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Please boycott Ender's game if you care about equality and the end


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I'm a homosexual man, but I'll probably still end up watching the movie. I find the things he says deplorable, but his works are pretty good. Sadly, his views are just a product of the times we live in.


Out of curiosity, how many of you here enjoy Lovecraft's works? How many of you are also aware that he was disgustingly racist? I recently came across a poem of his in which he said god created man, and then satan tried to create a beast in man's image, which then turned out to be black people. He didn't say it in such kind language either. I was thoroughly shocked when I read it, but unfortunately those were the views people held at that time. Now we look back on people like Lovecraft and we shake our heads in disbelief that someone could think something like that, so I think in 50 or a hundred years' time I think people are going to look back and shake their heads in disbelief that people could be so homophobic.

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I'm a homosexual man, but I'll probably still end up watching the movie. I find the things he says deplorable, but his works are pretty good. Sadly, his views are just a product of the times we live in.


Out of curiosity, how many of you here enjoy Lovecraft's works? How many of you are also aware that he was disgustingly racist? I recently came across a poem of his in which he said god created man, and then satan tried to create a beast in man's image, which then turned out to be black people. He didn't say it in such kind language either. I was thoroughly shocked when I read it, but unfortunately those were the views people held at that time. Now we look back on people like Lovecraft and we shake our heads in disbelief that someone could think something like that, so I think in 50 or a hundred years' time I think people are going to look back and shake their heads in disbelief that people could be so homophobic.


That's definitely true and somewhat obvious even, you can't truly blame people for being brainwashed. I mean we evolve and times are changing, we want humanity to be perfect right this second but that's not possible. But we're doing progress, no slavery, no racism, no discrimination against females, and now we're in a fight against homophobia. Humanity is doing good, it's not perfect, far from it, but it's getting better in that aspect.


Anyway, as soon as I read you saying homosexual man I noticed your avatar. Dude, that's a nice touch :laugh: No offense I'm gay too, just saying, if it's meant to be a joke then it's a good one :P

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I'm a homosexual man, but I'll probably still end up watching the movie. I find the things he says deplorable, but his works are pretty good. Sadly, his views are just a product of the times we live in.


Out of curiosity, how many of you here enjoy Lovecraft's works? How many of you are also aware that he was disgustingly racist? I recently came across a poem of his in which he said god created man, and then satan tried to create a beast in man's image, which then turned out to be black people. He didn't say it in such kind language either. I was thoroughly shocked when I read it, but unfortunately those were the views people held at that time. Now we look back on people like Lovecraft and we shake our heads in disbelief that someone could think something like that, so I think in 50 or a hundred years' time I think people are going to look back and shake their heads in disbelief that people could be so homophobic.


You shouldn't really be shocked, it was the norm back then, if we judge the people of the past by modern standards then they'll always come up short, just as we would if judged by the standards of people a hundred years from now. Che Guevara was a raving racist, he said of black people "The Negro is indolent and lazy, and spends his money on frivolities, whereas the European is forward-looking, organized and intelligent.", Gandhi referred to them as "only a degree removed from the animal.". These are people you'd least expect it from but for them it was accepted thinking, thankfully most of us have moved on from that sort of thing.

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Important to note, since there seems to be considerable confusion here, that a boycott doesn't interfere with free speech. Card is free to be a disgusting excuse for a human being and spew his hatred and ignorance to whoever wants to listen. He is not, however, entitled to an audience. What he chooses to say or write is his business. Whether I choose to listen to it, read it or watch it is my business and I choose not to pay money to someone who would use it to spread hatred.


I'll be passing on this movie, just like I've passed on everything else related to Card since I learned about his views. Enders Game was a good book, but I threw it in the trash when learned about his activism.

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Important to note, since there seems to be considerable confusion here, that a boycott doesn't interfere with free speech. Card is free to be a disgusting excuse for a human being and spew his hatred and ignorance to whoever wants to listen. He is not, however, entitled to an audience. What he chooses to say or write is his business. Whether I choose to listen to it, read it or watch it is my business and I choose not to pay money to someone who would use it to spread hatred.


I'll be passing on this movie, just like I've passed on everything else related to Card since I learned about his views. Enders Game was a good book, but I threw it in the trash when learned about his activism.


It does because it will make people fearful of speaking out in future, people will self censor rather than face a hate mob and risk ruining their career.

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Card is free to be a disgusting excuse for a human being and spew his hatred and ignorance to whoever wants to listen. He is not, however, entitled to an audience.

I'll be passing on this movie, just like I've passed on everything else related to Card since I learned about his views. Enders Game was a good book, but I threw it in the trash when learned about his activism.


Just because of his personal views, which have NOTHING to do with the media he creates, (look at the Lovecraft example) are automatically trash?


You also portray slight bigotry toward other beliefs and opinions. I don't agree with Card but I'm not going to say he's a disgusting person. I'm sure that there's people even in WBC that are quite good people. Feelings don't make the person. The only thing that most boycotts (like this) do is make a statement that "These people are judgmental so it's okay for me to be judgmental and that makes me a better person than them" It's just acting out of spite, and that's never a good thing to do, regardless of the cause.


And calling ANYBODY less than human is stupid. Everybody is entitled to their own beliefs whether or not you agree with them. It's a fact of life and you should acknowledge that there is no 'right' way of thinking. Just what cultures are accustomed to. He was probably raised to think this, so it's perfectly normal and rational in his own eyes. All in all, he's fighting for a cause that he thinks is right, just let him! Society these days isn't going to allow him to go through with it of course, but he's still allowed to think his own thoughts as you and the rest of humanity are.

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MajKrAzAm, so sorry to break the horrible news to you mate, but Chik-fil-A stopped supporting hate groups ... because of boycotts. You'll just have to donate directly to NOM or Westboro or whoever.


jim_uk, freedom of speech allows us to speak our mind. It does not protect us from criticism of that speech if we say something stupid or repugnant. A boycott does not infringe on anyone's rights.


SgtHighwaters, your entire reply is absurd, but especially your view of what a boycott is. People have a right to control their own wallet and exercising that right does not interfere with anyone else's right.

Edited by Rooker75
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jim_uk, freedom of speech allows us to speak our mind. It does not protect us from criticism of that speech if we say something stupid or repugnant. A boycott does not infringe on anyone's rights.



While you have the last part true, I didn't see Jim stating anything about rights being infringed. I understand where Jim is coming from.

Edited by pheo3309
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