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Trying to get a different settlement to work with the RRR04 quest (mercer safehouse)

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Well WorkshopParent is the master script that handles registration of settlements and allows them to be assigned settlers and supply routes. It's fragile as hell, which is why a poorly put together settlement mod can screw it up and break more than just itself. Tinker with it at your own risk, you could end up not being able to create settlements at all.


If you really want to dive into that take a look at all of SKK50's whitepapers on his settlement utility mods. He explains in great depth what everything does, and what not to touch. He can probably tell you how WorkshopParent and DLC06WorkshopParent interact.

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Ok, I will have a look at that ...


But for now I think I will just make a script that sets the RRR04 quest to stage 200 (workshop claimed, build defenses) and then to stage 300 (defenses built, report back to PAM) when you complete (or fail, if you kill the overseer) the vault 88 "starting quest" (= unlocked all the workshops)

Easier and safer that way, I don't want to mess up any settlement stuff ...


So no messing around with keywords ...

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So this is how I "worked around" messing with the workshop scripts:


I made a quest that has a script that triggers when the "Explore Vault 88" - quest is done (when all the workshops are unlocked) and sets the RRR04 quest to stage 200 (workshop claimed, now set up defense stuff), then waits 10 seconds and sets the stage to 300 (denfence done, report back to PAM).

And I changed the AI package of the "Caretaker" (the railroad NPC that hangs out at mercer safehouse) to sandbox within the "vault 88" - interior cell.

Because he would spawn at the exterior map marker of vault 88 and not inside of the the actual vault.



I might publish this mod, but I need to figure another thing out first before I publish anything ...

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