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How to Identify Which Mod a Script Relates To?


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I'm just wondering if there's an easy way to figure out which script a mod ties in to? So far, the only way I've found is downloading mods manually and looking if they include a scripts folder... very slow going.


Separate but related topic: Can a mod have scripts, or rely on scripts, if it doesn't include a scripts folder?

Edited by Nudedragon
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Actually, if the mod is packed in a BSA, that being its resources being packed in that form, then it will have a script folder internally.

Secondly, mods that refer to the vanilla scripts may actually be more damaging than pre made scripts as the vanilla scripts are generally inheritantly buggy, although, some good fixes have been released, recently.


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I'm just wondering if there's an easy way to figure out which script a mod ties in to? So far, the only way I've found is downloading mods manually and looking if they include a scripts folder... very slow going.


Do this: http://www.techkranti.com/2010/03/search-within-zip-files-in-windows-7.html#!/2010/03/search-within-zip-files-in-windows-7.html


Then this


C:\Games\Nexus Mod Manager\Mods -> search the folder



Separate but related topic: Can a mod have scripts, or rely on scripts, if it doesn't include a scripts folder?


Yep. Either vanilla scripts or scripts coming with a "required mod"

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