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Indeed there is something smelly with the way either Oblivion and fallout 3 engines deal with sound, although I don't think this was the reason for no spiders. More reasonable is to think they attained to the fallout's lore where spiders are notorious for their absence.


Repeating myself, spiders are "cool" though. The ambushing ones mainly. My fear is the sheer number of monsters turning the game more a shooter than an RPG. Fewer but challenging foes do more for the tension/suspense than fronting one at each step.


I rather the already existent poisoning monsters had their's main 'weapon' letal, forcing the keep and use of the drugs/medicine in game. The same applies to unattended bleeding wounds. This should prevent or at least reduce the will to go headloose and chestopen toward the enemies.


In the real world some ants have the second more painful venom known in nature, second only to a wasp (sorry I don't know their names in English; a literal translation goes for "Fire Ant" and "Hunting Wasp"). Albeit that poison is not deadly on isolated occurrences (not being attacked for several, I mean) it have temporary crippling effect on a man. A title of curiosity, the main diet of the hunting wasp is ... spiders (indeed they paralyze them and lay the eggs, the larvae terminate the job).

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See that's synergy! Giant glowing spiders gettin owned by giant glowing wasps! The wasp should shoot a larvae that would attach itself to the spider then slowly take over it's brain having a half spider/wasp thing chasing you around. Could use the centar mesh for that I think....or a least the animation!
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what kind of post was that lol? "the roaches eat them all"? I...I dont even know how to comment on that. Tarantulas are bigger than cockroaches...


I honestly dont know what you mean...


... maybe its best to just kind of ignore that statement cause its a little nonsensical.


hmmmm...why not have entire Insect mod though?


Beetles and more?


actuyally what you said is nonsensical, seeing as its the roaches that are the size of small dogs in fallout.


No need for Gaint spiders, Gaint spiders are everything thats tacky about fantasy. Thats probably why they were never in fallout


Nonsensical cause its tacky?


alright well im sure I wont be able to talk logic with you people I can tell already that your unwilling to talk logic because you came to the conclusion that its "tacky". but I think I will bring some things to light here.


1. Tarantulas are a lot stronger and much more vicous than cockroaches not to mention bigger. if you dont beleive me go buy a cockroach and go buy a tarantula put them in a cage and see who wins. If darwins theory of natrual selection is correct (surrvival of the fittest and that is to say a tarantual is more fit than a cockroach) then the tarantula should win.


2. if you think that spiders wouldnt exist just cause cockroaches are of bigger size and would eat the spiders for some odd reason than riddle me this. why are their still vicious dogs about? if the cockroaches are so ungodly that they can eat all the spiders why not the dogs? just not right for their pallette? are you crazy? you might as well say the dogs get eaten by the cockroaches.


3. Tacky is an oppinion of yours. you probably are just saying that because theres a lot of giant spiders all over the place in movies, books, etc. So your tired of seeing them. that doesent mean haveing them grow big (like all the other insects) and exist in the fallout universe doesent mean its nonsensiacle.


4. I would also like for you all to explain Ants to me. thats right. ants are a lot smaller than cockroaches. but in fallout they are bigger than the radroaches. why? they dont say why they probably should be even smaller than the radroaches or they should switch sizes altogether.


5. Fallout is just a game. of course its nonsense! saying that what im saying about a bigger stronger and more vicous creature is most likley not going to die to a puny little cockroach is nonsenseical. ghouls are nonseneicle and they are around apparently, supermutants are complete nonsense but they are there, oh what about power armor I bet thats not nonsense either. I hope we are all on the same page: WE ARE TALKING ABOUT FALLOUT 3.


6. sure everyones entitled to their oppinion doesent mean their statement is correct. still dont believe me? well you could try the experiment I told you about earlier go buy both bugs and have them fight see who wins or you could think hypotheticlly. tell me in Dungeons and Dragons if you put a gecko to fight a dragon who is going to ultimatley win? "well gee...I think its the one that can step on the other one!" or heres one what about a bull against a house cat? yeah that house cat has a reeeeeaaaaal good chance. might want to rethink animal nature a bit...


7. Do I need to continue on about just how pathetic roaches are and that giant spiders are much more worse? EVEN THE GAME! thats right THE FRICKIN GAME! says the roaches are week.

Let's see who says that anyway? what kind of NPC dare speak out against your Cockroaches which you so worship? what? a main character!? JAMES HIMSELF! and before I continue further I will put spoiler warning.


***Spoiler warning dont read and if you did it aint my problem***








James himself says "they're more of a nuisance then they are dangerous" or something along those lines. either way they're not even well respected by the game.



now suddenly it seems we have people here in this thread that worship the almighty cockroach...interesting. why not go make a mod or a quest for that while your at it? call it the church of the roach and give the NPC The Roach King an actual use other than some wastelander who isnt very hard to kill.


8. Cockroaches arent known for being vicious by nature anyway unlike spiders. I mean even later on Radroaches stopped attacking me. not even later on at like level 3 roaches dont even bother to attack me anymore.


9. Also arent you tired of seeing the same enemies over and over and over? oh no wait im sorry you guys worship the cockroach I forgot :P. So even if spiders couldnt possibly exist in the fallout universe. it still would be better than fighting roaches who ive only seen actually provoke me while im escapeing the vault. otherwise I could be standing around 5 they dont even attack.


10. the thing that totally blows away anything you people have said.

comeing straight from the Fallout bible on fallout wiki.


Most likely a great majority of insects were affected (they tend to breed much faster, and their mutations tend to become evident pretty quickly as the generations advance), possibly beetles, some spiders, cockroaches, and other creatures.


Fallout 3 wiki: The Vault possibly the second most reliable source next to Bethesda's website.


im sorry but you are the nonsensicle one. I have posted 10 logical reasonings as to why some spiders would exist in the fallout univerese and why the roaches wouldnt just eat them all. you on the other have gave me "They are tacky" which isnt a reason but rather an oppinion. I also still think the post "The roaches eat them all" doesent really explain. so far I have 0 real explanations and as far as I see it according to Fallout 3's circumstances and Vault wiki these spiders are possible and they wouldnt be eaten by the roaches.


oh and ill give you an 11th reason just because I can go that high.


11. Mantis's and Rats I beleive were also mentioned to have been enemies in past fallout games. wouldnt the rats and mantises eat your precious roaches? :P I would think so. well I'll let you all ponder on this while I go do something else


theres my 2 cents have a good evening. :)

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nosisab, I like the idea of sticking to lore, I think that spiders could fit into it though maybe for example *A town digging trying to see if underground water would be pure and untouched by radiation finds something...unexpected and a traveling merchant finds the town deserted but also notices a large tunnel where they were digging for water!* I know what your thinking *but why would no one ever see any and what would they eat? Good question, maybe they were eating ants and avoiding the surface because the radiation made them sensitive to light sort of like a vampire! This would be a very interesting plot, and also I really like the venom topic I would love to see radscorpions have a deadly venom instead of an absent venom that somehow never appears on anyone attacked but your able to loot a venom sack and make poison with, it would be very cool to alter them and make it where they can poison you and force you to make an anti-venom from the poison gland looted! Oh and the mantis and rat idea sounds like a great idea as well Kellao, and even better if they fit the lore, I don't know a lot about the creatures of past games because I've only read the lore on falloutwiki *mostly only the characters not the creatures*
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