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Nelson Mandela ... a great legacy being tainted.


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Nelson Mandela ...


Today this hero of liberation and peace lies in a hospital bed hooked up to a life support system and is monitored 24/7 by team of doctor’s who watch his every breath.

It’s sad to realise that he is going die but not even people of his stature can live forever, we are all headed down that road.


The big debate is whether or not they should turn off the machines and let him go.

The whole country is waiting with baited breath, we have all come to accept the reality that “Madiba” doesn’t have much time left.

Had he passed away suddenly that shocking news of his sudden death would have caused tremendous upheaval and possibly chaos.


That it has not happened in this fashion and the fact that we have been “acclimatised” to his gradual decline in health has been a blessing in disguise though painful to his family and friends.

The most shocking thing has been his families behaviour concerning his legacy.

His grandson has had three of the bodies of Nelson Mandela’s children dug up and “reburied” in another area where he is building a cultural centre and a lodge ... for tourists, yup it’s all about money babe.


Subsequently Graca’ Mandela (Nelson’s) wife and others have gone to court to have the bodies “retuned”.

This is a quote from one of the local papers ... (enjoy the madness) ...


“At a press conference at his Mvezo homestead last week, Mandla Mandela boasted of the influence of his grandfather, who had put the kibosh on his ambitions of becoming a DJ and instead urged him to study politics and become Mvezo’s chief. Chief Mandela then accused two of his brothers of being illegitimate, and said that one of them had impregnated his wife.

Meanwhile, a war of words has erupted between Chief Mandla and the head of the Thembu clan, King Buyelekhaya Dalindyebo, who is by tradition also Nelson Mandela’s tribal leader. Following the dispute over the graves, the king called into question Mandla Mandela’s chieftaincy and then declared him stripped of the title—even though it was the king himself who formally appointed him head of Mvezo village. Mandla Mandela, rejecting his dismissal, hit back at the marijuana-loving King Dalindyebo, saying that whatever the king was smoking had affected his ability to think clearly. Other royal family members have asked President Jacob Zuma to dethrone King Dalindyebo. It is all a royal mess that is likely to rumble on for some time yet.”


End quote.



And now the pot smoking King Buyelekhaya is on a regular rant against the President calling him, “a drunkard and a parasite born from a parasite and a silly little tribal Zulu boy”.

This is causing a lot of tension between the Zulu’s and the Xhosa’s (Nelson Mandela’s tribe), as they are old rivals and have no stress in shedding each others blood.


The money, the “who’s inheriting what”, the tribal power conflicts and the illegitimate children that are popping up all over the show would all be very funny if it wasn’t so sad.

Yet despite all of this Nelson Mandela refuses to go quietly into the night, he’s hanging in there and we are all rooting for him, yet we are all aware that it could be anytime.

I could take this topic in so many directions, what do you think, maybe it’s just best as an article, a commentary, you decide.

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I find it sad, that a man that seemed intent...on bringing rights, freedom and a sense of community to all the people of South Africa...now is the center of excuses...and it seems any excuses...to bring back old fights, bloodshed and pain.


That being said, as someone that is not from South Africa, I most likely only have the idea of Nelson Mandela that we were shown. I do not have the vision that you may have Nintii, of all this. I can only think that no matter what else, that Mr. Mandela would be equally sad to see some of the things he has tried so hard to keep glued together fall apart so very fast.

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I always bugs me when a person who made great contributions has their reputation dragged through the slop for every moment of imperfection or weakness they ever may have had. I doubt Mandela himself would have claimed worthiness of sainthood, and it is sadly predictable that he is being attacked now that he can't respond. It is equally sad that other people are wasting no time piggybacking on his achievements to build themselves up.


On the upside, I suspect that such controversial and divisive opinions about your life are a good indicator that you made a difference in all of the right ways. Holding a mirror to society and forcing it to recognize its flaws hardly ever leads to universal popularity, and pissing off the right people is something to be proud of in itself.


Precedent predicts that in a few decades or less the politicians will be invoking his name in an attempt to associate themselves with his legacy despite being in complete opposition to what he stood for. When this happens it bothers me even more than the aforementioned character assassination.

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Hero indeed...He supported the ANC and by proxy the Truth and Reconciliation Commission and the gulags in Angola. A true Marxist. Yeah, he'll be missed...along with Idi Amin, Stalin, Pol Pot, Ho Chi Minh, and all the other champions of ethinic genocide.


OH! but not to worry, there are plenty of communist/socialist/Marxist types still around to slaughter the innnocent... We still have Thein Sein, Milton Teahjay, etc.


YEAH...tell me it ain't true. :woot:

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Why is he a hero? His ANC Party was a hardcore communist party from the first day on. The worked with fanatical communists and KGB agents like Joe Slovo to bring a pro-Western Government down and his policy just brought poverty and violance over south africa. Yeah, nice Job Hero.

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Why is he a hero? His ANC Party was a hardcore communist party from the first day on. The worked with fanatical communists and KGB agents like Joe Slovo to bring a pro-Western Government down and his policy just brought poverty and violance over south africa. Yeah, nice Job Hero.

Hehe! AWESOME! It is about time people start reviewing what really happened.

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Seperated and rich or united in poverty. Yeah, nice choice. Every nation in the world handeld the end of racism as states doctrin, it doesn't need hardcore communists to do that.

What about Rhodesia where was no apartheid but also a communist leader gained controll and brought the whole nation to its knees? And as soon this happens the communist hords kill the white kulaks and those who dared working for the class enemy.


But Nelson Mandela, he ended apartheit and racism and slavery itself and that bunnyrabbits die.


Did you ever notice, that no one is talking about what happend there when you see this Nelson Mandela reports in the TV these days? Everyone just talks about his struggle to "end racism" and so on, but as soon the ANC was in charge there is a black hole. Because everything that happend from there on was just total red terror, murdering farmers, looting their property and all that sick stuff.


In Black Ops 2 you see Jonas Savimbi in the first Mission, but who knows anymore what happend there in Angola back in days? Who cares about history anymore, and even less about the truth.

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Yeah because being a hardcore communist is that was much worse than the Apartheid backed up by western governments like the Torys in the UK.

Oh YES! Let's replace one f*cked up mentality with one just as bad. And while we're at it, we'll scuttle the infrastructure! Oooo! Let's drive out all of the European Africans (you know, the ones that grow ALL of our food) and confiscate their land and machinery so we can 'pay' our genocidal warlords! That way we can have TRUE justice and f*cking starve because we’re a bunch of Leftist dupes and the Cubans and Russians can walk off and let us eat rats and become the aids-infested capital of the world. If we’re lucky...that is...


YEAH...tell me it ain't true. :woot:

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Yeah because being a hardcore communist is that was much worse than the Apartheid backed up by western governments like the Torys in the UK.

Oh YES! Let's replace one f*cked up mentality with one just as bad. And while we're at it, we'll scuttle the infrastructure! Oooo! Let's drive out all of the European Africans (you know, the ones that grow ALL of our food) and confiscate their land and machinery so we can 'pay' our genocidal warlords! That way we can have TRUE justice and f*cking starve because we’re a bunch of Leftist dupes and the Cubans and Russians can walk off and let us eat rats and become the aids-infested capital of the world. If we’re lucky...that is...


YEAH...tell me it ain't true. :woot:


your point?

Edited by Ghogiel
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