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But even though it's marked Administrator, it still gets blocked. Maybe what is actually being treated as an exploit is


SE stack dump checker.bat


which is in the Skyrim Special Edition. Kind of puzzling. It's not there now. Apparently, this is a temporary file that is deleted shortly after it is created.


[Later] No that's not it. I don't know why it wasn't in the Skyrim folder, but I found a BU copy and ran it. It produced a message that said


FINSTR: C:\Users\[name]\My Games\Skyrim Special Edition\Logs\Script\Papyrus.*.log


could not not be opened. I guess that's what I should look at next.


[Later] It could not be opened because it wasn't there. In fact, the whole Logs folder was missing. Thanks to my extensive BUs, I had an old copy. But it only contained one file


More Informative Console.log


Which is apparently not what


SE stack dump checker.bat


was looking for. No sign of




so I'll have to find that, I suppose.


[Later] Getting kind of desperate here. I couldn't find the Papyrus logs anywhere, so I duplicated the logs from Fallout 4, but I got the same exploit notice as before. Must be barking up the wrong tree.

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I had a look inside


SE stack dump checker.bat


and all it says is


@echo off
findstr /m /C:"Dumping stack" "C:\Users\%USERNAME%\Documents\My Games\Skyrim Special Edition\Logs\Script\papyrus.*.log"
if %errorlevel%==0 (>NUL powershell "(new-object -COM WScript.Shell).popup('You Had a STACK DUMP, the line in the cmd window tells you which log.')") else (>NUL powershell "(new-object -COM WScript.Shell).popup('all ok!')")


I don't know why it's there or where it came from, but I'm pretty sure it's not the problem.


[Later] Malwarebytes identified


SE stack dump checker.bat






so I have to wonder if they have something in common. The only thing I see is that they both use PowerShell.




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Guest deleted34304850

My Vortex runs from here: "C:\Program Files\Black Tree Gaming Ltd\Vortex\Vortex.exe"

My Malwarebytes runs from here ""C:\Program Files\Malwarebytes\Anti-Malware\mbam.exe"


My Vortex install program ran as admin from here: "C:\Users\BigBallsMcDuff\AppData\Local\Vortex\pending\vortex-setup-1.4.15.exe"


Now the Vortex setup program is run on my system, only when Vortex detects that an update is available, so I never run this manually, rather it is run indirectly by Vortex, and once it has updated, it's never run again, until the next time an update is available, when I assume the installer is overwritten by the new version.


I'm not sure running any process from appdata is a good thing to do, and I wonder if that is why your Malwarebytes is throwing up an exception?


I suggest you try to run Vortex from within program files and see what occurs.

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