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I'm having some extreme difficulties with the Nexus Mod Manager.For some reason, every time I attempt to download a mod for Fallout 3, it tells me that the mod doesn't exist.I honestly don't know what's going on, but is there anything that can be done to resolve this issue?



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Same problem here. Files can be downloaded manually although it is extrememly slow. This is an ongoing problem...too many users and the current server set-up cannot handle it. I guess a solution is being figured out but it costs alot and will take time. kinda stinks. The weekends are especially bad, that's when there are more folks on naturally. I am a Premium member and I encourage those that use these sites ALOT and are not Premium to sign up, it's very reasonable. The more income the site makes the quicker and easier it will be to get this server problem fixed.

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Same problem here. Files can be downloaded manually although it is extrememly slow. This is an ongoing problem...too many users and the current server set-up cannot handle it. I guess a solution is being figured out but it costs a lot and will take time. kinda stinks. The weekends are especially bad, that's when there are more folks on naturally. I am a Premium member and I encourage those that use these sites a lot and are not Premium to sign up, it's very reasonable. The more income the site makes the quicker and easier it will be to get this server problem fixed.

Ah, well I'm actually hoping to get Premium soon myself.Just have to straighten out my finances and see if I can put any towards a Premium Membership.


But thanks for replying, I feel more comfortable knowing I'm not the only one experiencing this issue.

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I can feel ur financial pains...same here. My quip about becoming a Premium member was meant for anyone reading this thread...not you personally. I think it cost me $10 or so for 3 months premium access. good deal.

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Hi, are you trying to download a mod using NMM? If so, it doesn't download from the NexusFO3 site. I download manually to my download folder. Then I use the mod manager to install to FO3. If I have read you wrong then I apologise. But this has been working for me for quite some time now. I also have found NMM faulty and have deleted it and I use FOMM which is easier and not a problem.

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Don't know if its for better or for worse, but I don't really trust the mod manager to do the downloading for me, so I actually just download the mods one by one myself. That being said might you be attempting to download mods which might possibly be considered, "adult"?


That being because when I was looking to find more detailed models, I came across the dimonized type 3 model which I could only access and download once I'd enabled the ability to "see" adult mods on my profile. Not sure if this is the problem, but it may help!

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Yep. The DDos situation is contributing to the problems. However, The problems downloading files or even logging into Nexus has been here well before that. It was even stated by Dark0ne that their server set-up is crappy. They tried reconfiguring it in May to no avail. http://fallout3.nexusmods.com/news/984//? I would think that with the ad money and subscription money the sites are making that they could hire a pro to set it up properly. That's why I subscribed. Hopefully this will happen...soon.

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