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My Personal Fallout 4 wishlist


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This is my personal wishlist , it in no way reflects any announced features


A return to the east coast, New york city, boston, ect.

More stable software, lets face it Fnv crashed like crazy

Sprinting: its in skyrim, why not in F4

Keep the crafting of Fnv, I like the ability to make recipes, ammo, ect.

Keep the modability, im still playing Fnv 3 years after its release mostly because of the mod community



thats it for now, I am sure ill think of more

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A lot of people suspect it will be around Boston because some Bethesda people were scouting around it or something, so perhaps...


Bethesda also seems to be getting better with creating more stable games; Skyrim is far more stable than those before it.


No doubt sprinting will be in, since most games have it now.


I wouldn't know about crafting because that's not really my thing. :P


And finally, Bethesda prides itself in mods, so there is a 100% guarantee (based on my assumption) that there will be mod support.




What I hope for is:

-More interesting people

-More people in general

-More companions/followers, whichever they decide to call it

-NON-LINEARITY! Please........!

-Actually include some of the things they hype about (haha :P)

-More detailed game world, even if this means a smaller map (I think it's a good trade off, since there's not much point to exploring wasteland that looks the same pretty much everywhere)

-Awesome character creation

-More armour and weapons


And then I'm a happy man. :)

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I'll just paste what I wrote here http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/1027977-fallout-4-ideas/


I think asking for a Bethesda game that isn't broken is too much, I'll settle for one doesn't crash every five minutes.



I want them to hire actual writers so NPCs don't speak like they're brain damaged. I want choices with consequences, not the meaningless "choices" in Skyrim and FO3. I want a proper character generator, not the mix and match mutant creator Skyrim has. I'd like them to spend less time on world building and more on content. I want them to stop dismissing my companions and emptying my inventory. I'd like them to throw Todd Howard down a well and get someone creative in. I don't want important stuff removed only to be replaced by pointless fluff. Most of all I'd like them to hand the development over to Obsidian so we get a Fallout RPG and not a post apocalyptic shooter with RPG elements and a few vague references to Fallout.






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I've posted this elsewhere as FO4 was a recent topic


personally I want a game that's more like FO3 then FONV. FONV sucked IMO. had some good stuff but overall I hated it. I liked the 50s feel of FO3 over the western feel of it.

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Ideally, Bethesda will make a well-written RPG. Realistically, they won't. The could at least make the locations believable and the quests sensible. Choices are fun. Choices which make sense and have a real effect are much better.

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i want the amazing world of FO3, the incredibly detailed, realised, filled with quests marked and unmarked, secrets and easter eggs and stories.


something that they didnt do in skyrim.



also im betting FO4 will have some fourm of co-op

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I bet FO4 will be a reskinned Skryrim. like FO3 was to Oblivion. Skyrim sold why change it. which will stink cause I thought Skyrim was a lazily done RPG.
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im not worried about it im sure it'll be great if boston is anything like the capital wasteland. i've really only had one game that was ruined by hype and that was bioshock infinite.


also i tend not to worry about games pre-release such as how everyone is worried about dark souls 2 and fo4 becoming crap. i'll wait till i play the game. only game im worried about is dragon age 3 and that because of stuff that is inevitable i.e. bioware points, geroustic amount of DLC and day 1 DLC which will remain at full price years after release, best items in game locked by microtransactions, and will never release ture complete edition of the game.

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