plugins in that list, with 250 being 'active'. Oblivion has a limit of 255 .esm, .esp, .bsa files in the data folder. Now, assuming that you have Wrye Bash set to ghost the inactive plugins, that still leaves you over the limit counting esm and bsa. You need to trim your plugins somehow, and uninstall them, not just disable them -- the game counts every plugin and bsa file in the data folder.


Also remember that the Bruma battle scene is one of the most graphic intensive in the whole vanilla game, and you have a lot of added candy -- I remember my old computer groaning and creaking like it was about to give up the ghost at that point, when Oblivion first came out.

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Thank you for answering me, Hickory.

And yet I TRY to keep the number of plugins low, I resisted a number of temptations :devil:

Now I understand what you said regarding the battle of Bruma, but here I didn't even reach that point; I only started in the storyline and Jauffre only just sent me find Captain Burd, yet I can't even get in the 200 meters near him and the Gate: my game will freeze right amidst the Jerall Mountains, as the name appears in the bottom left corner of my screen, for instance. After that; I can't get out of this but by reboot the computer, as Oblivion will not allow ANY operation.

So if really the number of mods I am using is at fault here, I am more than willing to thin it out. But that's puzzling that it would react so bad only at that point of the game while it's perfectly fine(?) anywhere else, I say.

Any remark regarding Enhanced Daedric Invasion?

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I'm not sure of the precise dynamics of the threshold level, because I've never gone over it. But I believe different people have had different experiences with being OTT. It may be that is just how it is manifesting in your setup. Regardless, you do need to thin out those plugins. Once you've done that, run your save game through Wrye Bash's bloat checker/fixer, just to make sure your save game is not bloated too.


As for Enhanced Daedric Invasion, I have never played it. Sorry.

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Okay, I see. I will do that then. A bit of cleaning that is; then I'll come to report any evolution. I know the problem lies around Bruma for sure, since I managed to CoC BrumaChapel no problem. But ASA I go out in the open, from Jearl's house for example, within the next 5 minutes, the freezing occurs. It did happen once. Same thing when I tried to "fly" over the city using TCL command. Maybe Open Better Cities...

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Yo!~ Coming in for the report. Well after cutting off on a few mods that I decided I didn't absolutely want, I got down below Oblivion's 255 files threshold, and I think I managed to get closer to the damn Gate than ever before.

Still freezing at the exact same point tho. Do you think that a certain sword that I picked from a certain undercroft in a certain chapel in Anvil could be responsible for this mess? I remember the exact same sword wrecking havoc in my game whenever I tried to load a save after getting it from the Great Chapel of Dibella. I am talking about the Father's Sword from Conan Swords mod, by caldurham, after the models made by Walx http://oblivion.nexusmods.com/mods/14111//?

When I tried going from Anvil to Kvatch I would systematically freeze at the same point between Gottshaw and Kvatch encampment. I then found out that this did not happen without the sword in my inventory.

Now said sword is stored inside a cupboard in my Even Gardens Loft, but maybe it is that messy...

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When I tried going from Anvil to Kvatch I would systematically freeze at the same point between Gottshaw and Kvatch encampment. I then found out that this did not happen without the sword in my inventory.

Now said sword is stored inside a cupboard in my Even Gardens Loft, but maybe it is that messy...

Then it seems like a good idea to actually uninstall that sword, if you suspect it in that manner.

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Turns out it wasn't the Father's Sword that was guilty, but plain Bruma that's gone corrupt for God knows what reasons... When I come in sight of the rampart, the game freezes without warning, so I need to restore the city to its vanilla state I think. Any clue about how to do it? restoring Bruma only without touching anything else that is.

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Turns out it wasn't the Father's Sword that was guilty, but plain Bruma that's gone corrupt for God knows what reasons... When I come in sight of the rampart, the game freezes without warning, so I need to restore the city to its vanilla state I think. Any clue about how to do it? restoring Bruma only without touching anything else that is.


Then it sounds to me like you have either an issue with corrupt data in your save game (more than likely), or possibly OC related (compatibility? bad Bashed Patch? other reason/s?) To check if it is your save game, start a new game from scratch and when you exit the sewers, forget everything else and travel straight north to Bruma. I suggest you walk there rather than coc or fast travel. Save your new troubleshooting game in a clean slot, and save before you go north of the Roxey inn, because you're still level 1!


If it still freezes with a new save game -- don't be tempted to load a previous save, start afresh -- then you need to look deeper at your load order.

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Turns out it wasn't the Father's Sword that was guilty, but plain Bruma that's gone corrupt for God knows what reasons... When I come in sight of the rampart, the game freezes without warning, so I need to restore the city to its vanilla state I think. Any clue about how to do it? restoring Bruma only without touching anything else that is.


Then it sounds to me like you have either an issue with corrupt data in your save game (more than likely), or possibly OC related (compatibility? bad Bashed Patch? other reason/s?) To check if it is your save game, start a new game from scratch and when you exit the sewers, forget everything else and travel straight north to Bruma. I suggest you walk there rather than coc or fast travel. Save your new troubleshooting game in a clean slot, and save before you go north of the Roxey inn, because you're still level 1!


If it still freezes with a new save game -- don't be tempted to load a previous save, start afresh -- then you need to look deeper at your load order.


Okay I will try that then. And as for being Lv one, that shouldn't being that big of an hinderance, given I shamelessly use Tempo's Jewelry as well as TheMikado's Ring of Grace to boost my lowbies on each game.

BTW, I forgot to mention that my last failed attempt ocurred after I disabled Better Cities.esm in my Load Order.

Edited by Ludsama
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