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Command Followers to Charge Into Next Room to Pull Aggro


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As a mage player, while clearing dungeons, it does not make sense to have the squishy mage lead the charge into a room.


I would love a way to have the ask the Tank to charge in and pull aggro so I can play proper support and damage roles.



It would go something like:


I stand next to door facing next room, ask follower to charge in the direction I'm facing for (X distance) on full aggression and attack enemies


it should reset when battle is commenced


should not override do not attack until player engages battle until activated, and be cool with multiple followers




It sounds simple.


How hard would this be to implement?

Edited by Cobratek
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Can you not tell the follower via dialog that you want them to do something then point at an enemy and click?

How are you gonna tell the follower to attack the enemy you can't click on?


They are in the next room, you can only hear them.


Send the squishy cloth wearer in first? Click on the first enemy and attack, now you have aggro'd the entire room. Fun.


Tanks are supposed to pull aggro, this is their job.


Sure, you can run in wearing your magic suit, conjure an aggro magnet, and run sideways. This works but there are many times when the only way to go is back. Now your followers are in the way and want to go and kill the things attacking their leader. You really want to let them do that but since there is a traffic jam in the door it's all f*cky. Ask me how I know, I have video.


This would actually make tank followers useful in close quarter dungeon combat.


They need to do more than follow you around and carry your crap.




You follower, go into that room and kill the first thing you see.


What could be easier?


I'll wait.

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Can you not tell the follower via dialog that you want them to do something then point at an enemy and click?

How are you gonna tell the follower to attack the enemy you can't click on?


They are in the next room, you can only hear them.

And here I thought you'd open the door to see the enemy or that the door was already open...




Unfortunately, the AI system in Skyrim is not as robust as you would like it to be. And I don't think it could ever truly be like you want it.


Instead of rushing in, lure them out. That way you have the way behind you clear and the follower in front of you to hopefully take the brunt of their attacks.

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Your options with the follower are to interact with an object or to wait at whatever point the crosshair is pointing at. That is it. You can tell the follower to "wait" at some point inside the other room. That might "wake up" the enemy NPCs, but there is no guarantee that they will attack the follower. If an enemy NPC is able to detect the player, they'll try to attack the player first.


There are mods that try to improve upon the follower AI but whether they do what you want, no idea. Try looking at the multiple follower mods (Amazing Follower Tweaks, etc) and see if they possibly do what you want.


The way I'd lure mobs from one room into a narrow hallway, fire an arrow into the room. NPCs will first look where the arrow hits. Thus additional arrows can lead them to where you want them. Eventually, they'll figure out the source location if lured close enough and come running.

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