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I really want to buy Fallout 3... But...


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I've grown tired of new vegas. I've beaten it several times with almost all the endings. I really want to buy Fallout 3 on Steam, but my concern is that I'll be wasting money because I keep hearing it doesn't work on Windows 7. Does anyone here have Windows 7 and was able to get Fallout 3 to work without trouble?

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I've grown tired of new vegas. I've beaten it several times with almost all the endings. I really want to buy Fallout 3 on Steam, but my concern is that I'll be wasting money because I keep hearing it doesn't work on Windows 7. Does anyone here have Windows 7 and was able to get Fallout 3 to work without trouble?


I'm on 7 it runs for me.


I mean it has a habit of CTD'ing, but it's Bethesda I expect that. I have half a recollection I maybe had to tweak a couple of things before playing, but again it's Bethesda....


I was bit disappointed though. I also played New Vegas to death first, and had read a lot of people saying 3 was better, but I didn't enjoy it anywhere near as much.


Not saying it's not worth getting, just I was a bit disappointed with it compared to how much fun I had with NV.

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it doesn't work on Windows 7

That's pretty much a lie. If you get some of the bugfixing mods for Fo3 like "invisible wall remover" and stuff like that, unless you spawn 60 Mirelurks fighting 200 Raiders you'll only have the occasional random crash (happens with pretty much all Bethesda games)

Edited by frakle
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My Win 7 version runs perfectly fine. Better than New Vegas in fact. It crashes less and I can run more mods without it crashing. I can also activate and deactivate most mods when ever I want and not have to restart the game like I would for many New Vegas mods.

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Buy the disc if at all possible. Steam just adds another useless layer between you and the game and has no advantages. However you purchase it, you will have to get the 1.7 update from the Bethesda site and also update Games for Windows Live. This will have to be done before you can play the game. Also, if you do nothing else, DO NOT install the game in "Program Files".

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Just an FYI - I play Bethesda games from original CDs (not steam) on Windows XP and my game NEVER crashes. While it's true Fallout 3 can and does work on Windows 7, it was written for XP and works best on XP. Not to mention that XP is the only stable operating system that Microsoft has right now. There are so many people who have refused to fork out new cash for buggy OS's like Vista, seven and eight, that our good friends at Microsoft have decided to make XP obsolete, thus forcing everyone to upgrade - at a cost. Soon everyone will have a new buggy OS along with lighter wallets.

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Buy the disc if at all possible. Steam just adds another useless layer between you and the game and has no advantages. However you purchase it, you will have to get the 1.7 update from the Bethesda site and also update Games for Windows Live. This will have to be done before you can play the game. Also, if you do nothing else, DO NOT install the game in "Program Files".


I found a Game of the year edition for ten bucks. Went ahead and bought it. Thank you all for your replies.


Btw, where should I install the game if you advise not to do so in Program Files?

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During installation, you will come to a window that asks if you want a default install or custom install. Choose custom install. A box will open where you can type you installation path.

I have mine loaded directly on my hard drive at C:\Bethesda Softworks. The installer will finish the path to the game. This puts the game outside of the control of the UAC and allows you do change anything in the Fallout 3 file. After you install the game you must go to http://forums.bethsoft.com and download and install patch 1.7. Then go to the Games for Windows Live and download the latest GFWL client. Don't worry, you don't need log onto GFWL, you just need the latest update to start the game. You can then download the GFWL disabler or FOSE. Before you get into modding the game, you need to do a lot of research here and on the Bethsoft forums. Here is a good start: http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/652876-fallout-3-modding-and-you/

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Yes patch the game with 1.7, +and use the unofficial patches for fallout 3 and the dlcs if its the GOTY edition and (optional) the error fixes mod.


dont forget the multicore fix if you use a quad core or better, Pretty stable only 2 ctds in 80 hours gameplay Good job modders.

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