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Fallout 4 Ideas


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I have played New Vegas and I really liked it. I am really looking forward to Fallout 4 and I am wondering what it would be like. I am making a few suggestion ideas.


First of all I would like the game to be stable and largely free of bugs from the start so we don't have to wait for fix updates as often

Secondly I would really like the graphics, lighting and animations to be at least as good as Elder Scrolls 5 Skyrim. I would really like a sprint function that we get from skyrim

Thirdly I think we should really think about where the setting of game would be. I have noticed many other peoples on the comments often talked about where they would like the location of where the game will take place. It would most likely for it to stay in the US so it would be easier to fit things the established lore, however I would like it to stay away from overused places such as New York.

Fourthly I think we should have more variety of usable equipment and weapons such as Shields (Why didn't Obsidian make riot shields for Caesar's Legion in New Vegas I'll never understand) and bows (after all its supposed to be a post-nuclear war, working guns and energy weapons should be rare, meaning people would have to fall back to lower levels of tech such as medieval to sustain themselves)


Fifthly I would like some-sort of personal transportation if we are travelling a large open world with huge distances between settlements and I would really hate if I had to walk all that way and begin unable to escape from any dangerous encounters that I can not fight. Something like a bike or a mutated horse would of be really useful.


Sixth idea is being to have more than one type of companions with you at any time. It would make things more tactically flexible as you can have more options in fighting. Having robots being separate from pets would be really great. I would really like it if you can have up to 4 companions at one time. That would be 2 humanoids (humans, ghouls and super-mutants), 1 pet and 1 robot slots.


Seventh idea is to have more environment if we are staying away from former major settlements. Sure we are in a post nuclear war world but that was over 200 years and most of the fallout would of decayed to being no longer radioactive, also the environment would of largely recovered. I can understand by fallout 1 and 2 and most of New Vegas had very little vegetation is because those games were taking place in naturally arid places, but fallout 3 seem to look like it was a mere 20-40 years after DC was hit because of there was no regrowth even after centuries. Fallout 4 should take place somewhere that is greener (after all it would not make sense of scorching every single square inch of earth with nukes, It would be much more efficient to just target the major settlements) but still give it the feel of frontier survival that would of been familiar to the pioneers of the mid 19th century. I would really like to see wildlife that don't act like monsters that are solely out to get you but more like actual animals that are just trying to live.

Getting to see predatory animals actually hunting non human prey would make things feel less like some cheap B movie and more of an an actual world.

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I think asking for a Bethesda game that isn't broken is too much, I'll settle for one doesn't crash every five minutes.


I want them to hire actual writers so NPCs don't speak like they're brain damaged. I want choices with consequences, not the meaningless "choices" in Skyrim and FO3. I want a proper character generator, not the mix and match mutant creator Skyrim has. I'd like them to spend less time on world building and more on content. I want them to stop dismissing my companions and emptying my inventory. I like them to throw Todd Howard down a well and get someone creative in. I don't want important stuff removed only to be replaced by pointless fluff. Most of all I'd like them to hand the development over to Obsidian so we get a Fallout RPG and not a post apocalyptic shooter with RPG elements and a few vague references to Fallout.



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Also no insane deadline, which would force them to cut half of the content and turn their first customers into beta testers.

Ah. we can wish, can't we lol


OP is right about vehicles - I mean come on, Road Warrior is one of the big inspirations for these series. Were are the junk cars covered with railroad spikes and guys with Mohawks and crossbows?


One thing I want to see is they increase the map scale. New Vegas feels "toy like" at times because the distances are so small and I never get that lonely feeling you get in the desert.

Edited by RJLbwb
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to be honest..i would feel better if they had more playable races.. Elder scrolls had 4 humans, 3 elves and two beast races Fallout has only three humans.

Well choices are going to be limited. There is humans, Ghouls, Mariposa (1st generation) super-mutants and Nightkin. Those are the only major sentient lifeforms that are less likely to be shot on sight by settled people.


I wonder if Fallout 4 has a DLC that explores a story line that has a former officer of the Master's Army creating a new mutant army by improving the flaws that plagued the previous generation of super mutants (humans who are genetically damaged tend to become stupid when exposed to FEV. The other flaw is the mutants inability to reproduce)

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I loved Fallout 3. It was severely lacking in good writing but it was fun. However, there's a lot of room for improvement.


I don't mind a big open world with lots of locations providing that the locations are believable, relevant and worth exploring, which can compensate for fairly boring writing (for me). I like shades of grey, choices and consequences for my actions. I like the fast travel in Fallout 1 and 2. I like the first person real time gameplay but it could be more challenging, and third person could do with some improvements. Drawing from that, I'd like Bethesda to acknowledge that console gamers aren't that stupid and like depth too. I like weapons with a background (New Vegas did that since most were either based heavily on real life weapons, or they were made by General Atomics/REPCONN/Whoever). I like it when things happen for a reason or make sense, but bring in more fun side quests anyway. The main player shouldn;t be the centre of attention.


For God's sake, balance the levelling system. Seriously. No skill perks. Bring back traits. Let us start with our own story.


Whether or not they bring in dual-wielding (courtesy of FO3 fans) is irrelevant to me (I mean, why play the realism angle when going unarmed is completely impractical?) but I don't want it - or any potential gimmicks for that matter - to be a substitute for quality. And don't bring back the Enclave/BoS. Just don't.


Todd Howard shouldn't be part of development. Failing that and we end up getting another Fallout 3 set elsewhere, I'll be disappointed but I'll still play the game and maybe even thoroughly enjoy it. The physical world depth in 3 makes me get back to it, despite its embarrassing writing, but it shouldn't be a priority when writing an RPG.

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What I really loved about Fallout 3 was that your character had background.


In New Vegas it was almost like the Elder Scrolls games where you're just there. Yes there is some background in New Vegas but not much, I think it would be cool if you had more purpose, almost as if you had family again and you had to find out what happened to them. Sort of like Fallout 3, I thought that added real emotion to the story. I would like Fallout 4 to have a good story again and you have to find out what happened, and actually have some relatives or people who knew what you where before the beginning of the game.


However I find the game far too easy when it comes to quests, you should have to find your own way rather than a marker showing you where to go and what to do. The only challenge in quests in the last two games where fighting things.


And also more interesting locations and interesting quests, like the special type Oblivion had with the psycopathe Glathir and those strange but really good instances. New Vegas semed kinda dull for that, it's like they just rely on modders on purpose.


Oh and just one more thing! Please make some good DLC's this time, the DLC's for New Vegas where horrible, whereas the DLC's for Fallout 3 where just kick ass.

Edited by MichaelEssien
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Forcing the player to make meaningful, morally ambigious choices with actual consequences, like NV, and unlike Beth has ever done. Like Mass Effect only with more follow through.


Get rid of the BOS and the Enclave. They have nothing more to add to the universe and both factions are dying off anyway.


Add new factions with new ideologies and perspectives, not another faction that's just Enclave with different clothes.


FFS, don't make F4's stuff with the Institute a Blade Runner tribute.


Import the crafting aspects of NV with the crafting homemade weapons of F3.


And most important of all: Good writing. F3 is terribly written and is nothing more than a hackneyed tribute to the first two Fallout games.


The DLCs of NV were excellent through and through that contributed to the lore and backstory. F3's DLCs were a mix of terrible (Operation Call of Anchorage & Mothershit Zeta) and good (Lookout, The Pitt).

Edited by wabbawabbajack
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