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Mod Makers Wanted!!!!!


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Moving to Team Recruitment...


You might want to post details about your mod now rather than later. You're not going to get people signing up if they don't even know what it's about.

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This mod is part adventure save morrowind and part romance. Here's the story Orcs have invaded morrowind and are killing everyone. The Imperial Legion is supposed to protect the people but there week. So then the legion throws together a team trained to defeat orcs. This group is gonna be similar to the blades but i haven't decided on a name so this team has 5 members and you are chosen to lead it because of your skills, Making it six members. I Kinda have a idea for the characters One is gonna be a Female Which is were the romance part comes in. 2 charaters are gonna be twins. and All but one character are gonna be imperials. I'm gonna make the other one a redguard. There'e also gonna be a traitor in the team but i haven't decided who yet. There are gonna be 5 companions in all with a new fort and landmass.
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If ya got any mod mkaing friends give them a e-mail and see if they're interested I needto make a team first. And on top of that i know nothing about making mods so i really need help to put this together. My E-mail is [email protected].
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For this mod I need a scripter and Dialoge person. I also may need a Interior and Exterior Designer. I'll know soon.



Sniper rifle $1000

1 Bullet $.50

Jeep to get around the desert $10,000 (US) $10 (Afganistan)

Getting a head shot on a piece of S--- Like Osama Bin Ladan.......


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