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custom armor show's up as vanilla... wait! what?!?!


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I've been try to get my first custom armor into the game. The texture mapping is fine and the world object state of the armor is also fine. it shows the geometry of the armor of how I wanted it to be. it actually works when I enter the game menu and view it. the problem occurs when I equip it. it still show's up as a vanilla iron helmet in which I used for during the nifskope proccess. I used the techniques in somuchmonsters in youtube. Did I overlooked something?

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I don't have much experience with importing custom armors but I assume that you went into the CK and created a brand new armor and applied your textures/meshes with the proper directory in your skyrim/data folder? The most i can offer is go back and make sure you assigned all the correct places for meshes and textures otherwise I found this: http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/556420-tutorial-custom-armor-in-ck/

Hope it helps :)

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