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Vortex Is Copying Mods That I install In Enderal SE, Also Into Skyrim SE


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After installing Enderal SE, I created a brand new Vortex Profile to use for modding it. I already have a fully modded Skyrim SE profile which is working beautifully. However, I discovered after I had installed a few mods into the Enderal Profile, that Vortex was ALSO placing some of those same mods into my Skyrim SE Profile. I should mention that a good number of these are Skyrim SE mods which all work in Enderal. When I install an SSE mod in the Enderal Profile, it always pops up a box that asks me whether I want this mod installed in my Enderal Profile, or my Skyrim SE Profile. Even although I choose the Enderal Profile, Vortex will also place an uninstalled copy of that same mod into the Skyrim SE profile. Any Enderal-created mods (from Nexus Enderal SE page) don't seem to have that issue. It doesn't happen with every SSE mod, but enough that I'm afraid it's going to mess up my Skyrim SE Profile. Why would this be happening? Thanks for any input.

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In my setup, Enderal and SKyrim SE have separate Download folders


My Enderal Mod Staging folder is D:\Games\Mods\Enderal


My Skyrim SE Mod Staging Folder is D:\Games\Mods\Skyrim SE



Is that similar to your Setup, or do you somehow have Enderal Download and/or Mod Staging Folder INSIDE your SKyrim SE folder?

No, both Skyrim SE and Enderal SE's Staging Folders are in a totally separate drive altogether. SSE is in C:\Users\User\Appdata\Roaming\Vortex\SkyrimSpecialEdition\Profiles\. Enderal is in C:\Users\User\Appdata\Roaming\Vortex\EnderalSpecialEdition\Profiles\. Totally separate. My games are on my E: drive.

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What you list are profile folders, not Mod Staging Folders or Download Folders.

Where are those last two?


And to keep me happy - where is the Enderal SE game folder and the Skyrim SE game folder?


Game folder not the same as mod staging folder not the same as Downloads folder not the same as Profile folder.

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I'm curious...."Enderal Special Edition"

There is no "Enderal Special Edition" did you name the folders that?

That might be what your problem is, because there's a chance that Vortex is seeing



As the SAME Folder, because of the "SPECIAL EDITION" part of the path

Going back to my setup, I have

D:\Games\Mods\Skyrim SE

While you have

F:\Vortex Mods\Enderal Special Edition
F:\Vortex Mods\Skyrim Special Edition

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