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I'm part of the minority that enjoy nonlorefriendly mods


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I have a pretty nonlorefriendy Oblivion modded to my liking that I enjoy playing, and there seem to be so very few mods out there that are not lorefriendly, so I thought to myself that maybe letting people taking a look at a small portion of what I've done might inspire some mod creators out there to get a little crazy too


Safe to say though that I've not been very productive in releasing any of the stuff that I've created so far,

so besides two very basic mods many years ago (one for Oblivion and one for Fallout3) just to get my feet wet (pluss a little bit of Nif work for Morroblivion version 34 and 36 also a very long time ago) there is not much of anything mod related that I had my hands on that anyone out there has ever seen og played


But I think there is room for more nonlorefriendly content mods out there, and it could be nice to take a break from doing the normal modstuff of which there is so much and do something a bit more crazy insted


Here is a look at the stuff i put into my modded Oblivion game https://youtu.be/I30KurVuATM


Might put someone off, might be inspirational to some, please keep an open mind and I know these things are not everyones cup of tea :smile:



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Wow that Star Wars stuff certainly seems more basic then you let on this post, kudos for sure, looks really cool. Makes me feel inspired to stop being lazy and do stuff with the Creation Kit.

Edited by DaddyDirection
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I really like a your 'ideas' - something I have trouble coming up with.

In making Harodich I wanted a mixture of lore and whatever.
There are hidden levels, some based on Skyrim some ESO and others whatever but as far as I can tell nobody seems to be finding them - there's been no feedback on them.

Arkundaft and Mchndezt have nothing to do with lore, simply puzzle. Arkundaft has a hidden puzzle that is hinted by lyrics (Notes on the ground) from 'Van Halen - Jump' which opens up it's own egg.

Arkundaft also has a speedrun timer, my best just under 7 seconds - I want to see somebody do under 6, I think it can be done.

With the version 1.01 update I added a whole level...

...that I think nobody has any idea exists - the reward is a set of enchanted dwarven armor. There are checkpoints which it returns us to when we fall. In testing I went in level 1 mod Atheletics 4, Acrobatics 4. After a number of falls I got through with Acrobatics upgraded to 8 - it can be done.

Getting back to ideas, I could really use some for my current mod. I'm more than happy to trade modelling and programming solutions to anyone who wants them.

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So damn cool really and the funky/groovy music works perfect into your video. The only thing that can stop anyone to mod stuff in any directions is our own imaginations and I cannot claim I follow the lore and TES style completely myself, even if the lore itself is very cool but it should never limit anyone to do what they want with this game and the risk is big we just keep repeating stuff that is already made so breaking the lore should maybe be done more often. :wink:


I did get a Tombraider / Redguard impression when I first looked at the video. Redguard was not a traditional RGP as it was more like Tombraider, solving riddles and puzzles, so damn hard puzzles but not as good, not even close but it did aid Bethesda to try their wings before they made Morrowind. The fencing was so damn hard and the game was not very player friendly at all... :wink: Well enough about that game but it did pop up in my mind... :wink: At a point I also got a DOOM impression...

Edited by Pellape
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By the way, I noticed you used the Thieves Arsenal or got inspired by it and at some point I also played this free game, that reminds a lot of the Thieves Arsenal. Have you tested the Dark Mod? It is completely free to play I must add, and it is one thing that makes that specific game so special but I think you will like it. :wink: I did play it on Linux I should add so it works on both Linux and MS Windows.


I do wonder what the purpose of the Storm Troopers armor is. I did not care much 1977 when I saw the first movie, but I was only 13 and thought the lasers looked so cool but it do bothers me that they always fall as soon someone sneezes or that it does not provide any protection at all in any SW film/series...

Edited by Pellape
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By the way, I noticed you used the Thieves Arsenal or got inspired by it and at some point I also played this free game, that reminds a lot of the Thieves Arsenal. Have you tested the Dark Mod? It is completely free to play I must add, and it is one thing that makes that specific game so special but I think you will like it. :wink: I did play it on Linux I should add so it works on both Linux and MS Windows.

I thought that was Thief inspired, my favorite is 2 but the Dark Mod is brilliant in terms of immersion and optimization.

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The lore of Elder Scrolls games changes almost completely with every new release in the series. So what lore exactly should one stick to?


Granted, things from Star Wars or Star Trek, spaceships or hover bikes on Nirn, is quite a stretch of the imagination, but it's optional, for fun, and who cares can just look away.


As long as it's at least remotely explainable to some extent (weasel lore), you just make your own lore.


But that's coming from someone introducing a fantasy of Western Dragons from Ancient Earth into the game, so who am I to talk?

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Hi, thanks everyone who replied so far, so cool to hear your thoughts on this ! Sorry but this is going to be a long post :smile:


DaddyDirection, glad to hear you feel inspired for a dive back into the Oblivion Editor as I am nosedeep in the Constructions Set myself for hours each day :smile:


Glowplug, I admire your work, you have put countless workhours into your mods and it shows! And you have great talent :smile:


Pellape, very early on in developement I gave up on the idea of building the mod in a way that would take advantage of the cool tools provided by the excellent Thieves Arsenal

So I had to come up with solutions myself and as a result my mod and important parts of Scruggsy's are probably not going to work well together as we have chosen different solutions to reaching the same goals.

I am a huge fan of the first two Thief games, and when I started creating this mod I was like, can I make Baffords Manor? Yes that went well :smile: , can I make Cragsleft prison? yes that also went well :smile: , okay I'm gonna make a city now to connect the two... hm I should make a cathedral for the undead as well :smile:

A long tme ago I did try The Dark Mod, they did a great job :smile:



The inspirations for my mod is (the Morrowind mod community of old) (The Battlestar Galactica tv series) (Thief 1 and 2) (yes Doom :smile: ) (Starwars Dark Forces) and (alien vs predator)


DrakeTheDragon, I agree with you, I do not hesitate putting together things that may seem out of place but are superfun to me to play and I think your dragonrace is an exciting idea



There are so many great modcreators out there not to mention in here and I am impressed by all the creations and effort behind them, it's amazing



I can mention some ideas I have left in the drawer as time has passed :smile:

I have things I would love to do that I have yet to find the time for, I always wanted to do some Babylon5 stuff (shadowships are awesome) and I always wondered if I could manage to mimic a modern city with cars and traffic GTA syle in Oblivion.

And I've thought longtime about adding a Dungeon Keeper style segment to my mod just for giggles and laughs, but again time is as big a constraint as always.


Maybe someday someone else has found the time and energy to make some of those things for Oblivoin?, that would be great :smile:



You guys might have noticed the unusual looking bodies seen in the video, here's whats lies behind that


The only mod for Oblivion that I released so far was back in 2009.

I think it has an interesting story to it, though as mods go, it's not that great. B

ut it's core plays a great part in the mod seen in the video


The story began after Oblivion at first had struck us all with it's awesome innovations, then the general opinion was that the humanbodies had some gorilla like features, especially the ladies arms and hands. So everyone was hoping for either someone to port over the body from the Morrowind mod Better Bodies, or make a new female body alltogether.


Now I was no good at nifs and meshes at that time but I wanted something cooler than the vanilla Oblivion body for my Oblivion mod that I was working on and I didn't care to wait for others to come up with a solution so I dived in and did some learning, figured out the way to import the male and female bodies from Better Bodies into Oblivion.


Sadly I couldn't get the fingers to behave so whilst most of the community was dying to have something humanlike instead of the vanilla bodies I kept that little gem to myself, only posting a couple of pics on a few random forums showing people how npcs with Better Bodies compared to vanilla bodies, and how Morrowind clothes looked like on npcs in Oblivion.


Not untill after a couple of fresh bodymods by gifted modelers had satisfied everyones needs, did I release the Better Bodies as a mod for Oblivion (including some nice clothes).

However the way the fingers looked I just felt so awkward about it so I released the little thing as quietly as I could :smile:


But my mod is still using the Better Bodies from the Morrowind mod for most of it's npcs to this very day, (and by now I have long since worked out a way around those fingers that behaved so badly).

The player character (male in the doom scene/female in the thief scene) seen in the video is an example of how the Better Bodies look like in Oblivion ( also the imperial officers who briefly appear can be seen using the Better Bodies)


The Fallout3 mod I made back in 2009 was also just so I had an excuse to look into scripting, which has been useful in developing the Oblivon mod :smile:

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